Chapter 380


The beginning is in the storm.

A ship traversed through the earth-shaking waves like a flat boat.



“Landa! I tell you, it’s dangerous outside, you must stay in the cabin and don’t come out now! Okay?!”

“But, Dad…” A foreign boy looked at his father.


Under the dim light, he looked particularly embarrassed!

“No, but Randa! I can’t lose you anymore. Remember, no matter what happens, don’t come out! I’m going to stabilize the ship now!”

“Okay, Dad… Can you sleep with me today? Even later.”

“Landa, I don’t know, if I have time.” The man was a little disappointed, “Let my mother accompany you!”

Little Landa was holding a rag doll in her hands.

The camera turns.

On the steel deck.

“Hurry up! Pay attention to safety! The safety ropes are tied…”

The man screamed frantically in the storm.

As a gust of wind blows, a big wave hits.

The whole ship is shaking especially!

The rain falling on the lens makes people feel more intuitive.


The sea is turbulent.

“Captain, it seems to have hit something!”

“Have you hit the rocks?!” The man was a little excited, “If the rocks hit, it means that we are not far from the land!”


The ship shook again.

In a small room.

The dim electric light shook with the ship.

Little Landa lay on the smiling porthole and looked out.

Dark night!

Turbulent sea!


Suddenly a big scary thing was seen above the small porthole.


Long head…


The ship shook again.

“Dad! Daddy!” Little Landa was terrified!

He wanted to run to find his sense of security.

However, when the ship shook again, he slammed his head against the wall and fainted.

There are monsters outside!

“Is that the gorilla?”

“Damn! It’s exciting!”

“Yeshen deserves to be Yeshen’s!”

There was a commotion in the theater.


“Attention! Attention! Watching hands! Watching around! The island is our only life!”

The waves are too big!

The ship trembled!


“Captain! Captain!” A sailor ran up, “The bottom of the boat is broken!”

“What?! Serious?!”

“The sea is inverted…”

“Damn it! Randa!”

The man ran downstairs quickly, opened the door, and saw his son fainted on the ground.

“Oh! My goodness! My goodness!” The man quickly picked up his son.(Read more @

He was relieved to find that he was only in a coma.

Outside the porthole, a dark shadow appeared.

Huge eyes!

Huge body!

It makes people shudder!

“Landa, you will be fine! You will definitely be fine!” Old Landa knew that this time was absolutely very dangerous.

He packed his son in a wooden box, which was stuffed with quilts.

There are all kinds of food and drink.

“Landa, stay alive!”


The porthole shattered instantly!

The huge claws directly penetrated the iron plate on the outside!

The entire cabin was caught and broken!

A huge monster appeared in front of Old Landa!

“This…Landa! Must live! Live!” He tremblingly nailed the box, shaking hands and feet, but desperately doing this.

A beast like a skull with a sharp mouth, a long mouth suddenly got in, and directly grabbed him away!

Eat it in two bites!


The lens shifted to the deck.

Monsters the size of a bus are chasing everyone frantically.

As long as they are chased, it will become their belly lunch!

The ship is sinking gradually…


In the darkness, two huge voices came madly.


A big black hand directly squeezed a monster the size of a bus and exploded it!

The other one was bigger, clutching the ship and waving, pulling all these monsters into his mouth!

The huge mouth is open, swallowing heaven and earth.

The ships were all caught deformed.

Anything that slipped through the net was caught by two giant gorillas and ate them!

Just when the two gorillas were eating.

Four giant beasts suddenly burst out of the sea!

If it was just a skeleton lizard monster the size of a bus, it is now the same size as a building!

Compared with two gorillas, it is not too much!

Four monsters attacked from the bottom of the sea, and one bit the arm of a gorilla.

The other one, sticking out its claws, shattered the gorilla’s arm!

“Wow!” The smaller gorilla was furious and fought with it!

The sea is falling!

The waves hit!

The sea water was mixed by them.

Earth-shaking battle.

The bigger the six monsters, the farther.

In the entire sea, the ship floats alone on the surface.


Someone suddenly appeared, the young watcher, and he saw all kinds of things everywhere in the sea.

I quickly found a box, grabbed the box, and walked away…

Everyone was stunned by this battle!

“Damn! It’s so amazing right from the start?!”

“Behemoth, it’s so big!”

“Standing on the bottom of the sea, the water only reaches their waist?”

“How big is this!”

“There should be islands nearby, right?”

“Who knows!”

“Those monsters are also very smart!”

“There will be an ambush!”

There was a lot of discussion in the theater.

The movie continues.

Fifty years later.

Little Landa has grown into an old Landa.

White beard, wise eyes.

Old Landa already has its own group company.

“So, near this sea area, there is a…mysterious island?” Old Landa looked at the map in front of him.

This is an old map.

The sea area is drawn on it, but in the corner, there is something similar to a skull.

“Yes, this is it!”

“Have you done everything I asked you to do?”

“It’s all done!”

When the matter is over, the other party leaves the huge office.

“Skull Island…Dad…”

Old Landa looked out the window.

“Dad, I heard you are going to take an adventure? I want to go too!”

A young sexy woman came in.


“You can’t go!” Old Landa said.


“If you say no, it won’t work! You have to stay here and run the company!”


Scarlett wanted to distinguish, but was driven away by Old Landa.

“Dad, I’m back to avenge you!” Old Landa said with a firm gaze looking out the window.

The next shot.

A huge ship with a modified apron on it. Several armed helicopters are ready.

There are also teams of soldiers with live ammunition…

The Great Wheel drove out…

Skull Island!

Turn it on! .

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