Chapter 386

“They are there!”

An expression of excitement appeared on Si Linna’s face.

She hurried to the direction of the fire.

However, she stopped.

I saw a piece of stone erected not far away!

She was stunned.

There seems to be a mural on it?

Who engraved it?

What did you say? !

She gradually became fascinated.

This should be carved by the savage tribe here.

It seems that there is more than just a King Kong!

It’s three!

Two big and one small!

The underground here is empty.

Often two-legged monsters (skeleton lizard monsters) break through the ground and slaughter wantonly!

And King Kong…

This is the patron saint here.

They are brave and invincible, knocking these monsters back every time! Kill!

Si Linna looked at a mural, she was completely stunned, and gradually covered her mouth.

“This, this is the story my father told me…”

Si Linna thought this was a story her father told herself.

A ship was attacked by an underground monster, and the two King Kongs fought at the same time, killing each other at the same time, they also died…

As for how the murals are represented…

Little 01 King Kong kneeled in front of two big skeletons…

“Did they save Dad?” Si Linna didn’t believe that there would be such a coincidence in the world!

It can only be said that all of this is true!

In this world, there are really monsters like what Dad said!

No wonder, no wonder those savages will sacrifice themselves as sacrifices to their gods!

King Kong, is the god on this island!

Is the king of this island!

Is the patron saint of this island!

This is his home!

However, we are guests!

If you visit someone else’s house, throw a bomb at someone’s house…

Isn’t this looking for death? !

Si Linna understood it instantly!

It turned out to be like this!

Waiting for others, broke into its world!

So, it angered it!

Make it angry!

“No! Can’t continue…”

Si Linna understands!

She understands everything!

She ran away in a hurry!

She wants to prevent this from happening.

Can’t do this anymore!

A soldier with a bloody face found a lake.

A scene from the trailer, appears again!

He saw the injured King Kong walking in the lake, trying to clean the wound.

Who knows, a huge octopus suddenly appeared in the water!

All of a sudden, the King Kong was entangled.

King Kong was furious in an instant, pulling and pulling, and instantly slammed the big octopus on his head.

The black ink is rippling in the lake.

King Kong grabbed an octopus tentacle in one hand and ate while walking away.

The young soldiers are almost scared to death!

so horrible!

John News gathered the survivors again.

This time, it was really a heavy loss…

The base was ruined.

Research is ruined!(Read more @

Many soldiers died!

The team was almost broken up!

Morale has disappeared too!

“Lieutenant Colonel John News, I have a proposal!”

Landa’s eyes were a little condensed.

“Landa, you say!”

“We return to the ship, the weapons on it will definitely be enough for us to kill this guy!”

For Landa, this monster was one of the culprits that caused the death of his father!

“I agree! I let them bring the weapons over!”

Si Linna ran away.

When King Kong comes back.

It holds the tentacle of an octopus in its hand.

The tentacles are still twitching…

However, the “person” who should accept her kindness has disappeared…

It is like a lost child, holding a tentacle in his hand, jumping around.

Look east, look west…

The whole cliff was smashed.

“How could she just leave like this?!”

In the theater, someone couldn’t help but say.

“Yeah! King Kong baby is so pitiful…”

“It’s just a child!”

“Obviously there is so much love, why do you want to abandon him?”

“what a shame……”

“Moreover, she has no ability to run out alone!”

“Yes! King Kong is required to help again!”

“Oh my God! What is this place?!”

“Damn it! What is this?”

“Is this a mass grave?”

“No! This should be the bones of a giant creature!”

“What’s so big!”

“King Kong…”

“Is there more than one King Kong here?”

“Look at this, at least two ends! There are two dead King Kong!”

“so big!”

They stood on the top of the mountain and looked down.

A huge skeleton, with a single head, is as high as a mountain!

A group of people went down.

Standing next to the bones, I felt insignificance for the first time!

A tooth is taller than the whole person!

Only a few scientists left began to take pictures.

Want to take some samples.

All this seems so important.

“Cole, are you still thinking about smoking now?”

“Otherwise?” Cole asked back.


Cole said a few words and threw the cigarette on the ground.


The cigarette fell and caused a huge explosion!

“Combustible smoke!”

Everyone began to be careful.

“How did this happen?”

“King Kong is dead?! How did it die?”

“Who knows! Maybe it’s laughing to death here?”

“Hahaha! This is not funny at all.”

A group of people walked over.

Karma la la la la…

A weird roar.

“Be careful!”

With the smoke from the explosion, the surroundings were enveloped.

Visibility is very low.

Karma, la la la…

There was another strange roar.

A weird monster, with a pointed head like a skeleton, swallowed a person at once!

“Damn it! What is this again?!”

“He’s meow!”

“How is this going?!”

“what is this?!”

Two sharp claws, a long slender tail, and a head like a skull!

The skeleton monster disappeared the moment he swallowed this person.

“Attention! Attention everyone!”

“Damn it!”

“Set up the machine gun! Find a good location!”

The machine gunner had mounted his machine gun on the skull of the Triceratops.

Extraordinary prestige.

The monster moved quickly in the mist.

The audience can see.

However, they are in it, but they can’t see it!


The monster burst out again!

An unusually fierce battle.

In the end, Cole ignited the ground and exploded the monster to death.

“What the hell is this?”

Some people find it very strange!

This is simply too…

If you say King Kong, it is a large orangutan.

Dinosaurs existed in a bygone era!

What about this thing in front of me? !

What the hell is this he’s meowing!

There is no such thing in the world, right?

However, the scientists, like a treasure, began to study again.

Landa’s eyes grew colder.

Back then, what I saw was this! .

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