Chapter 387

“What the hell is this!”

In the theater, there was a sparse sound.

“This should be the skeleton lizard!”

“Too scary?!”

“Yes, super scary!”

“Does such a thing really exist in our underground?”

“I don’t know, is it possible?”

“I remember that Russia used to dig underground in history, digging more than 10,000 meters, and then sealed up, never moved!”

“Didn’t it mean that the diamond was dug?”

“Have you seen the increase in diamonds? Have you seen the depreciation of diamonds?”

“Oh my God! Doesn’t it really exist?”

Hearing these voices, Wu Ershan laughed.

Before shooting the movie, I had talked with Ye Li once, and Ye Li told me the same.

The secret of the world!

Human beings are really too small!

Too few secrets are known!

However, mankind is the king of the earth!

After not running far, Si Linna was met by King Kong again.

King Kong took her back to the cliff.

There lay quietly the tentacle of an octopus.

Light the bonfire, and Si Linna ate it for the first time, such a huge octopus…

One person, one beast, eating on the cliff happily.

Have a great smile!

As for how did the bonfire come from?

Selina taught King Kong a little bit to drill wood to make fire.

There is some unexplainable harmony between one person and one beast…

“Are you ready!?”

A group of people stood around John News.

Compared with when I first came, there are already a lot fewer people.

“Landa, your daughter was taken away by the beast, we killed the beast, and then your daughter will go!”

Randa’s eyes showed raging hatred.

It has been almost a day and a night now, and my daughter might be dead!

He nodded fiercely.


John News shouted.

In the jungle on the opposite side of the lake, an explosion sounded, and a raging fire rose into the sky!

King Kong, who was sleeping, was awakened instantly and saw the fire and explosion in the distance.

Furious, it was about to stand up, seeing Si Linna lying on its body, with an unspeakable expression in its eyes.


There was another explosion.

“Bring me. 々!” Si Linna stood up and crawled to the palm of King Kong’s palm.

King Kong was stunned for a moment, and grabbed Si Linna and jumped into the air.





Beautiful picture…

Lens shift.

Everyone knows that the decisive battle is coming!

The nearly three-hour movie is coming to an end!

In the raging fire, John heard that he saw a tall behemoth standing in the flames of the explosion.

Dignified eyes.(Read more @

The torch in his hand was burning.

King Kong saw those tiny ants!


This is my home!

Such an explosion will cause danger!

No one understands!

It strode down the lake and quickly rushed towards the other side of the lake.

Everyone was concentrating and holding their breath.

A grim smile appeared on John’s face.

Throw the torch into the water!


The water surface is burning!



No matter what oil it is!

The surface of the water was burning.

Instantly enveloped King Kong.

Si Linna, who was sitting on King Kong’s shoulders, was immediately protected by King Kong.

“no, do not want!”

Her shouts passed away with the wind!

Raging fire!


The fur on King Kong’s body was instantly ignited.

When it broke out of the raging fire, sparks appeared all over its body.

In the flames, a smile appeared on John Xun’s face.

King Kong broke out the evil, and one shot was taken on the water.

The water surface burst.

Shoot a soldier directly into the air!

A scientific researcher was trampled to death when he lifted his foot!

Injured one after another, King Kong finally fell to the ground without support!

“Guys, get ready to detonate!” John Xun yelled!

“Let these beasts see, mankind is the king of the earth!”

“no, do not want!”

Si Linna crawled out from behind King Kong’s ears, her blond hair was a little scorched,

She is still wearing pajamas. Very embarrassed at this time.

“Si Linna!” Randa never thought that her daughter was still alive!

“Dad! Daddy! It wasn’t that he killed Grandpa, yes, it was another monster, a monster that came out of the ground, and its parents were also killed by those monsters!”

Si Linna stopped in front of the head of King Kong who fell to the ground!

“He is the patron saint who guards this place! This is his home! We are the invaders!”

Following Si Linna’s narration, everyone was a little shaken.

John News holds the detonator in his hand.

“This guy destroyed my plane and killed my soldiers!”

“King Kong is just to defend the territory!”

“We are soldiers! Our hands are stained with blood, we are executioners, our family, and we have enough so that we won’t be frightened! We can’t let them know that there is such a thing!”

“No! He saved me! He can communicate! No!”

“`. The existence of this kind of thing threatens our survival! Threatening the earth…”


Just as the two sides were arguing, an explosion suddenly occurred on the lake.

A circular explosion…

Everyone looked over.


The lake rose to the sky.

A huge unmatched skeleton lizard monster standing on the lake.

Being as tall as King Kong makes people desperate!

“The big guy is here! They are the hazards!”

Srina yelled.

“Go! Si Linna! Go!”

Seeing the horror of this thing, Landa took his daughter and ran away.

“King Kong!” Si Linna wanted to struggle, but was dragged away by her father and a few people!

Karma la la la la…

The weird cry resounded all over the world.

King Kong suddenly opened his eyes.

Get up slowly.

The monster keeps approaching.

John’s eyes were fierce.

“go to hell!”



A fist like a building, but also a fist from Mars, directly crushing him! (Of Zhao)

A man turned his head in the process of escaping, and the camera in his hand recorded a precious scene.

King Kong faced the skeleton lizard, stood on the lake, and fought into a ball!

It was obvious that King Kong, who was seriously injured, was not the opponent, and was crushed to the ground by the skeleton lizard in three or two!

This skeleton lizard is many times bigger than the one they encountered before!

The sun rises.

The whole island is in panic.

Tyrannosaurus, velociraptor and they ran away together!

There is no time to take care of them seven.

In the jungle, the trees fell in pieces.

The skeleton lizard and the King Kong continued to fight.

While running, Cole suddenly stopped, holding a grenade in both hands.

“Be alive and get out of here!”

His lazy voice, the corners of his disdainful mouth raised.

“Come on! You beast!”

The skeleton lizard was obviously aware of the danger and did not approach, but knocked him away with a tail!

Cole exploded on the mountain wall…

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