Chapter 393

“Finally waited for the superhero movie again!”

“It’s so cool! It’s so cool!”

“I don’t know what kind of movie “Invincible Hulk” is!”

“Hulk, in “Avengers” is really handsome and powerful! And it’s very funny!”

“Yes, I especially like Banner! Riding a small motorcycle, puff puff…”

“Am I late?”

“Haha, I laughed so hard!”

“But it’s really awesome!”

“I don’t know, how exactly did Banner come about? He didn’t come by ordinary methods, right?”

“Wait for the movie to start.”

Listening to the discussion from the people around.

Song Qian took the popcorn from Cao Rui and asked curiously: “Husband, how did you say Banner transformed?”

“I don’t know, but I have some guesses.” Cao Rui said with a smile.

“Oh? What?” Song Qian was very interested.

“Banna’s transformation is probably a product of science. It may be a failed scientific experiment.” Cao Rui guessed. “Agent Coleson in the “Avengers” once said that when Banner was on, he could Comparable to Stephen Hawking!”

“Really?!” Song Qian’s eyes were full of admiration, “Same as Captain China?”

“Captain China should be a successful test?” Cao Rui analyzed.

Someone next to him immediately said, “If Captain China is a successful experiment, why is there no super soldier later? Dr. Wen Rui is obviously still alive!”

“Dr. Wen Rui is already obvious, it should be in a state of amnesia!” Cao Rui said immediately.

“Even if it is amnesia, the knowledge is still there! Therefore, I suspect that Dr. Wen Rui is a clone!” The other party obviously has his own opinions!

With that said, Cao Rui was intrigued.

Indeed, why can’t Dr. Wen Rui be a clone?

When the two were talking.

The stage has already begun.

Still the old process.

Uncle Mark sat on the stage.

A little excited.

This is my first time…

However, reality gave him a hard blow.

“Banner, may I ask “Avengers 2″ to be released on New Year’s Day. Can you tell me anything?”

“”Avengers 2″…”

“”Avengers 2″…”

This is my independent movie!

Mark is going crazy!

Can’t you just ask me relevant questions?

He wanted to cry without tears, but he answered some questions politely, and then put the questions back on track.

“Avengers 2 will be a very exciting movie, everyone can look forward to it.”

“Yes, we encountered a strong enemy, the opponent is very powerful, and the scene is still grand!”

“The shooting is also very hard, but it is our responsibility, after all, we all took the money!”

Guo Fan is fine.(Read more @

After all, this is considered an extension of “Avengers” and even subsequent movies.

Especially after watching “King Kong”, he has more expectations for this movie.



The movie started soon.

Long Biao flew by.

Screenplay by Ye Li!

After a few big words are real, everyone knows that the film has officially started!

“General Ross, this is a presidential decree, this matter will end there. We will send you the compensation.”

Scarlett sat in front of a white-haired old soldier and said with a big smile.

“The imperial organization? Your hands are so long!” General Ross sneered, “Landa Group, ha ha!”

Everyone couldn’t help but breathe!

this is……

Directly connected to “King Kong”! ?

When did King Kong happen before “Invincible Hulk”? !


There are indeed subtitles…

That means…

The world has long known…


It feels even more exciting now.

“This is our necessary sacrifice. The earth belongs to them, not us. We are trying to fight these monsters!”

“General Ross! The subordinates of Lieutenant Colonel John News have returned. They sacrificed many and only returned seven people…”

At this moment, someone knocked on the door and came in.

He is a soldier who reports on the situation.

“I see.” Rose nodded.

The soldiers left soon.

Scarlett continued to smile and said, “Thank you General Rose.”

“You can’t beat these monsters!” General Ross said with a smile, “Why don’t you let me blow up that place!”

“What happens after the explosion? The underground passage is completely opened. Does the skeleton lizard monster kill people everywhere? With King Kong’s suppression, we are temporarily safe!” Scarlett smiled.

Although the ultimate goal of the emperor’s plan is to make mankind the master of the earth.

However, among her beliefs, she still feels that King Kong is the patron saint of mankind!

“Sooner or later there will be a way!” General Ross’s mouth raised a faint smile.

Scarlett also laughed, “Yes, there will be a way!”

“Then, goodbye, Professor Rose.”

After Scarlett left, General Rose stood up and left the office.

Go to a research institute.

“Banna, stay away from my daughter!”

As soon as he walked in, Uncle Mark was in the research institute, wearing a white coat and glasses, with a kind face and serious research.

A beautiful blond woman in a research suit was looking at him with admiration.

“Dad!” Seeing her father, the beauty didn’t feel ashamed at all. Instead, she said, “Banna, are you free tonight? How about we have dinner together?”

“No, there is a very important experiment tonight. The final experiment is here, and I can’t miss it!” Banner wore glasses and looked at his experimental project seriously.

In the cinema, everyone laughed.

“Where is Banner pestering his daughter? It’s obviously his daughter pestering Banner!”

“I’m so ridiculous, how confident Rose is!”

“That’s it, it’s a bad laugh!”

“However, looking at his expression, it should be serious, right?”

“Banna is so dull!”

“What a straight man!”

Song Qian sat beside Cao Rui and whispered.

Cao Rui also laughed.

This scene……

Why are you so familiar?

“Just like you when we watched the first Yeshen movie!”

“What does it have to do with me?” Cao Rui couldn’t help asking.

Yes it is!

What does it have to do with me? !

I am simply a veteran!

Otherwise, how could I get you?

“You still don’t admit it? Dead straight man!” Song Qian couldn’t help laughing.

Concentrated men, don’t have a lot of attraction.

If that day…

She also didn’t know if she could really be so devoted…

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