Chapter 394

“Banna, how is the gamma bomb research site?” Professor Ross couldn’t help asking.

Banner put down the test tube in his hand and said seriously: “I do the first test tonight. I don’t think the problem is big.”

Professor Rose showed an excited expression on his face, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly: “That’s good, Banner, there are many things in this world that we can’t understand…”

He glanced at his daughter, “You go out first, Betty. I have something to tell Banner.”

Betty Rose glanced at Banner, “Banna, tonight…”

“Not at night, I want to experiment.”

Banner emphasized.

“Betty, you can’t go out tonight!”

“I won’t, Dad! Banner, I’m waiting for you!” Betty ran out the door.

“Stay away from my daughter, Banner!” General Rose was serious-.

“I see, General Rose.” Banner said. “By the way, what do you want me to say?”

“The world is big and we are dangerous! Banner, the significance of the gamma bomb is very important!” Ross said with a serious expression.

“What’s the danger?” Banner asked blankly.

“There are many things in the world that we don’t know!” General Ross put a photo in front of him.

This is a huge and incomparable monster, something like a chimpanzee, and he is teaching with a weird monster.

“this is……”

“This is the crisis we are facing!” Ross said.

“To deal with them, it would be appropriate to use a gamma bomb. I will do it as soon as possible.”

“It must be successful, and as soon as possible!” General Ross said seriously, “You are one of the most powerful scientists in this century.”

After speaking, he left.

Banner didn’t seem to realize anything.

Continue to work seriously.

Night fell gradually.

“Everyone is starting to prepare!”

Banner installed the last tube of medicine in his hand.

“Are everyone ready?” Banner walked out slowly.


“Turn on the instrument! Ready to start!”

“Is the connection of Unit 1 normal?”


“Unit two!?”


“Unit three!”


“Turn on sh gamma rays!”

“Ten seconds later, officially open!”

Banner carefully looked at the situation in the isolated glass room.

“What’s the matter?! Why is Samuel still inside?!”

Banner suddenly saw a figure, he was still inside…

“Professor Banner, there is something here that hasn’t been installed, and now I have done it!” Samuel Stern smiled very happily with something in his hand.

“Damn it!”

Banner was terrified.

He hurried to the door, ready to open the door.

“Dr. Banner, there are only eight seconds left!”

“It’s too dangerous to open the door now!”

Banner said very anxiously: “You can’t let Samuel in!”




He suddenly opened the door.


Everyone showed horrified expressions.

If gamma rays burst here, then everyone will be contaminated!

He researched the gamma bomb himself.

What’s the effect, he knows very well!

After this gamma-ray burst, it is very destructive to the human body.

Once suspected of entering the human body, it will interact with human cells with electricity. The ions produced by electricity can corrode complex organic molecules, such as proteins, accounting, enzymes, and so on.

They are all important parts of the human body. Once they are destroyed, the normal chemical processes in the human body will be disturbed.

Until… the cell collapses and dies!


With the sound of machinery.

Banner didn’t have time to save the people, so he put his arm around Samuel and blocked him behind him.(Read more @


The door was closed directly.


Gamma rays burst!


The gamma rays fell on Banner.

Banner firmly pressed Samuel under him.

Samuel held out his head curiously…


The streamer flashed his eyes suddenly!




Banner felt that his heart was beating very fast!

It’s like beating a drum.

In the body, something seemed to be constantly struggling.




The genes began to crumble frantically.

I’m dying?

Contaminated by gamma rays!

Damn it!

“Today, Betty seems to have an appointment with me for dinner…”

Banner almost uttered this with a roar!

The people in the cinema couldn’t help laughing.

“Banner, is this gamma ray tricked?”

“Is this an increase in emotional intelligence?”

“Haha! Laughing to me!”

“I had to do experiments before, now it turns out…”

0 ·Look for flowers····

On the big screen.

The laboratory has become a mess!

“Hurry up! Hurry up and turn off the gamma rays!”


“Open the door…”

“Wait! It’s dangerous to drive now…”



Crazy heartbeat.

Banner’s skin turned faintly green.

Bloodshot bursts out of his eyes.


Endless anger!

Originally, a kind person had inexplicable anger in his heart.


A loud roar.

Banner transformed!

Samuel seemed like a helpless child, who was directly blown into the corner of the wall by the loud roar.

I fainted.


Banner supported himself weakly and hit the ground with a punch.

0. …

The ground cracked.

He wanted to stand up.

As soon as the feet were hard, the legs suddenly swelled, breaking the pants on his body!

Want to reach out to open the door.

The arm skyrocketed.

The whole door collapsed.

“Dr. Banner?!”

Outside the door, someone shouted in shock.


Banner looked up.

Everyone took a step back together.

A green face, shaggy like a hair cake.


In the form of Dr. Banner of the Hulk, he seemed to see his own shadow on the reflection of the window.

Somewhat dazed.

Just froze for a while.

Anger eroded everything instantly.

His hands are like a hammer.


Tempered glass bursts instantly.

He swept away, and the gamma instrument shattered!




He shattered everything that could be seen before his eyes.

Break the wall!

Break the table!

Break the load-bearing wall.

The entire building of the research institute was shaken by the broken load-bearing wall.

Inside the building, there is also a green giant who is madly destroying!



“Damn it! What the hell is this?!”

“Damn! Help!”


The whole building is in chaos!

Countless people ran out.

Seeing this, everyone was confused.

In the theater.

“what’s the situation?”

“Banna, isn’t it a superhero?”

“Is he a villain?” Factory.

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