Chapter 395

“This destructive power is equivalent to the flying behemoth in “Vengeance and Alliance”!”

“Little Prince Demolition!”

“Damn! To say that Banner is not a villain, I really don’t believe it!”

“Too ruthless?!”

I saw that Banner, who became the Hulk in the movie, was already crazy at this time.

Smash everything when you see it!

The whole floor was directly pierced by him!

“Ahhhhh! Help!”

“There is a monster on it! A monster!”

“Damn it! What the hell is it!?”

The people in the building ran out frantically, just wanting to escape.

A group of people kept running out.

Betty Rose got out of the car and saw the chaos. Everyone was running for their lives and quickly asked: “What’s wrong?!”

Banner is still inside!

“There are monsters! There are big monsters!”

“What monster?!”

Betty Rose was shocked, “Banna! Banner!”

There was a nervous expression on his face.

“There are monsters inside!”

Betty didn’t even think about it, so she rushed in.

Someone quickly grabbed her.

“Miss, you can’t enter inside now, there are monsters!”

“Banna! But Banner is still inside!”

Soon, the police arrived.


The Hulk stood by the window on the first floor. The window had been hammered directly by him.

It’s so condescending.

The police surrounded by Tuan Tuan were all dumbfounded.

what’s the situation?

“Oh my God! What is that?!”

A giant two or three meters tall, green.

Standing by the window!


The Hulk dropped a cabinet directly.

The crowds who were watching were scared and ran around.

“Support! Request support!”

“Damn it!”

“Let me in!” Betty wanted to rush into the building frantically.


“Hold her!” General Ross, who came to support him, looked grim, “What’s the situation?”

“Dad, Banner is still upstairs! Banner is still upstairs!”

“I know!” Rose’s eyes narrowed slightly, and the floor destroyed by the Hulk was Banner’s laboratory.

“Help him, Dad! Please help him!” Betty wept bitterly.

“You go back first. Helicopter! Ready to rescue!”

A helicopter has arrived, and the soldiers with live ammunition have already gone upstairs.

“Search for monster targets!”

There was a crazy look on Rose’s face, “Has any giant beast invaded the city?”

The armed men kept going upstairs and rescued an individual.



Smoke and dust spread.

“Be careful! There is a situation here!”

Everyone felt it and heard it.

The floor shaking, the sound of broken walls.

The soldiers wearing dust masks rushed into the floor holding their guns without hesitation.



“not found!”

“what is that!?”(Read more @

Someone suddenly saw a huge black shadow.

In the smoke and dust, I gradually saw the strong muscles and green skin.


Rose ordered from downstairs.

Da da da!

Da da da!

Bullets poured out.


It fell on the skin of the Hulk and made him grin!

It didn’t hurt him half a minute!


With a roar, the angry Hulk opened his mouth and roared.

The sound shook, and the smoke and dust all around disappeared.

Even a few soldiers were almost overthrown to the ground!

“The bullet can’t penetrate!”

“no effect!”

Ross downstairs looked solemn, “Retreat! Lead it to the window, and the gunship is ready!”

“Withdraw! Withdraw!”


The bullet could not hurt the opponent, and the soldiers immediately chose to retreat.



Two bombs were dropped directly on Hulk.

The hearts of the people in the theater mentioned their throats.

so horrible!


Banner won’t be killed directly!

Of course, Hulk can’t blow up!

Not only did the two bombs not hurt Hulk, they angered each other even more.


The crazy Hulk rushed forward and threw a punch.

The two people were directly reached the wall.

Hanging on the wall for a while before it fell off.

Beating people is like hanging a picture!

The bullets hitting Hulk constantly would only make him more angry and crazier.


On the helicopter, I saw Hulk at the other end of the window.


Hearing the screams of his own soldiers, Rose felt solemn.

Da Da Da Da Da!

The machine gun on the armed helicopter is more powerful!

Able to smash a wall directly!

However, falling on Hulk only made him hurt.

With a big hand, most of the bullets were blocked.

Seeing the helicopter through the gap of the finger makes me even more angry.


When changing magazines in a helicopter.

Hulk ran a few steps and jumped up.

Grab the head of the helicopter.

The helicopter suddenly lost its center of gravity and swayed continuously in mid-air.

“We are under attack!”

“Under attack!”

The pilots are going crazy.

What’s the situation with him?

Rose also saw the situation in the sky.

The camera was shot upwards, and from his perspective, he saw the helicopter shaking constantly in the air.

Afterwards, he crashed directly into another building.


The helicopter exploded!

“Damn it!”

“Dad! Banner! Where’s Banner!”

Betty was anxious.

In her eyes, after Banner.

Several soldiers ran out with a group of people.

“Tessley! Steven! Where’s Banner?!”

When several colleagues heard her asking this, their expressions gradually became a little serious, “Dr. Banner…”

Betty’s tears fell straight down.

“Dad, that’s Banner!”

“However, there are still tens of thousands of people here! Is it because of him, tens of thousands of people are ignored?!”

Rose pushed his beloved daughter away.

Da da da!

The other helicopter had learned from the past and shot from a distance.


Hulk, who was grasping on the outer wall, took a look and suddenly jumped into the air.

A distance of tens of meters was actually there by a leap.

The fingers of both hands are interlocked, and the hammer usually destroys the helicopter directly!


Rose stared fiercely at Hulk who fell to the ground.

Everyone screamed in horror where the crazy Hulk passed.

You can lift a car into the air at your fingertips.

The whole street has already become a mess.

“Banna!” Betty yelled, broke free from the crowd, and hurried to catch up. .

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