Chapter 396

“Damn it! Betty!”

Rose is even more angry when he sees his daughter doing this.



The Hulk is simply a fierce beast, and there is no one in New York City!

Frantically venting his inner anger.

The car was overturned.

The ground was broken by a hammer.

The street lamp was unplugged.

As long as Hulk passes by, it is like a bear child passing through the border, destroying everything.

Ross sat on a military jeep and quickly chased up, “Where is Betty?! Have you seen it?!”

“She’s in the car ahead!”

Following the instructions of the soldiers, a hurricaneous car in front came into Rose’s eyes.

“Damn it!” Rose was very angry.

Why is my baby girl like this? !

Damn it!

If I knew it, I couldn’t send her to school!

How did you meet Banner? !


Banner picked up a huge truck and threw it directly behind.

“How could he have such a powerful force?!” Rose was surprised.

“According to Dr. Banner’s notes, human genes will collapse when exposed to gamma rays. Maybe he is now in a state of genetic collapse.”

On the phone, another person’s voice came.

Obviously the other party is also a scholar.

“If you say this, it means that the gamma bomb is actually…can’t kill people?”

“No, it should be that the gamma rays used in the test have been turned down. According to Dr. Banner’s calculations, it should be the instant the bomb exploded and the gene collapsed immediately.”


Banner threw a car in front and almost hit it. The driver turned frantically and almost threw Rose out of the car.

“Call in an army of tanks outside the city!”

Rose is going crazy.

If this goes on, New York will be torn down by him.

“General, this requires a presidential decree!”

“Damn it! What time is it now!”

“But this requires a presidential decree…”

“Call the President immediately!”

“Now the President is visiting…”

Rose is about to collapse.

The people in the theater laughed.

This is the rhythm of Ye Li.


Hulk made a lot of trouble all over New York, slipped on a bridge and fell directly into the water.

“Banna! Banner!”

Betty shouted while standing on the wall.

In the river water, a smooth figure slowly emerged.


“Banna! It’s Banner!” Seeing Banner returning to normal, Betty cried.

“Bring back!”

…(Read more @

The camera turns.


Samuel opened his eyes against his huge head.

At this moment, his head is extremely terrifying.

He grew up out of thin air, and veins like veins appeared on his forehead.

If someone else’s forehead is 1, his forehead and head are 3!

When he opened his eyes, there was a wise light in his eyes.

“I was irradiated by gamma rays and I am now in the hospital. My head is moving so fast!”

Thoughts came out instantly.

Then disappear instantly.

I wanted to sit up, but found myself hurting all over.


He looked at the water glass on the table.

The water glass floated out of thin air and slowly sent to him.

Ok? !

what is this?

Could it be that gamma rays will not cause death, but can promote the evolution of the human body?

After taking a sip of water, he sorted out his thoughts in an instant.

“I’m smarter than before! Very much smarter!”

Samuel frantically sorted out what had just happened in his mind.

The gamma rays should still be adjustable.

If you can get the data at the time, can you make monsters in batches?

Do not!

At that time Banner was completely exposed to gamma rays, whether there was any physical influence.

I think I should study it.

It is best to get Banner’s DNA for testing.

If Banner is going to collapse, then the best place is the military.

If not, just borrow the strength of the military to round up the monster!

“you’re awake.”

Just as he kept thinking about the problem, the nurse walked in.

Holding the medicine tray in his hand, “Now I will change your medicine.”



Samuel saw the nurse and was clearly talking, why could he say two sentences at the same time?

“Are you feeling better now?”

“Ugly, what do you look at!”

Or two sentences at the same time!

Samuel looked at the nurse just like that.

The nurse put on rubber gloves, “I’ll check for you to see if there are any problems.”

“Ugly, disgusting! What to look at!”

Samuel stopped talking and just stared at each other.

“Look at what?! Damn, this ugly monster won’t look at me anymore?!”

“I really have been moldy in my eight lifetimes!”

“How did you assign me this ugly monster.”

“I would rather die…”

Suddenly, the nurse touched her head.

It hurts a bit.

Do not……

it hurts!

“what happened?!”

“How could I suddenly feel so painful?!”

“Ahhhhh! My head is about to explode!”

“Ah ah ah ah ah!”

Crazy cry!

She covered her head with her hands, it hurts too much!

“I need to interrogate Banner as quickly as possible! It’s now! Let him wake up! Damn exhibitionism! This time I definitely want him to leave my daughter!”

General Rose’s angry voice came, “This is the ward of that lucky boy?”


The door handle turns.

As soon as General Rose opened the door, he saw his head held by the nurse, cracking like a watermelon.

Red and white, flowing everywhere.

“Oh! This… Has anyone installed a human bomb?” General Ross walked in the door speechlessly. “So, this poor bug is another one exposed to gamma rays?”

“Are you alright?”

“Damn Banner! I must let Betty leave him, he is too unstable now.”

“Banner is not dead?” Samuel asked.

“Of course, he became a huge monster, then survived, and now he becomes Banner again!” General Rose danced and expressed his dissatisfaction in this way.

“Your head has a bit of personality.” Professor Rose looked at his head.

There is no extra sound.

This is telepathy. Can I know his inner thoughts?

“Is there any use of gamma rays? Will there be other dangers? What’s the situation with Banner? If Banner is controllable in that situation, the army is invincible!”

“Through the irradiation of gamma rays, the genes in Banner and I should have collapsed and reorganized. This shows that it is within a controllable range.”

Samuel said.

“What?” General Ross just wandered off again.

“What did he just say?”

Samuel knew that his opportunity had come, “You can use gamma rays to create controllable monsters like Banner.”.

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