Chapter 397


Just saw the powerful Hulk.

Ross is actually a bit regretful in his heart.

If the Hulk is controllable, then the combat effectiveness of the army will be greatly enhanced.

That flying into the earth, the look of infinite power,

It was deeply imprinted in his mind.


And coupled with powerful weapons, absolutely sweep everything!

Even that kind of gorilla can be killed!

And when the time comes, thousands of people, what big terror can’t be dealt with? !

Rose’s heart was full of longing.


See Banner like that.

That’s it!

“You say it’s possible?!” Rose stared at him closely.

“Who is he? How does he do it? He…”

Samuel laughed, “Of course, General Ross, I’m Samuel Stern, look at my head, this is the proof of my mutation. I’m smarter! And even normal!”

Rose was taken aback…

at this time.

Banner wears very tight handcuffs and fetters on both hands and feet!

It was nailed to the wall like Jesus.

He was a little bit depressed.

He is not such a person!

He is usually very kind and likes cats and dogs.

Who knows, one day he will become a monster, destroy New York, and kill countless people!

His gaze looked at the ground blankly.

“Banna! Banner!”

Betty Rose looked at her beloved man in jail with distress.

“Betty, I’m sorry, I can’t eat with you.” Banner looked up at Betty.

Don’t love it?

Loved it!

How can I be worthy of her now?

In the theater, many girls suddenly sniffed.

Some are sour.

Although he is straight, his feelings are real!

“No! No! Banner, we can eat together soon! I’m waiting for you!”

Betty clutched the fence tightly with both hands and looked at Banner.

“That’s great….々…” Banner whispered.

“Betty, why are you here!?” General Ross entered this cage and saw his daughter, really outraged.

Why are you here again? !

“Dad, when can Banner leave?”

Seeing her father, Betty asked immediately.

“Leave?” Rose sneered. “Do you know how many casualties Banner caused in New York? The hospitals are now full! What about those who died?!”

Betty cried: “Banna didn’t mean it! He certainly didn’t mean it!”

“Betty, you go first. I’ll be out soon.” Banner said.(Read more @

Song Qian hugged Cao Rui’s arm, “Banna is really a good man. A kind lie.”

“…” Cao Rui was speechless, “Just now you said he was a straight man!”

“Such a dead straight man is a good man!” Song Qianyan said.



“General Rose.” Banner said in a low voice, “How many people did I kill?”

“It hasn’t been fully counted yet.” Rose looked at Banner, “Banna, do you have a way to control the transformation?”

“I don’t know…” Banner was very depressed. At this time, where could he still be in the mood for research?

“Dr. Banner.” The big head Samuel walked in and saw Banner’s appearance, “I need a tube of your blood now, do research, and I’d better be able to control your transformation.”

Dr. Banner looked at Samuel in surprise, “Samuel, it would be great if you are okay!”

“It’s okay?! Banner, you call it okay!?” Samuel hated himself a little bit.

“It’s better than me…”

“Dr. Banner, the best way for you now is to conduct research to control your transformation. Otherwise, maybe the world will be destroyed by you!”

“Can you kill me?” Banner asked.

“Can’t kill!” General Rose said helplessly, “We tried to execute you, but it will stimulate you to transform.”

You can’t even die!

The hearts of everyone in the theater were cast a shadow.

Banner’s past…

If Stark’s past is a playboy, but after suffering a setback, the prodigal son looks back.

What about Banner?

Did he go through pain and become a butterfly?

“Banna, now, you are the only one who can control the transformation!” General Rose also said.

“Well, I need a research room. Give me a little freedom and don’t let go of the handcuffs and shackles. I don’t know when I will transform.”

Soon everything is ready.

Banner began to experiment and began to study himself.

“Gamma rays have changed my genes!”

“Anger makes me lose my mind!”

“at this point……”

“Samuel, are you okay?”

Samuel was frantically absorbing knowledge.

“I am fine, Dr. Banner, I am better than ever!”

Samuel’s computing power even surpassed that of computers.

“Dr. Banner, the calculation is wrong…”

With the assistance of people, the two quickly verified.

On the other side, General Ross and Samuel have another laboratory.

They are conducting another experiment.

Camera switching!


While studying the control transformation, while studying the super soldier…

Time switch.

This kind of process has never been the main theme of Ye Li’s movies.

It took less than a minute to explain everything.

“`. Banner!”

Suddenly one day, Betty ran in, “They are using you to study super soldiers! Many people have died now!”

“Really?!” Banner was shocked.

I have been trying to control myself.

“Yes, they use your method to try to control, and at the same time use gamma rays to transform soldiers…”

“Damn it!” Banner was anxious.

Suddenly the heartbeat in the body continued to accelerate.




“Betty!” Banner suddenly turned his head.

There is already a faint green appearing on his face (well).

“Banna, you!” Betty was terrified when she saw this scene.

“Hurry up!” Banner roared, his body already beginning to lose control.



Betty turned to leave, and saw Samuel walking in.

“Dr. Banner, can’t you control it? Factory!”

He pretended to be worried.

“You are deceiving me!!!” Banner’s voice changed.

Samuel was taken aback, seeing Betty, and suddenly understood, “Banna, we are for the good of this world! To save the world!”

“You deceive me!” Banner gradually lost control, and his research uniform was bulged up high.

The clothes are torn apart.

The whole person is rapidly expanding.

“You are deceiving me!”

Banner’s hands are like steel.

“This is Edman Alloy, Banner, stop struggling. You can’t open it.” Samuel said with a smile. .

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