Chapter 518

Green Devil!

Green Devil!

“Pick up hahahaha!”

The green goblin stepped on the glider and quickly rushed over~.

Directly rushed to the camera.

The image of a green goblin is daunting -!

“Damn! This is Osborne?! Damn it?!”

“He is so fierce, isn’t he?!”

“Isn’t this a monster?! How did Osborne become like this?”

“Scared to death!”

“It’s terrifying!”

“What happens next?”

“Osborn should become the villain, will he…”

“He knows about Peter Parker?!”

“It must be known, he also used Peter’s serum to make it?!”

“Now Peter is in danger!”

“Is there a big battle?!”

“look forward to!”

Peter’s daily life is still learning the above.

In order to hide his superpowers, he must pretend that he is nothing unusual.

study hard……

Work hard to acquire knowledge…

Modified jackets for yourself, made spider web launchers, etc.

Things are very busy…

“Dad! Why are you lying here?!”

Harry Osborne found his father the next day, lying on the floor of his house.

A little embarrassed.

“What?” Norman Osborne stood up in shock, with a confused look on his face.

“Mr. Osborne, we are the FBI. There was a big explosion in your company before, and General Soderley was killed. We hope you can be investigated!”

Things after that are more cumbersome.

Go to the police station to be investigated, various witnesses.

Then he returned home.

The spirit is a little trance.

In the huge house, there is a newspaper on the coffee table. The newspaper is written about Spider-Man,

An empty voice came.

“Peter Parker! He is Spider-Man! He has no problems at all, we must catch him back and study it!”

This voice is full of evil.

Norman Osborn is a little lost!

“who are you!”

“I am you…”

On the other side, Peter Parker, who had found some clues from his father’s belongings, went to look for him. At the same time his father had been, Professor Conners.

Connors has been suffering from a problem recently.

It happened that Peter Parker personally delivered the equation to the door.

The two were about to start the research and development of human body repairing agents.

R&D simply forgot about time.

When he got home, he realized that his house was blazing with flames.

“Aunt May! Aunt May!”

Peter hurriedly pushed away from the crowd and squeezed in.

“Peter! Peter!” Aunt May saw Peter holding him in her arms nervously. “Fortunately, you didn’t come back early!”

Aunt May also followed the police investigating the confession.

“So, what happened?”

A policeman asked.(Read more @

Aunt May said: “It’s like this. I was cooking dinner when someone rushed in and asked about Peter.”

“He is standing on a green glider with a mask on his face, hideous and ferocious!”

“I won’t say, he threw a bomb directly here!”

Upon hearing the bomb, Spider-Man Peter Parker was clever.

Fortunately, it’s okay!

If something happens to your aunt, it will really be over!

The family collapsed!

“Are you sure you grow up like this?”

A policeman is holding a portrait, which looks like a green devil!

“Yes! That’s it!”

Peter frowned deeply.

On the other side, Professor Connorth’s experiment was actually completed.

He can’t wait to conduct a human experiment!

The subject of the experiment is yourself!

After the white mouse succeeded, he injected himself a tube of medicine!

An arm did grow out at first.

But then…

He turned out to be like a lizard!

With the head of a lizard!


There is also a long tail.

Covered with green scales!

Looks particularly vicious!

He appeared for the first time, right above a bridge.

Caused a lot of casualties.

Fortunately, the appearance of Spider-Man did not cause any serious consequences.

He hid in the sewer, and gradually, his consciousness also changed!

The lizard race is the direction of human evolution!

So he set up a laboratory in the sewer.

And studied more medicines, and wanted to affect everyone through the weather change transmitter on the top of the Osborne Industry.

Become a real lizard man!

Seeing that the experiment was about to succeed, Spider-Man was involved in a wave of things.

The results are all ruined.

At this time, the Green Devils also came to the door.

“Dr. Lizard, Peter Parker caused you everything here! Don’t you want to take revenge?”

“Peter Parker…Spiderman?!…”

After the school.

Peter Parker suddenly counted down.

Emergency crisis!

And it’s very dangerous!

He was very jealous.

I say it now, surely no one believes it!

I can only pretend to be an ordinary…


There was a sudden explosion in the school.

The whole school is in chaos.


Doctor Lizard roared.

“Wow! Wow!”

.. 0



“Run quickly!”

The school chaos became a pot of porridge, and the teachers began to arrange an escape.

When everyone was not paying attention, Peter ran to the bathroom and changed himself into a battle suit… tights…



Dr. Lizard hummed an unknown tune in his mouth, looking for him everywhere.

Just when his sharp claws made cracks in the cabinet.

Spider-Man wearing a Spider-Man suit, holding spider silk in his hand, dangling out of the room!

“Is the big guy looking for me?!”

Spiderman kept saying this.

The spider web launcher on the wrist fired continuously.



In a few strokes, Dr. Lizard was entangled.

“Peter ~ Parker!”

However, the lizard’s claws tear all the webs apart.

The two sides fight.

Crashed into the library.

Music sounded.

Ye Li’s librarian in the middle of the night was wearing a mask, listening to songs while doing various things.

Behind him, the battle fought.

Throwing things everywhere.

In order to keep him, Spider-Man kept taking back all kinds of things that hit him.

There is no sound of fighting.

It’s all music.



“This is the rhythm of Ye Shen!”

Cao Rui sighed deeply.

This is too… funny?

Or what?

“What rhythm?” Factory.

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