Chapter 519

“The rhythm that can make people’s spirits constantly stimulated! Even if you get Ye Shen’s script, not all directors can do it!”

“Yeah! I don’t know if you don’t tell me, but what you said about haul…”

Song Qian gave her husband twelve likes!

“So, what should we do next with this matter?”

“It must be a big battle…”

“Damn! Two super villains?!”

“This is too scary, right?”

“No… I don’t think it’s scary at all, but this is the worst actor I have ever seen!”

“makes sense……”

“This is too difficult?!”

“Just after debut, I met two super villains!”

“It’s a hell start!”

“Who knows!”

“But it should be…”

The movie continues.

After a big battle between the two sides.

Due to the arrival of the police, Dr. Lizard temporarily retreated.

Peter did not breathe a sigh of relief!


This world is too dangerous!

It’s dangerous to death!

He is just a high school student.

Now, his identity is clearly exposed.

“The lizardman is here to find himself!” He realized this, but directly followed it up!

Through my own careful observation, I encountered the lair again!

At this time, Dr. Lizard did not go home in time.

“Dr. Connors…”

For the first time, he knew the identity of Doctor Lizard!

It turned out to be Dr. Conners!

“Because of the restorative medicine that we studied together? Is this a side effect?”

At the same time he saw Connorth’s video diary!

Understand what he wants to do!

“Damn it, isn’t it now?!” Pete saw an empty tube.

This tube is for the kind of genetic medicine!

At the same time he saw a marked location!

Osborne Building!

“Husband, why haven’t you come out yet? It’s almost done now!” Song Qian said helplessly.

The movie was almost over, and Cao Rui was not seen.

She is waiting!

“Should it be coming soon?” Cao Rui himself was not particularly sure.

It was a dreamlike experience!


“of course it’s true!”

After the movie, it came to a climax.

Spider-Man wants to intercept Dr. Lizard and transform the humans in the entire city.

Hurry to Osborne Building.

He also asked Mary Jane to make an antidote.

At the same time, countless policemen gathered.

Spider-Man was accidentally injured.

There is no place between the Osborne Building where there can be a spider web. Fortunately, someone rescued by Spider-Man opened the tower crane to help.

At this time, Cao Rui also officially appeared.

…(Read more @

“So, you were swept by the camera? Then you took fifty thousand yuan?!”

Song Qian was speechless after reading it!

It’s hell, this money is too good to make! ?

Not even a second, right? !

Stop talking about the lines!

If you play the role of the person who adjusts all the tower cranes, you still have lines!


She still felt that the pay was low…

Now feel…

That’s too much!

Five thousand is very interesting!

“Hey…” Cao Rui touched the back of his head, a little embarrassed.

Spiderman quickly ascended the Osborne Building.

When Dr. Lizard was about to be captured, the Green Gob appeared.

The two sides launched a three-way war.

In the end, Spider-Man wins hard!

However, Mary Jane’s father also died in this battle.

And keep Spider-Man away from Mary Jane!

Because he is too dangerous…

The two who had entered a period of passionate love, Peter Parker did not appear at her father’s funeral in the end.

A superhero is likely to cause harm to people around him!

Aunt May is a very good example.

The movie is over…

“It’s just a child…”

“A child has to bear the safety of a city!”

“It’s mainly the words my uncle said, and it has a profound impact on him!”

“In the beginning, he was just a rebellious kid!”

“Hey… There are indeed many problems in the growth of young people!”

“Parents’ words and deeds are the best teachers.”

“This movie is really good!”

“Perseverance, faith, determination…”

“As expected of Ye Shen, even superhero movies can make flowers!”

“This time, the sword fairy movie should be gone!”

“It should be, the independent movie of Jian Xian will be released soon!”

“Sit down and wait for the eggs!”

0 after the credits.

The easter egg begins.

Professor Connors, Dr. Lizard, was put in prison.

During the meal, I was bullied by others.

When he was angry, a few scales suddenly grew behind his ears!

The screen is black!

Everyone was stunned for a moment!

“Damn! Is this Dr. Lizard going back out of the mountain?!”

“This is awesome!”

“Well, it’s so awesome!”

“There should be a second Spider-Man, right?”


“Sit down!”

The ending song gradually came to the end.

Peter Parker finished his homework for the day and returned home.

“Hey!” Aunt Mei was sitting on the sofa chatting with people, and he didn’t notice anyone.

“How is school today?” Aunt Mei asked.

“It’s okay!” Peter Parker replied as he walked. “There is an awesome…luxury car parked outside!”

When he was walking towards the kitchen, he was dumbfounded!

He stopped as he was walking.

Aunt Mei is sitting on the sofa. Opposite her, there is a man in a suit and a mustache who is eating a cookie.

“Hello, Mr. Parker.”

The other party said.

The screen is black!

The whole theater exploded at once!

“Damn! Who did I see?!”

“It’s Nini!”

“Why did Nini appear here?! Is Spider-Man going to join the Avengers?!”

“Damn! This is too fast, right?!”

“Is there no such thing as membership inspection?”

“Who knows! But, it’s so awesome!”

“I’m going to join it soon!”

“It’s cool!”

“Wait for “Avengers 3″!”

“Sit down!”

“He is so good!”

The screen lights up again, and Thor walks to a door of the room.

Reached out and knocked on the door.


The third sound has not been knocked off, the next moment, people have entered the door instantly…

Almost staggered…

The camera rotates with him…

The screen is black…

The film is over!

“Thor? What is this?”

“I don’t know, this…”

“Who is he going to find?”

“do not know……”

[Busy for these two days… for more updates! 】.

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