Chapter 520

“Damn! It seems to be wonderful!”

“Thor…this position…”


“Sit down!”

“Behind it should be the plot of “Thor 3″, right?!”

“I look forward to it! “Thor 3″ I don’t know what wonderful story there will be!”

“I remember there was an easter egg before, Odin was darkened?!”

“Damn! It’s awesome! Odin is darkened! Isn’t that no fun?!”

“It’s an explosion! Does this make people live?!”

“Odin is the king of the gods, so he should be very powerful!”

“I’m looking forward to it!”

“Sit down!”

“Spider-Man is so funny, while fighting, he still complains!”

“Hahaha, this little mouth is broken, it makes people want to cry!”

“It is estimated that the Green Devil just can’t stand his small mouth and was sprayed to death!”

“Haha! It was sprayed to death! It’s really a laugh!”

“Look forward to the next plot!”

“Yeshen is so awesome! This time the box office will definitely explode!”

“As expected of Ye Shen! The rhythm control is really amazing!”

Coming out of the cinema together, Song Qian was speechless 01!

“This is your role?! I…” She was too powerless to complain, “It’s no different from Hengdian’s tactics?”

Cao Rui touched his head helplessly, and said, “This is still different, right? This movie was shot overseas!”

“Senior Dragon Set! Ye Shen spends so much money, please, can you actually find someone?!”

Song Qian is really…

“Now I’m going to be ashamed! Let everyone see you… and you just saw this?! Not as good as Ye Shen’s!”

Cao Rui said helplessly: “How can I compare with Ye Shen? This is not a sure thing, ah!”

“You still know!”

Song Qian was not angry.


“Hahaha, at least I made fifty thousand!” Cao Rui’s mentality was very good, “and Ye Shen didn’t mean to pass on the theocracy of novelists to me?”

“Hey…” Song Qian sighed.

I don’t want to say…

“Not bad!”

Song Qian also knew that if Cao Rui was like this, he would be a ghost if he was assigned a serious role!

He doesn’t know how to act?

“Are there any gains today?”

the next day.

Cao Rui published an article soon.

[About the eggs in “Spider-Man”! 】

Spiderman will join the Avengers!

After all, Tony Stark has already visited the door himself!

Second, Thor 3 will face a big battle, and there may even be a gathering of Avengers. The place where Thor is going should be the temple. From the outside, it is the London temple!

Third, joining the Avengers may cause a civil war…(Read more @

Etc., etc.

Judging from Cao Rui’s article, everyone was stunned.

“Damn! What civil war?!”

“Does the Avengers fight inside?! Isn’t this impossible?!”

“How can’t it be, what Cao Gouyan had said before has been realized, one by one!”

“F*ck! It’s so cheating!”

“This is too scary? If there is a real civil war, who will fight with whom?”

“Didn’t Cao Gouyan analyzed it? It should be Captain China and Iron Man?”

“How is it possible?! How can the captain and Iron Man be able to fight? They are both nephews and uncles and…”

“Who said it was impossible? In the easter egg that Cao Gouyan analyzed, there was a flame goddess killing James and his wife, right?!”

“F*ck! If you say that, it’s really possible!”

“It’s terrifying, isn’t it?!”

“If the Avengers had a civil war, wouldn’t it be taken by outsiders?!”

“Terror! In this case, the next thing will be…”

“Impossible! How could my Nini fight with the captain?”

“Yes, how could it be possible to fight?”

“Impossible, I don’t believe it! I’m going to see “Spider-Man”!”

“This is simply impossible!”

“I want a second brush! If not, I will kill you!”

“Everyone present, draw your sword! How could Nini fight the captain!”

Everyone is discussing this matter.

Let the popularity of “Spider-Man” continue to rise, and the box office is also rising!

No matter how hot it is outside.

Ye Li has already started filming “Avengers 3” and “Avengers 4”!

The two were shot together.

Anyway, the plot is connected.

There is no problem with shooting like this.

On the contrary, it can make the actors keep enough emotion in it.

“Donny! Take me seriously! Otherwise, you will be killed!”

Ye Li shouted through the microphone.

Downey shrugged, “Ye, I didn’t mean it, I…really want to play!”

Just in the process of filming, he patted and patted, and suddenly he danced!

The whole audience laughed into a ball.

Ye Li also had a smile on his face, “Okay! I’ll take pictures of your death tomorrow! Damn it!”

Downey shrugged, “Ye! I know you won’t! Our relationship is so iron!”

“You’ll know tomorrow! Keep shooting!”

the next day.

Everyone got a page of the script.

In order to prevent being spoiled, Ye Li has begun to panic.

Fortunately, there is basically no big problem with the acting skills of these actors now!

“What?!” Holland looked at the script, completely stunned.

“Young man, what are you doing so surprised?” Downey took the script and didn’t read it yet!

“Stark, you’re dead!?” Heland looked at the script, the whole person was not good…

“What?!” Uncle Mark leaned over. “Tony is dead?!”

“It’s impossible!? How could Tony die?!”

Peng Yuyan came over, “Have you not read the script? Tony snapped his fingers for the last time.”

“Impossible!” Robert Downey Jr. was shocked!

how can that be? !

He died? !

Damn it!

He immediately read his script quickly.

[Iron Man raised his right glove with six gems and snapped his fingers.

The body fell to the ground, losing all vitality…

The heroes knelt down on the spot to send the end to Iron Man…]


Do you want to be so straightforward? !

And am I really dead? !

Damn it!

This is too scary, right? !

This is impossible!


Robert Downey Jr. was stunned.


died? !

This is too…

impossible? !

“I’ll go, I’ll find Ye! It’s impossible!” Robert Downey Jr. hurriedly went to Ye Li. .

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