Chapter 538

“My express is here!”

Seeing the three men fighting in blood, Stark finally stood up.

The armor on his body was taken off one by one.

The three people surrounded him, giving him enough time to change clothes~.

“Without motivation, it’s too much trouble-!”

Stark had to say.

He unloaded the small nuclear reactor from his chest.

Throw it aside.

“You almost killed me just now!” Tony still looked at Captain China with a proud face.

There are blood stains and sweat on his face.

“I didn’t kill you!” He said, and the shield in his hand was raised to block a fireball.

Sparks flew away.

“It’s even, you save me once!”

A red armor directly broke through the base and flew in.

Divide into parts on the way.

Arm armor, breast armor, leg armor…

Piece by piece was installed on his body, and the nuclear reactor in his chest lit up again.

The visor lashed out, Stark volleyed, and the visor accurately fell on his face.

The body fell to the ground.

Kneeling on one knee, a fist hit the ground.

Iron Man, debut again!

Seeing this scene, there was a burst of exclamation in the whole theater!


“Awesome! It’s so awesome!”

“Stark is so handsome!”

“This scene is simply amazing! Nini is the most handsome!”

“It’s perfect!”


Everyone seems to have forgotten at this time.

This movie is called “Captain China 3”!

But this is not important!

Whether it is called “Avengers 3” or “Captain China 3”, at least, all of them watched it very well!

This one is obviously taller and stronger than the others.

Covering the upper armor, Stark cursed loudly: “Then it’s a tie!”

He stood up.

Countless small cannonballs rose up from shoulders and arms…

Aiming at Wen Rui one by one!

Captain China wanted to stop him, hesitating flashed in his eyes, and finally he didn’t say anything.




In the endless explosion, countless Wen Rui fell in a pool of blood.


Captain China couldn’t help it, these faces that he had been dreaming about for more than 70 years.

these people……

“Captain.” The black panther tore a Wen Rui’s arm with one hand, and the opponent’s body suddenly burst into red light.

“Be careful, cat!” Stark knocked the opponent into the air with a palm cannon.

Even if the Panther wears a mask, the mask can convey his expression, frowning slightly.

“The technology is good!” Stark was delighted to see the hunt, “This is an extremist virus, very unstable, and will explode!”


The violent explosion directly swept everything around.

Several Wen Rui around were blown to death!

The thing that was just called a cat is over.


Stark jumped up with a punch and knocked Wen Rui into the air. The palm cannon directly knocked her into the air, exploding in the air.

“You just seemed to have something to say?” Stark said while fighting.

Captain China was injured and exhausted.(Read more @

Can only support with Wen Rui No.1.

“Captain, these are all clones of Dr. Wen Rui.” Black Panther is agile.

“Clone?” Captain China looked at Black Panther.

I completely forgot that there was an opponent in front of me.

Wen Rui’s arm stretched out and stopped the captain, suddenly adding a few scars to her body.

Captain China helped her immediately.

The two of them seemed to be fateful mandarin ducks, floating in the wind and waves.

“Yes, Dr. Wen Rui did not die back then, but later when the R Army retreated, he escaped near Hongze Lake…” Black Panther explained while fighting.

Captain China’s face suddenly changed.

“She, escaped…”

He was seriously injured for a while, and the enemy once again took advantage of it…

This time, Wen Rui No.1 was also lost.

she was……

Is it a clone? !

Then where is the meaning of looking for life experience? !

I thought I found my life experience…

Tears slowly fell.



“Zhou, you can’t do this!”

Iron Man flew across the sky, knocking Wen Rui away in front of him…

A steady stream of Wenrui clones swarmed up.

The lens gradually slowed down, as if it had frozen.

Wen Rui fell to the ground.

Captain China was absent-minded.

Iron Man and Black Panther continue to fight…

Subsequently, the timeline was restored.

The action became sharp again.

“That won’t work, we have to blow up this place!”

Stark was helpless.

There are so many opponents!

And one by one is an aptamer of Extremis Virus.


And it also has the ability to fire flames.

0 ·Look for flowers····

“Too much, Stark!” Black Panther, even Superman, couldn’t resist so many existences.

“I know myself……”

Stark couldn’t help it, there were already several Wen Rui clones hanging on his body at this time!

“There must be an energy core here! Or…”

“Friday, scan!”


The battle continued.

Constantly scanning…

“The energy core has been found!”

Stark’s palm cannon fired, but it was blocked by Wen Rui clone!

“Damn, I have to fly down!” Stark shouted helplessly.

Unless his mech is loaded with a nuclear bomb…

With so many Wen Rui, it is really difficult to destroy the energy core through palm cannons, electromagnetic pulses, etc.

“If you go down…” Black Panther was a little worried.

. … 0

If Stark goes down and blows up this base.


Did he come back?

It’s obvious!

But the next moment.

Wen Rui No.1 suddenly jumped up, pushed a few clones away, and sank involuntarily.

After several battles, the body fell freely…

“Zhou Kai…”

She said a name softly.

Captain China was taken aback.


She is a clone!

Do not!

She is not a clone!

she was……

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Captain China roared fiercely.

The shield in his hand kept knocking off the clones one by one, trying to catch Wen Rui No.1.


The Wen Rui clone who kept coming up blocked him.


In the process of falling, Wen Rui gradually became indistinguishable from all the clones, and even the other party didn’t know if she was her own companion.

In this loud roar.

There were thin cracks in Wen Rui’s skin.

The red light is gathering energy through the skin…


Stark grabbed the Panthers, then grabbed Captain China and jumped into the air.

Several Wen Rui kept coming up.

Iron Man’s body became a battleground.



Mount Fuji exploded violently.

The sky is falling!

Volcano eruption!

Thick smoke billowing.

The three finally shot down all clones…

“She’s just a clone, Zhou.”

“No, she is not…” Factory.

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