Chapter 539

Captain China said in a deep voice.

Stark froze for a moment, and hummed: “She killed my parents!”

Captain China did not continue to say anything.

The two people themselves are different, otherwise there won’t be such a conflict this time.

“I really want to throw you down!” Stark was agitated.

The death of his parents was a pity for him.

Now, there is a chance for revenge…


I was saved by the enemy.

Very upset!

The Panther grabbed Stark’s hand tightly.


Although the physical fitness is strong, the pain is really painful!

“Cat, be gentle, your paws are vibrating?” Stark changed the subject.

“Yes it is……”

When the two were chatting.

The world shook suddenly!

Dark clouds swept across the sky.

Volcano eruption.

I saw it all over Kyoto.


“Volcano! It’s a volcano!”

“Oh my God! What’s the matter?!”

“Damn it!”

News reports quickly spread throughout the country.

“Today, the volcano of Mount Fuji, which had been silent for many years, erupted again, and black clouds swept…According to the camera shooting, there seems to be a superhero…”

“Iron Man… Captain China…”

“Do they want to destroy the kingdom?!”

“So they are like this!”


Everyone trembled inexplicably.

However, in the next moment, the entire sky was filled with black clouds, and countless clouds gathered in the mid-air!

It’s like the end of the world!

Above the clouds, gradually condensed into a phantom…

“what is that?!”

Many people’s eyes were attracted away.

A scene like the end of the world.

The entire country of R can be seen clearly.

Such a scene makes people feel trembling!

The ground shook suddenly, and the sea water was immediately affected, swept in, rushing toward Country R!

“what happened?!”

Being in the air, Stark looked solemn when he saw this scene.

“Seal?” Captain China frowned.

The word flashed through his mind.


He had seen such a huge vision once…

Town Soul Street…

The phone rang suddenly.

“Captain, something happened.” Zheng Xian, played by Liang Jiahui, called.

“Director, what’s the matter?”

“A seal is broken, where are you now?”

“I now……”

“The airspace of country R…”

Stark’s voice came.

“…” Zheng Xian was speechless…

Why did you go there?

But he didn’t bother to care about this matter.

“Now you better be able to come back.”(Read more @

“Okay, I’ll be back immediately!”

Hanging up, he looked up at Stark.


“Wow! This bunch of CP doesn’t knock, it’s really intolerable!”


“I always thought it was the captain’s attack, but it turned out to be Nini attacking the co-author?!”


“What is a seal?” Black Panther asked suddenly.

Stark listened proudly.

who knows!

I want to know too!

Captain China groaned, and the three of them fell back to the ground and found a safe place.

“The seal, in the ancient legends of China, belongs to and imprisoned a very powerful character. Last time in the city of Tianfu, there was a so-called ‘God’ who was sealed…”

Captain China said briefly.

Only then did the two understand.

“In other words… he is a very powerful person!”

Think of the gods in the city of abundance.

Stark shook his head.

Kind of disgusting…

“So, this time, too…”

“It should be!” Captain China stood up, “I have to find a way to return to China! Do you have a plane?”

The Black Panther glanced at Mount Fuji, “It was there before, but I guess it’s gone…”

Stark looked at Captain China, “Your current state…”

Captain China was injured all over at this time.

And physical strength is not enough.

There should be high-intensity battles next.

“I can fight all day long!”

“Okay!” Stark told him to send another mecha on Friday.

“Anything else? I want to go too!”

After both of them put on the mecha, Stark shook his hand, “I’m leaving! I need some partners.”

Captain China nodded.

The three of them rushed into the sky at the same time!

Three cloud lines divide things into the sky…

Above the vast sea.

On the sea, a fishing boat is moving.

“Quick! Quickly close the net!”

“What’s the matter?! How did the weather suddenly change! Didn’t it mean that it was sunny today?!”

“Damn it! Hurry up and close the net and prepare everyone to enter the cabin!”

“Be careful! Be careful!”

The sea is surging 0.

The waves gradually lifted off.

There is water everywhere on the deck!

The waves kept coming up.

The sky is heavy and foggy, it seems that the sky is going to be suppressed…

It’s uncomfortable…


A sound like thunder.

The sea water suddenly changed its direction, and countless sea water began to be stirred frantically.

“Damn, why is there a whirlpool?!”

“What?! Damn! Nothing here!”

“In the end what happened?!”

“Quick! Increase your horsepower, move forward at full speed, and everyone will return to the cabin!”

“Move! Damn it!”

“Hurry up! Hurry up if you don’t want to die!”

Under the sea, I don’t know what exists.

The endless sea water swept wildly.

The fishing boat drifted in the wind like a piece of paper.


The fishing boat did not escape, and was sucked into it by the vortex.

The lens gradually zoomed out…

Everyone saw it.

The black cloud is forming a giant monster in the sky.

It’s like an ancient behemoth!

Cover the sky!

One head is floating in the air in the wind.

Keep waving!

Various elements are constantly sprayed out of the mouth.

Thunder and lightning!

Heavy rain!

The flames are raging, burning half of the sky!

“Damn! Is this Jiuying?!”

“Isn’t this Jiuying? Hasn’t Jiuying been beaten before?!”

“This should be Hydra, right?!”

“This body is also super big!”

“I don’t know this time, what should they do?”

“Who knows!”

“I feel that this time, it is more dangerous than the last time! Jiuying only has the power of water and fire, but this guy seems to have more power!”

“Wow! It’s really upgraded now!”

“I don’t know what it is this time!”

On the sea and in the sky, the phantom suddenly disappeared.

Around the huge unparalleled whirlpool.

A ship approached quickly.

On the deck, someone was crawling on the ground.

“My respected master, our supreme name, I keep calling…” They were muttering words.

In the end it turned into a sentence: “Hydra, long live…”.

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