Chapter 540

These people are men and women, old and young.

It seems that there are people from all walks of life in the world.

They lay down on the ground like devout believers.

Constantly chanting strange syllables.

Everyone is full of piety.


In the sea, a huge head suddenly appeared!

His head was flat, and his eyes were as big as cars, looking at them chuckle.

The body is covered with scales.



“Ah! My great Hydra!”

Someone raised their hands high.

“I beg you to perform miracles…”

This eye looked at these people weirdly, as if there was no emotion at all.

“Long live the Hydra!”

They watched the scene enthusiastically.

next moment.

The sea was suddenly opened!

One by one, huge unmatched heads appeared around the cruise ship.

One head, each head looks like a building!

Looking at these people weirdly.


01  “It’s really a Hydra!”

“Awesome! A miracle! This is our miracle!”

“Please grant us great strength!?”

A man crawls on the ground.

Waiting for the miracle to come.


Nine heads and one mouth.

The cruise ship surrounding them suddenly formed a huge vortex, absorbing the cruise ship…

“Damn! These people are really sad!”

“I thought I found true love…”

“This is really…”

“Sadness flows upstream!”

“Killing me……”

Blue sky and white sun.

Under a certain blue sea and blue sky, a deep shadow of a dragon shuttled across the sea!

Suddenly, the young man jumped out, revealing his strong muscles.

Flicking the long hair on his head, his eyes dignifiedly looked in a certain direction.

“Sang Liu?!”

He frowned and sighed helplessly, “Sure enough, he is still going to be born!”

When you step on your feet, the soles of your feet slide in the water and stand on the water.

The camera rotates, and there is a long scar behind…

Jumped, jumped into the sea, drawn a water line on the water, and disappeared on the sea!


“I rely on! This reply to the Avengers is going to be awesome!”

“The Sea King is here!”

“Aquaman is awesome!”

“Sang Liu! Is the ancient giant beast sealed?”

“look forward to!”

“Super looking forward to it!”

“awesome!”(Read more @

“Xiang Liu… Jiu Ying… isn’t it the same one?!”

“Isn’t it?! Two willows?!”

“Who knows!”


Among the clouds, Iron Man drew a cloud line.

Fell to a certain surface.

Flush directly into the sea.

“Alert! Alarm!”

“Alert! Someone broke in…”

In the underwater prison, an alarm sounded immediately.

However, Iron Man broke directly into the sea.

Rush into jail!

Countless bullets shot out.

“Mr. Stark, you have violated the “City of Abundance Agreement”! Please get caught immediately!”

“Mr. Stark, you have violated the “Above City Agreement”!…”

However, Iron Man ignored him and rushed directly into the prison, standing in the middle of the prison.

“Yo, isn’t this the rich man? Why is it here again?”

Hawkeye sat in the cage, mocking coldly.

Falcon stood up and looked at the fallen man behind Stark.

“The captain needs you, no, the earth needs you!” Stark stood in the middle.

The lens contains everyone in it.

“Wow! Are the Avengers assembled now?!”

“Earth crisis! Cowhide!”

“Is this really “Captain China 3”?! This is not “Avengers 3″?!”

“I think so too!”

“”Avengers 2.5″!”

“Hahaha! That’s awesome!”


All those who were watching the movie were already excited.

“Captain China 3” is obviously a personal movie, and now it has used a super luxurious lineup!




Black Widow!

Captain China!

iron Man!

Scarlet Witch!




Etc., etc!

Except for Jian Xian and Thor, they haven’t played yet!

Almost the entire Avengers will appear!

Even a few people who did not show their faces will be on the stage one after another!

Such a super luxurious lineup!

Make people excited!

“team leader!”

Two Iron Man armors flew directly into the headquarters of Excalibur Bureau.

Captain China and the Panthers walked out of the armor.

The armor flew into the sky automatically.

Zheng Xian had already greeted him.

Behind him, Cao Yanbing, the corpsesmith and others followed.

Seeing the appearance of Captain China, Zheng Xian’s eyes were solemn, “You…”

“It’s okay.” Captain China shook his head, “Let us use the medical warehouse, let’s talk about the situation first!”


Medical warehouse.

Captain China and the Panthers lay in a cabin, which was filled with bluish-yellow liquid.

There are also robotic arms repairing the wounds of Captain China.

“Just now, there was a wave of fluctuations in the seal on Zhenhun Street, and then there appeared on the surface of the East China Sea…”

On the projector, a picture appeared.

Some are on Zhenhun Street, and some are on the East China Sea.

A huge incomparable terrifying creature is moving fast on the sea.

The sea water vortex…

“At present, three fishing boats have disappeared, and more than 120 people are missing. Preliminary estimates are that…”

Everyone has a solemn expression.

“What’s the situation with this monster?”

The voice of Captain China came through the machine.

“Hydra, or Nine Infants…” Zheng Xian said.

“Jiuying? Not the last time…” Cao Yanbing said.

“It should be more than that simple. Last time, it was Jiuying who was in harmony with fire and water. This time I am afraid it is not that simple…”

“At present, through satellites, we have observed that it has at least three abilities: thunder and lightning, water, and fire…”

“It is initially suspected to be an upgraded version of Jiuying…”

“It is predicted that its moving direction will land in Shandong Province…”

“How many people can we mobilize now?” Captain China asked.

“Jianxian went back, I don’t know when he will be back, Yingyan…” Zheng Xian asked.

“Hawkeye was arrested…” Captain China said helplessly.

“There are not many people we can use for the time being…”

“Forget it, we’d better choose the battlefield on the sea.”

“No! The sea is its home ground, and we have to lead it ashore.”


Captain China walked out of the treatment room and stretched his hand on the map, “This area, immediately evacuate, we will lead it over and form a battlefield here!”

Suddenly, dynamic music sounded throughout the office.

“Captain, here we are!”.

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