Chapter 541

The voice is a little immature.

However, Captain China immediately heard the voice of Spider-Man.

He was overjoyed.

Sure enough, Stark went to someone for help.


He can at least distinguish the form.

Before I could speak, I heard Spider-Man’s voice continue to ring, “Captain, I’m a big fan of you! If it weren’t for Mr. Stark, I would definitely join your camp! Sorry, at the airport before, I was I apologize for my behavior…”

Talking about tuberculosis…

If you talk more than Stark…

“Captain, here we are.” Falcon’s voice sounded.

“Captain, we are all here!”

The Black Widow also said at the same time.

Upon hearing the voices of these people, the face of Captain China was happy.

These are my comrades who have fought side by side!

They are all present, it’s really…


Captain China was a little unbelievable.

Stark turned out to be…

He released the team he had gathered.



Scarlet Witch!


They should be in some secret prison.


How did he convince… the North American military?

In other words, the United Nations…

“Captain, you owe me a favor. As you wish, I have also become a criminal.” Tony’s unruly voice came.

Captain China was all touched in his heart.

“Tony, thank you.”

At this time, Zheng Xian, played by Liang Jiahui, stood up, “Welcome to China, to the Excalibur Bureau.”

“The S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau is gone, why not join the Excalibur Bureau…”

This has come out to pull people’s heads.

Several people came to the rooftop outside.

I saw a transport plane appeared out of thin air.

There is also Stark’s Iron Man mech next to it.

The cabin opens.

Falcon, Ant-Man, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Spider-Man and others are all listed.

Vision suspended in the air, juxtaposed with Iron Man.

“Colonel Rod….々…” Captain China was dark in his heart.

He also knew about Colonel Rod’s injury.

“The operation went well, but it might be…” Stark raised his eyebrows.

This is also helpless.

“Sorry, Tony!” Captain China felt that this was his responsibility.(Read more @

“Maybe one day, we are all going to die. This is a good ending, isn’t it?” Tony couldn’t help but think of a scene he had seen.

All superheroes are dead…

He was darkened.

“So, what’s the battle plan this time?” Stark changed the subject.

Captain China smiled, “The plan is… to fight!”

“Wow! The Avengers are assembled!”

“Most of the Avengers have arrived in this scene!”

“I don’t know where Hulk, Sword Immortal, Thor and others are?”

“If only we could get them all together!”

“Jianxian doesn’t know if he will come back.”

“Sit down!”


“Thor should have to wait for “Thor 3″!”

“Think of an Easter egg, “Thor 3″ is probably just as exciting!”

“Hope! Where did Hulk go?”

Everyone began to prepare their own equipment.

Ant-Man was exercising, getting bigger last time, and almost collapsed.

Spider-Man and Stark work together to study the new Spider-Man suit.

The black widow adjusts her various small things, and enters the arsenal of the Excalibur Bureau to choose some equipment!

The Scarlet Witch and Vision stood side by side, seeming to be talking about love. Some are apologizing, some are…

Hawkeye began to adjust his arrows and equip…

The corpse carpenter began to clean up the talisman.

Cao Yanbing packed his weapons, the Ten Temple Yama…

Everyone is preparing.

“Mr. Stark, there are too many functions here, right?” The little spider looked at the dense list of functions in front of him, and his whole body was stunned.

“No! These functions are my plan, the best solution.” Stark said solemnly.

The little spider said, “But all I need is a spider web launcher…”

“The design of the spider web launcher is very suitable for you, but there are many light spider web launchers…”

“Well, you are right, but I think this formula can be modified…”

“tell me your opinion.”

“first of all……”

“Well, you are right, little spider, you are a genius, although a little worse than me.”

“Thank you, Mr. Stark.”

The preparation time is short.

The arrival of Zheng Xian brought bad news.

“Hydra is approaching our waters and will enter our territorial waters in three minutes. The evacuation of personnel is still in progress.”

Zheng Xian’s expression is very solemn, “It’s fast, and the evacuation of personnel has not been fully achieved. We need to block it!”

Captain China stood up and said, “`. It’s time for us to act.”

“Let’s go!”

Iron Man stood by his side.

All the superheroes stood up.

The Sky Mothership of Excalibur Bureau has taken off.

The whirring wind is oncoming.

“Let’s go first…” Captain China said, “Let’s stop.”


“Next is a tough battle!”

“Little spider, you can leave first.” Captain China glanced at Iron Man and said.

“Captain, you are my idol, how could I give up such an opportunity?” Little Spider was anxious, “I am also a member of the Avengers!”

“Aren’t you!” Iron Man stood up, clutching his shoulder with one hand.

“Mr. Stark…” Little Spider was about to cry!


Are you bullying? !

“This is a war! You are still young…” Captain China patted him on the shoulder and said seriously (good), “The future belongs to you.”

“Captain, when you were in war, you weren’t big, were you?”

Little Spider said quickly, “Moreover, I haven’t joined the Avengers… You have seen it too, I am very strong! I can beat you!”

Everyone laughed.

Stark sighed and said, “Parker, you’re still reading…”

“Mr. Stark, I…”

“Let’s go! I think Little Spider is good. Let’s talk about the future. If we can’t beat it, who knows if there is a future!” Black Widow stood up.

Everyone’s expressions condensed.

“Look at it!” Zheng Xian pointed to the big screen.

Everyone looked over.

On the surface of the sea, a waterline quickly approached Father Hydra.

The lens keeps zooming in.

Everyone see it clearly!

It’s a person!

“This is…” Zheng Xian frowned slightly, “It’s a superman from Norway, Sea King…”.

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