Chapter 542

“Look! He shot!”

Ant-Man exclaimed.

Suddenly a figure broke out of the water, and the figure rushed out of the sea like a cannonball.


The sea water rose up like a pillar in the air and hit the Hydra directly!

“So strong…”

The little spider has forgotten his own affairs.

Captain China stood up, “Let’s go too! We can’t let him resist it alone!”


Everyone followed him onto the plane.

“Evacuate the people as soon as possible, and we will resist for a while.”


Everyone got on the plane solemnly.

The cabin is closed.

The transport plane emptied quickly.

In the blink of an eye, disappeared into the sky.

Zheng Xian turned around, “Let the ground troops speed up! It’s time to go desperately!”

The desperate time has come!

Can’t give up anyone!

“Let’s go too!”

The Sky Mothership turned slowly, and then quickly disappeared…

Mountain dong peninsula.

At this time, coastal cities.

“Citizens please evacuate as soon as possible, there will be a large tsunami covered…”

“Please evacuate immediately…”

“Evacuate now!”

“Everyone, please don’t drive the vehicle, keep the connection clear, and go to the gym to gather…”


On the street, countless people are fleeing in horror.


On the street, people of all colors made deafening noises.

“what happened?!”

“In the end what happened?”


“Why let us evacuate?!”

“That is, all the family property is here!”

“My home! I just paid the down payment…”

“I don’t want to go!”

“I don’t want to leave either?! Why!? Why?!”


“Officer! Officer! Why do you want us to evacuate?”

“Is there going to be a war?!”


People away from home are cheap…

No one wants to leave their hometown.

These young soldiers were a little helpless one by one.

In fact, they don’t know…

“Order from above, there will be a big tsunami here! For your safety, please evacuate as soon as possible!”

“The tsunami is coming! We are leaving now!”


“For everyone’s safety…”

“Please evacuate as soon as possible!”

“Be careful! Be safe! Please keep order!”

“Please go to each escape point immediately, there will be a reception team!”

Everyone kept gathering in the empty escape point.

There are all kinds of vehicles parked inside.

Some are printed with Chinese characters, and some are printed with various English.

stark!(Read more @

and many more!

“Please get in the car immediately! Get in the car nearby!”

“Move fast!”

The camera follows a young teenager into a gymnasium.

There were all kinds of strange vehicles parked inside.

“How come the wheels are wiped out?”

“This car can’t fly, right?!”

“How is it possible?! There are still aircraft? This is impossible!”

The boy was stunned.

However, the next moment, a car suddenly jetted down.

Slowly rose into the air.

Disappeared over the stadium…

“It’s really a flying machine…”

“Damn! So flying cars really exist?!”


“It’s crazy!”


“Is this a science fiction world?!”

“Oh my God…”

Everyone was a little dazed.

“Don’t froze! Get in the car! There are many people behind!”

The world is messed up…

But it is very orderly under the organization of the government.

And in China’s territorial waters…

At this time, a giant is walking on the sea.

Nine heads are flying in the wind, constantly spraying elements of various attributes.

Storm, fire and lightning…

The entire sea was turbulent by it.


In the sea, a figure rose into the sky like a cannonball.

Hit a head directly to the side.

The other head suddenly opened his blood basin and bit at the man.

Did not get bitten.

But his head hit this figure.

The figure was immediately knocked into the air.


The sea exploded!


Suddenly, a person got out of the water, spit out a mouthful of sea water, and looked at Xiang Liu solemnly.

“Damn…” His eyes were concentrating, and a cloud of blue light suddenly condensed in his eyes.

The sea rose suddenly and turned into a huge cage.

Put the Hydra into the willow muscles and bones.


One of the heads of Hydra screamed up to the sky.

The blue light flashes on his body, forming a prison of water, which burst into pieces in an instant.


Aquaman spit out a mouthful of sea water.

Paled face.


Da Da Da Da!

An airplane approached Hydra in an instant, and bullets poured out.

One after another bullets fell on him and sparks appeared.

“No way!” Sea King couldn’t help but yelled, “Don’t come to die!”

He has witnessed many attacks by the armed forces.

The strength of Hydra…

Almost has the power to destroy the world!


One missile exploded on Hydra.

The Avengers are here!

“I go first!”

Stark jumped out, and the jet on his feet instantly rushed out and flew towards Hydra.

The phantom also penetrated the aircraft and appeared in the air.

The Scarlet Witch appeared from the rear of the cabin, standing on the plane.

“This…” Ant-Man glanced at the vast sea below. “I can’t do it…”

Little Spider looked pale, “It’s so big!”

Hydra obscures the sky and sun, and every movement can cause the sea to fall.

The water is turbulent.

“Captain, can you surf?”

Hawkeye adjusted his arrow.

“Try it……”

Captain China jumped out holding a surfboard.

“Then I also try?” Little Spider also jumped off the plane holding the surfboard.

Ant-Man came to Hawkeye’s side, “Or, you shot me over?”

“Okay…” Hawkeye nodded, and he jumped out and jumped off the spaceship.

The cabin of the spacecraft is not suitable for him to fight.

When it fell on the surface of the sea, a little fluorescence suddenly appeared on his body.

On the sea, a reef suddenly appeared.

Standing on the sea out of thin air…

“What did you do?!” Ant-Man stood on his ear. As soon as I finished speaking, I saw a small…

Big bug!

“Damn! Hawkeye, there are bugs in your ears!”

Ant-Man was taken aback!

“I know! This is my ability!”

Hawkeye’s eyes condensed, with golden light in his eyes, “Come on to my arrow!”

“What’s wrong with your eyes? Cataract? Oh, no! Is it a golden cataract? It looks good soon!” Ant-Man couldn’t help but look back at the arrow.

“Go to hell!”

Arrows are like electricity.


“Aren’t you going down?” The black widow looked at the corpsesmith and Cao Yanbing curiously.

She is responsible for driving the spacecraft.


I am a normal person. .

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