Chapter 545

“So, our task is to constantly attract its attention!”

Stark accepted the armor support from Veronica and continued to rush.

The anti-Hulk armor is already upper body.

Become even bigger than Hulk.

But still very small…

In front of Hydra…


“Okay! Fight it!” The corpse carpenter’s eyes condensed, and he sat on Lu Bu’s shoulder. At this time, Lu Bu was huge.

Jingle Bell!

The dementing bell shook, and the bell kept ringing.

The mummy Lu Bu showed green light in his eyes, leaped into the air, and cut it down with a single blow!



Hydra cried out in pain, lowered his head and saw the larger ant, his eyes pierced.

A golden light suddenly shot out from his eyes.


Lu Bu had no time to escape.

The armor on his chest shattered instantly.

Stature backwards…

“Ant-Man, make it smaller!”

The voice of Captain China came.


Ant-Man is full of energy immediately!

And the lens 01 falls into the body of Hydra.

Captain China is entering its body along the esophagus.

Bend around.

At the same time, he discovered several mysteries.

For example, he found a place where a tumor seemed to grow.

Lightning flashes on this tumor.

It’s hard to get close by yourself!

“I entered from a thunder-thunderbolt head, which means…this is one of his bodily functions?” Captain China was a little startled.

So that’s it…

“So… if I take his tumor…”

“No! So I will be exposed soon! I have to find a way to kill it all at once…” Captain China finally gave up.

He keeps going down…

Go to a junction…

Nine places can be connected here…

The words here…

“Ant-Man! Make it smaller!”

Now this place is like a tunnel, even if it becomes bigger, there is no chance.

But if it gets smaller…

outside world……

“No, after getting smaller now, the power is stronger!”

“Yes! We have to pay attention!”


In the sea, there are waves!

At this time, Xiangliu is almost like a tree!

However, the power is surging.

With every action, the water on the sea exploded and splashed everywhere!

And the action is swift and fast, which is simply not something ordinary people can resist!

“Veronica!” Iron Man added again!

However, this time, Veronica has no equipment!

“Damn it!”

“team leader……”

Thunder and lightning!(Read more @

The sea exploded.

Just when everyone backed away.

Suddenly, the HYDRA-like willow let out a horrible cry.

The nine heads turned wildly like an electric fan.

On the surface of the sea, there was blasting seawater everywhere.

The sea rose up in the sky.

“team leader!”


Everyone’s eyes fell on Hydra.


The junction of the nine heads of Hydra suddenly broke apart.

Captain China is wearing his uniform and standing on it.

Nine heads flew around, gradually losing their vitality…


“It’s so nervous!”

“Hydra willow, is it too strong?!”

“But it’s so big! It’s also its weakness!”

“If you were a little smaller, it might not be the result!”



In the cinema, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The strength of the Hydra willow is a bit desperate!

However, Ant-Man turned the tide this time!

This is also unexpected.

“I gotta go!”

After the war.

Tony is wearing a battle armor, which has been repaired.

Captain China looked at him, “You, go back now…”

Obviously, Tony hijacked the underwater prison. This matter must be…

“The “Above City Agreement” has been torn up. We are still the avengers, but…” Tony smiled helplessly, “It’s just that there is no official recognition!”

Captain China said: “I’m sorry, Tony…”

Tony laughed, and a stealth fighter had fallen beside them, “Um… I accept your apology.”

He got on the plane…

Disappeared into the sky.

Captain China stood there and watched for a long time…

He silently put down the shield in his hand.

“team leader.”

Zheng Xian came behind him.

“Director, I am not suitable to be the captain of China.” He sighed.

This time, he really did something wrong…

Regardless of whether Dr. Wen Rui is a clone…


“Hmm…” Zheng Xian hesitated for a long time.

“I am still willing to fight for China, but I am no longer suitable to be the captain of China!”

Zheng Xian understood what he meant and nodded, “Captain, we welcome you at any time.”

“Of course! I can fight for a lifetime…”

The movie is over…

The cinema was full of sorrows.

“Captain China, I really did something wrong this time!”

“Yes! He really did…everything for Dr. Wen Rui!”

“It makes me wrong! I even want to kill my Nini!”

“He lost his shield, he was too careful! Scumbag! Don’t miss the old feelings!”

“Too scumbag!”

“Although he finally saved the world! But still can’t change my view of him!”

“Pink turns black! No need to wash!”

Everyone was suffocating in their hearts.

It’s really annoying!

Captain China actually betrayed the Avengers…

The moment the movie went blank, a voice suddenly came from the big screen.

Zheng Xian’s voice: “Captain, Dr. Wen Rui…found it!”

After that, the ending song begins to play!

All the fans who were initially resentful suddenly startled!

Dr. Wen Rui found it? !

What does it mean! ?

I rely on…

“Damn! Does this mean you are going to kill Nini?!”

“Finally, I can continue to knock CP! The result is here again?!”

“He’s meow…it’s too…”

“Damn it!”

“Easter eggs… don’t know what the eggs are this time?”

“Isn’t “Sword Fairy” released?”

after awhile.

The big screen lights up.

Peng Yuyan wore a black suit, carried a coffin, and moved forward slowly.

His expression was a little sad.

The lens gradually zoomed out, and you can see Dr. Wen Rui’s photo…

The screen is black…

“Dr. Wen Rui is dead?!”

“Oh my God! This…”

“I’ve been looking forward to it for so long, and it brings such an ending to the captain!”

“Yeshen is simply inhumane!”

“The captain deserves happiness!”


“He was willing to give everything for Dr. Wen Rui, and the result is… this is it?!”.

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