Chapter 546

“Is this character unfinished?!”

“Yeshen! It shouldn’t be like this!”

“Damn! Dr. Wen Rui just retired like this?!”

“Li Bingbing: How do I say it’s your former boss, you treat me like this?!”

Because of the death of Dr. Wen Rui.

The fans caused a great response, and the movie theater almost burst out!


Dr. Wen Rui is such an important figure, unexpectedly…

Almost the soul of the captain China film!

“Huh!” Cao Rui let out a deep breath, lying on the sofa with a look of helplessness on his face.

Really hammered!

The single-player video of Captain China is probably over!

Dr. Wen Rui is the soul core of Captain China…

right now……


“What’s the matter?” Song Qian asked.

“Nothing.” Cao Rui shook his head.

Also said that the movie is about to end?

That’s not the case!

The end of the movie will have a great impact!

I have said it several times.

Besides, that’s it!

“See if there are any eggs!”

Song Qian looked forward to it.

Ye Li’s movies always put a lot of easter eggs in the movie.

Cao Rui started from this.

From an obscure newspaper media to a super self-media with millions of fans.

Just grasped such a vent.


The ending song played for a while.

The big screen lights up again.

Everyone was shocked!

Easter eggs!

The Easter eggs are here again!


In the sky, there are deep clouds.

Various colors of auspicious light surround the clouds.

A huge unmatched figure appeared in the sky.

Sit up…

“Yeshen, you don’t talk about martial ethics!”

“Mouse tail juice!”

“Damn! I am in a very unbeautiful mood!”

“It’s meow…”

“I really……”

“There is an old sputum…”

In the theater, everyone was attracted by this picture.

However, there is not even a line…

This f*ck!

What to do! ?

What’s the clue? !

He meows…

The ending song continues…

“This… it’s almost!”

“The next one is probably super huge!”

“The background is very big! China’s Tiangong has appeared!”

“It’s cowhide!”

“look forward to!”

“It’s this easter egg… it’s confusing!”

“Forget it…”

“It’s uncomfortable!”

“That’s it, it’s better not to watch it, although the little prince of Easter eggs is back online, but…”


“I really… I don’t know if I don’t know when to say something wrong!”

There was a lot of discussion in theaters across the country.

The ending song came to the end.

A meteor fell from the sky!

Cut through the entire sky and fall vertically into a forest!


The huge explosion caused a raging wave of air.

In the forest, the birds startled.

The sky is full of smoke and dust.

“what is that!?”

In the long jungle, the shadows of the trees swayed.

There seems to be a huge beast.


Two figures suddenly rushed out.

Leaping high, one of them is a green giant.

And the other one is the red giantess?

The two stood on a tree branch, overlooking a deep hole, full of smoke and dust, and they didn’t know what it was.

Hulk is talking.

“I don’t know!” The giantess stood beside him.

“I went to see.”

Hulk jumped up and fell directly to the side of the pit.

As soon as the camera turned, I saw a dark hammer falling here.

Standing on the ground.

Like Thor’s hammer.

But it’s not the same.

“Hulk, don’t!”

Hulk reached for it.

The giantess hurriedly spoke to stop.

“Cut!” Hulk snorted coldly, “This is just a gadget!”

However, when he grabbed the hammer.

Suddenly burst into golden light!

The giantess covered her eyes with her hands…

Black screen…


A line of words was typed on the big black screen.

Hulk, will return…

After a second.

The Avengers, will gather…

End of the film…

The lights of the cinema came on again.

All the fans were stunned.

“`. Damn! What is this?!”

“Hulk can even speak?!”

“Who is the giantess? Has Hulk found true love?!”

“F*ck! Where’s the Black Widow?!”


“What is this!”

“Which movie is this again!”

“Yeshen, do you want to do this?!”


“Yeshen really doesn’t talk about martial arts at all!”


The video ends.

Everyone began to leave the theater one after another.

But this matter is constantly being discussed in the mouth.

“Captain China 3”!

“Captain China this time, really…”

“Hey! God-like moral benchmark (good Zhao)! People are collapsed!”

“Nini is so miserable!”

“I mean!”

“The captain really disappointed me!”

“Although I also want to be the captain’s Wen Rui, but this way… I always feel…”

“Hey! For the sake of a woman, a guy that brothers don’t want…”

“Pink turns black!”

Hearing these voices, Cao Rui shook his head slightly.

This time… a bit too deep!

“Captain is really a pity!”

“Husband…I don’t like Captain China anymore!”

Song Qian said.

Cao Rui rubbed her hair helplessly, “Do you also think that the captain, the set of people has collapsed!?”

“Isn’t it?! The captain should represent justice!”

“But this time, he wanted to protect Wen Rui, no! Wen Rui’s clones fought Nini and even broke, which is really disappointing!”

“Even though Ye Shen wanted to clean up in the end, but… it’s still too abrupt! Even resignation is useless!”.

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