Chapter 551

“400 million!”

Mr. Zhang bid again.


“410 million!” iqiyi bid again here!

After he bid, other domestic video websites such as Youku stopped talking!

Still saying there is no alliance? !

I believe you a ghost!

“420 million!” Disney + also bid here!

After their bid, overseas streaming media groups died down.


They formed a union…

Mr. Zhang sees it!

For example, there are at least a dozen overseas streaming media groups!

A family pays tens of millions, and it’s done!

These domestic video sites also mean this!

And they…

What a mistake!

Just united with Wang Shi…

That means that if they win, it will cost two to three billion dollars!

And the others took it, and it only needed tens of millions of dollars…


He frowned.

I started to think about the impact if I didn’t take the copyright of “Doctor Strange” or even the later “Spider-Man”…

“What to do? They seem to be united together!” Wang Shi was not a fool, and soon saw the problem.

“If we give up…” Mr. Zhang said quickly, and even quoted a price, “420 million!”

“We give up? How can we?!” Wang Shi was a little worried!

give up! ?

Abandoning this movie means that the new membership will slow down…



“No! Doctor Strange, we can give up!” Mr. Zhang said seriously, “First raise the price, and then give up! We can’t fight them! Although there will be a certain slowdown in membership addition, this is not the most important thing! We need Vitality!”


Wang Shi was at a loss.

“We have the previous movie as a foreshadowing, so the members just opened a few more members! It has little effect on us!”

The remaining two parties bid again.

The price has approached 500 million!

“The most important thing is to win the most important movie! For example, “Captain China 3″! The rest…we can give up some appropriately to ensure our revenue…々…”


Wang Shi reacted!

He’s meow, you can abandon the car to be handsome!

but I……

You won “Avengers 2”!

Got the node!

Now tell me about abandoning the car to be handsome? !





Ye Li’s movies are coherent.

Although some pity is not very clear, clues can still be found.

This gave the audience great pleasure in watching the movie.

Therefore, the overseas streaming media of Penguin Video is not growing as fast as Winter Melon Video.(Read more @

However, the number of members is still growing steadily.

Now it has more than 40 million members…

Give up part of…

“So, next node movie, we want to unite!” Wang Shi said!

Mr. Zhang nodded, “Of course! I’ll draft an agreement when I go back!”

The two quickly finalized it.

At this time, the price has exceeded US$500 million!

Few companies hardly feel sorry for money.

what is this?

In addition to the strong combination of Penguin and Winter Melon Video.

The rest are more than a dozen joint ventures.

Five hundred million!

It’s only $50 million for each family!

Sprinkle it!

If we can really expand overseas markets…

Obviously, this is a profit!

After surpassing 500 million, Donggua Video did not bid any more except for the one-time bid at the 530 million place.

And the final result was still pushed up to 600 million!

“Doctor Strange” sold at a sky-high price of $650 million!

The one who succeeded is the iqiyi video alliance!

Subsequently, “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” was taken by the Disney + Streaming Media Alliance at a price of 540 million US dollars.

After that is “Spider-Man”!

This movie is directed by Ye Li!

It is the most important thing.

The three parties engaged in a fierce chase and were eventually taken by the iqiyi interest group at a price of 100 million dollars!

Three movies sold at a price of 2.2 billion + dollars!

This is Ye Li’s super influence!


Such a director who can make money is really unprecedented!

“This time, I didn’t get a movie!” Wang Shi said with some dissatisfaction.

Mr. Zhang smiled and said: “This is called the enemy advancing and retreating. Give them a chance. We can’t eat all of them. Now we consume part of their funds. When the node is reached, our pressure will be less.”

Wang Shi frowned, although it sounds okay.

But the logic is not like this!

This is your position!

Not the position of our penguin video!


“Forget it!” Mr. Zhang saw Wang Shi’s appearance and smiled: “I authorize the copyright of “Avengers 2″ to you. Of course, you need to spend money to buy it!”

“`. How much is it?!”

“Of course it’s half!”

“Damn! You treat me as a fool! Ten million at most!”

“Five hundred million!”

“Twenty million!”

“Two hundred million, it can’t be less! No matter how much less there is, there will be no more talk!”


They also know that now, the alliance of all parties has clearly become a trend.

In the future, this trend will continue.


Ye Li, who won more than two billion dollars, felt happy.

When preparing to let people arrange a car, let them go to dinner.

The person in charge of Disney+ stopped him.

“Director Ye, we have finished the first installment of the “Harry Potter” Castle. We are scheduled to unveil it in June. When that happens, please be sure to show your face!”

Hearing this, Ye Li’s eyes suddenly lit up!

Disney’s efficiency…

is acceptable!

After all, this is a remake!


Nine and three quarters of the station!

Diagon Alley!

Wait (get it?) Wait!

This represents the expectation of a generation!

The yearning of a generation!

I authorized it when I filmed the first “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”!

Now more than a year has passed!

They even built the “Harry Potter” theme park!

Not bad!

It’s really very good!

“Of course, I will definitely come then!” Ye Li nodded repeatedly!

He also wanted to see it.

theme park……

What is it like!


Earn two billion dollars in one go!

In addition, the “Harry Potter” theme park is about to be completed!

Ye Li is in a very happy mood!

Doing special effects and doing post-production are even more vigorous!

The post-production and special effects of the two movies “Avengers 3” and “Avengers 4” are still being produced in no time!

It just so happens that March will follow!

“Thor 3” officially landed in theaters! .

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