Chapter 552

“I didn’t buy a ticket for the premiere of Thor 3!”

At the entrance of the premiere cinema, there was a huge crowd.

Many fans gather here, even if they can’t enter the premiere, they still have to look at their idols!

“Who will come today?”

“I don’t know! But there should be Thor and Hulk?!”

“Uncle Mark, I like it best!”

“This time, Hulk is in love!”

“I like Loki the most!”

“Wow, Kaka!”

“Rocky is so handsome!”

“Never thought that a villain like Rocky could be so handsome!”

“And super arrogant!”

“Come! Coming! I don’t know who was in the first car?!”

“It should be the director Wu Ershan? Director Wu Ershan’s work is also very awesome!”

“Yes, the special effects are very good!”

“Yeshen’s screenwriter is also very important!”

“Looking forward! Super looking forward!”

“The wizard! It’s the wizard!”

“Guide!!!! Look here!”

“This way! This way!”

Seeing Wu Ershan, many fans were excited.

Wu Ershan waved to everyone and went directly to the interview.

The second car arrived immediately.

Chris of Gundam stood at the door of the car and smiled 140 when he saw the enthusiastic audience.

“Ahhhhh! Thor! Thor!”

“Wow! Thor is still so handsome!”

“I love Thor!”

So many fans!

Chris walked to the end of the red carpet!

The third car that got off was Uncle Mark.

Uncle Mark always wore a smile on his face.

If he hadn’t transformed into a Hulk, no one would know that his real body was such a terrifying existence!


“Ah!” Halfway through, Uncle Mark suddenly made a strange expression of Hulk.


“Uncle Mark is so cute!”

“Yes! Uncle Mark is so cute!”

“Uncle Mark, I love you!”

“Hulk! Hulk!”

Uncle Mark’s fans are actually divided into two people.

One is Hulk and the other is Banner.

There are two different groups of fans.

Some people like the gentle and elegant Banner, with seven doctoral titles!

The other is pure and direct Hulk!

Sweep everything!

“Who is the fourth car? It should be Odin, right?”

“It should be! Odin, this time should be the villain, right?”

“Odin should be great, right?”

“look forward to!”

The fourth car came to a halt slowly.

Sure enough, Odin played.

After that, it was an internationally renowned actor, and everyone did not know who he played.(Read more @

“The sixth car?! The villain should be behind, right?”

“Yes, the heroes and heroines are all out!”

“Who else is there now?”

“The villain should have come out too!”

“The Valkyrie has entered the arena too…”

“It’s kind of…”

The sixth car came to a halt slowly, and a man in a vertical striped suit came out.


“Oh my God! How could it be him?!”

“Stark!? Does Iron Man also appear in this movie?!”

“Oh my God! Isn’t this impossible?!”


“Wow wow wow wow!”

“Tony! I love you! Tony!”

Robert Downey Jr. walked down with a smile on his face, waved to everyone, and then invited his female companion to get out of the car.

“Oh my God! This is not…”

“Who is this?!”

“Who? Wang Churan!”

“Damn! Did she also star in “Thor 3″?!”

“Oh my God!”

“Who is the next car!?”

“Isn’t it the captain?!”

“Didn’t the captain resign?”

“Yes! It shouldn’t be the captain…”

In the seventh car.

Peng Yuyan got off the bus.

All fans are climaxing.

“It’s really the captain!”

“Captain! Captain! Captain!”


“Captain and Black Widow!”

“Oh my god!”

“Who else?! This is a super surprise!”

“Who else will end?!”

“How many people are there in this movie!?”

“Come on!”

“look forward to!”

“Damn! I want to post a video! Gosh! So many people!”


Short videos of this wave of premieres were uploaded one after another.

Even the topic of “Thor 3” began to appear on the hot search list,

“My God! Stark! Captain! Black Widow! Hulk! Thor! Odin! Hawkeye! What lineup is this?!”

“What’s more?! There is the Scarlet Witch behind! There is also Vision! And Aquaman! And the little spider! And the Falcon! And the Ant-Man! It is simply “Avengers”!”

“Ahhhhh! Why didn’t I go!”

“I knew I should go!”

“My Stark!”

“Oh my God! I regret it!”

“This is “Thor 3”?! Isn’t it “Avengers 3″!?”

“Damn! Did you bring 3 movies, they are all so cowhide?!”

“It’s crazy, right?!”

“Someone said before that “Captain China 3” should be named “Avengers”! What about “Thor 3”?! Should it be named “Avengers 5/2″?!”

“It’s going to be fried!”

“This time the box office is going to explode again!”

“I’m so stupid! Really! I thought it was Thor’s solo show! As a result…he was a teamfight!”

“Don’t call me when starting a group! Bad review!”

“Damn it!”

The premiere has not yet started, and the topic of the “Thor 3” movie has been on the hot search list!

Shot among the top five!

“Avengers 5/2”!

All Avengers assembled!

Two topics, 3 and 4!

It’s crazy!

In the cinema.

Seeing the stars stepping in, Song Qian was stunned.

“Husband, is this really “Thor 3” movie?! Not “Avengers 3″?!”

Cao Rui also felt very shocked, “I don’t know…we won’t buy the wrong tickets, right?”

“Ahhhhhhh! My husbands are here!” Song Qian stood up excitedly and called and jumped.

This is crazy.

She is not the only one cheering excitedly in the theater.

The whole theater is full of anti-sky.

“But…” Cao Rui laughed, “This is also Ye Shen’s consistent style!”

Think of the two movie tickets in my own home.

【The tenth film directed by Ye Li】……

They are all out of print now!

Although only one month has passed!

marketing techniques……

Ye Li…

In other words, Chengguo Pictures has always been at the forefront of the world!

No one wants to know how he plans to promote it next time!

However, it is obvious that tomorrow, “Thor 3” will definitely become a hot topic! .

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