Chapter 553

“Guide, is this movie really “Thor 3”? Not “Avengers 3″?!”

Even the reporters who were invited to come were a little confused.

what’s going on? !

The state of the assembly of the Avengers…


This is too scary!

iron Man! Captain China! Thor! Black Widow! Hulk! Hawkeye!

Except that the sword fairy was not present, all the members of the Avengers in the first phase are here!

“Of course, the name of the script I got is “Thor 3″! Unless the name is changed when it is released.” Wu Ershan said with a smile~.

Chris also nodded, “Yes, I am the main-horn…”

Downey’s face was dark.

Are you the protagonist?

Did you put me there? !

Me Tony Stark, in which movie is not the protagonist”!


“However, I think I am definitely not shooting “Avengers 3”, because as far as I know, Dao Ye’s “Avengers 3” and “Avengers 4″ have already started shooting…”

Wu Ershan hadn’t finished speaking, the little spider Herland immediately rushed to talk: “Yes, the two movies 3 and 4 have been finalized! We have all eaten the finale… even me…”

When Holland spoke, it attracted everyone’s attention.

Anne Hathaway, who was sitting next to him, kicked him gently.

Holland understood immediately!

His face suddenly turned pale, and he hurriedly covered his mouth!


Almost missed…


Am I dead? ?

I am curious too!


“Spider-Man! “Avengers 3” and “Avengers 4″ are both finished?!”

“How has your role changed in Avengers 3 and 4?!”

“Excuse me…”

All the microphones can’t wait to catch the little spider’s face.

The little spider shook his head quickly, “Don’t ask me, I don’t know anything!”

“Herland, are you afraid of Ye Shen?! Did Ye Dao give you a password!?”

“You are spoiled on overseas social media. Is it true that you once said that you died?”

“Will the character of Spiderman die?”

“So, these two movies are your last performances?”

Holland is about to cry!

You are all bad guys!

Why are you all targeting me? !

Ye Shen… the humanity of wood!

Or Wu Ershan stood up and relieved him, saying: “Everyone, now is the premiere of “Thor 3”, let’s just say “Thor 3″!”

Finally, I transferred back the topic of the partial building.

This time the premiere can be said to be very lively!(Read more @

Everyone is very excited.

Are the two films “Avengers 3” and “Avengers 4” finished? !

Damn it!

It’s crazy!

“The Avengers” will have two movies this year? !

And add “Captain China 3” and “Thor 3”!

This year is simply the year of the superhero!

Moreover, in this case, the plot can be linked…

It’s so cool, don’t want it!

“Captain, will you still play as the captain in Thor 3?”

“Donny! Will you play a decisive role in Thor 3?”


“Hulk, will you become a villain?!”

After a series of interviews, I finally entered the movie playback link.

The green dragon mark flew by.

【Director Ye Li’s work】……

The movie has officially started!

Excalibur Game!

Peng Yuyan, wearing a jacket, stood in front of Zheng Xian.

“Captain, have you really decided?!”

Zheng Xian asked, “In fact, you don’t need to be like this. You did not sign the agreement, and Stark and the others cannot represent everyone. Moreover, through negotiations, the “Above City Agreement” itself has been cancelled.”

Looking at the shield and uniform on his desk, Peng Yuyan smiled, “I am a person abandoned by the times, and what happened last time really proved that I am not qualified for this position.”

“I believe there will be someone more suitable than me!”

Zheng Xian knew that there was no room for maneuver on this matter. “Well, Captain, what do you want to do next?”

Peng Yuyan suddenly showed a relaxed expression and said: “Let’s take a look! The world is so big, since I can’t go against the flow of time, I have to look more at the current scenery.”

“I think I will go to Stark and do volunteer work with them.”

0 ·Look for flowers····

“Captain, I wish you a pleasant journey!”

Zheng Xian sent his sincere blessings.

He looked at the shield in front of him.

“Director, there are other people in our bureau who are suitable for this uniform!” someone said suddenly.

Zheng Xian shook his head, “This is a symbol of the era, keep it for now…”

In the last shot, the uniform was put into a closet.

Then the screen went black.

The film officially begins…

“Hey! The captain has officially resigned!”

“I think the captain can actually relax a little bit!”

“Yes, the captain himself is not from this era, he shouldn’t bear so many things!”

“If you change me, I won’t bear so much!”


. …. 0

“I hope the captain can find his own happiness in the future! After all, Dr. Wen Rui is dead!”

“I really don’t know, why didn’t Ye Shen revive Dr. Wen Rui!”

“Yes! If Dr. Wen Rui can be resurrected, it will be very exciting!”

“I still hope that the captain will be happy in the future!”

“The last figure is really, so lonely!”

“Yes! Hey…”

The screen lights up again.


Stark and Captain China…former Captain China.

And Falcon and others are standing on the street with armbands on them.

Standing here like a soldier.

“Zhou, I said you shouldn’t have come. You can go and enjoy your retirement life!” Stark said through headphones.

“Yes, Captain, you should be retired!”

Falcon also said.

Last time, Stark robbed the prison and took away Falcon and others.

Although the last “agreement on the city of abundance” has been torn up.

However, Stark robbed prison privately, which still had a bad effect.

Therefore, they must perform a certain period of volunteer work before they can be released on bail.

Black Widow, Scarlet Witch…

Of course, although Vision appeared on the scene, it did not appear on the scene of the robbery.

Not many people are punished.

Zhou Kai smiled and said: “Am I not doing my retirement now? Stark, as a good friend of your father, I have an obligation to urge you to have a baby!”

Stark shrugged and said, “Oh! No!” Factory.

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