Chapter 554

Several people stood on the edge of the street, watching countless people gather together.

They were discussing a current issue and held the banner above their heads.

I want more people to notice this matter.

In addition to these volunteers, there are also police officers who have already been prepared!

“Why not let us start work, this is our right! This is a free country! I did not violate the law!”

“Oh! Come on, all this is fake! What freedom and democracy! They are all fake! What I need is my own rights!”

Countless reporters are interviewing here.

Many more people gathered here. It seems very excited.

They held up banners and boards of their own opinions.

“Tony, this is going to be a riot, right?”

Looking at the noisy crowd, and the crowd that has become more and more excited.

Zhou Kai couldn’t help but frowned.

“How can it be?”

Stark looked indifferent, “This is democracy, Zhou, I think you should understand what democracy means? People have the right to assemble peacefully, and there is no stipulation that they must be quietly assembled!”

“Whatever you say.” Zhou Kai frowned, “I feel that this is a riot!”

“Captain, this is freedom in North America!” Falcon also said, “Maybe, this is culture…”

The camera turns.

The increasingly excited crowd suddenly overthrew a few soldiers and rushed in.

More and more people gathered.

“Support is needed here! As soon as possible!”

“They are really going out of control!”

“Stay steady! Hold on!”

A certain officer is patrolling on a horse.


“Why don’t you let us talk?!”

“Why do you have to stop me!”

“Could it be that this is the so-called democracy?!”

The people who gathered for the parade became more and more angry, spitting out their own saliva.

Sound the horn to warn!

Fire a warning!

Instead, it made the whole scene even more chaotic.

“Not good!” Zhou Kai suddenly took a step forward.

“My God! Captain, you are right! This is a riot!”

I don’t know when the tear gas was dropped.

“It shouldn’t be…” Stark frowned. “According to Friday’s analysis, this is a peaceful parade. It shouldn’t happen like this!”

“Tony, you have to learn to see with your eyes!” Zhou Kai stepped forward to separate the crowd.

However, he found that everyone seemed very angry.

The news began to report.

[A peaceful demonstration has turned into a fierce violent conflict! 】

Zhou Kai rushed into the crowd and separated the two people.


The two men seemed to have seen their enemies.(Read more @

Crazy biting together again!



One of them is the police!

Why does this happen? !

“Tony! Something is wrong!”

Zhou Kai said.

Stark also passed over, “Yes, I also found the problem!”

“They all seem to be in anger…”

A dark place.

Smoke filled the whole place.

Orange-red smoke…

The camera gradually moved up, a place like a cage.

“I know what you are thinking. Oh! Thor was caught! What is going on?!”

Chris’ voice came.

With lightness, excitement, and carelessness!

It’s not at all the same as him!

“Sometimes, in order to find out the details of someone, you have to take risks with your body.”

The camera jumped.

Thor was entangled in chains and thrown in the cage.

“It’s a long story. How can I say that I am also a hero? I stayed on the earth for a while, fought with robots, and saved the world several times!”

“I went to the universe to search for those magical cosmic rough stones, and I found nothing!”

“Later I embarked on a road of death and destruction, and then I was imprisoned here, and later, I met you!”

The camera turns.

A skeleton was sitting opposite him.

It seems to be shocked to hear what he said…

My jaw dropped…


“I’m so funny! Thor is still so funny!”

“Raytheon is too good at complaining!”

“So, is this explaining, what he did before?!”

“Go to the universe to find the rough cosmic stone! Then come here again?!”

“Hey…it’s so pitiful!”

The movie continues.

“How long do you think we have to stay?!”

As soon as the voice fell, the cage was opened directly, and he fell from the sky!

Almost fell into the speech!

“Oh! Thor, son of Odin?”

A flame giant sits in his own flame throne.

The raging fire ignited all the space in his body!

“Sulter! You bastard, you are still alive! I thought my father killed you a long time ago! I remember it was half a million years ago!”

“Are you dreaming?” The flame giant laughed, “Five hundred thousand years ago! Were you born? You stinky boy, at that time, that mean Odin was just a little follower!”

“If you want to say that, I think it’s interesting to say that! However, I have been having nightmares lately. Do you know?! I dreamt that Asgard was caught in a sea of ​​flames…”

“Haha! This shows that the great prophecy is being fulfilled, Thor, wait! The dusk of the gods will come!”

The flame giant Sirtel laughed.

“Wait, wait a minute…” The camera shows Thor, who is facing the flame giant, “Let me turn back first, damn it, can’t you let it stay still!?”

“If you don’t move by yourself, it won’t turn!”

“I didn’t move!”

“You moved!”

“Okay, I’m back.” Thor breathed a sigh of relief, “Sulter, I think we still have a common language, what do you mean by the twilight of the gods? Tell me… ”

“Twilight of the gods?! Oh! Son of Odin 1.3, I don’t think you would want to know! No! Odin wouldn’t want you to know!” Sulter smiled happily, “Be the eternal The fire condenses into a crown and falls on my head, and the sword in my hand will penetrate deeply into Asgard’s…”

“Wait, eternal fire? Asgard’s one?!”

“of course!”

“What about your crown?!”

“Crown? Isn’t that it?” Sulter pointed to the pair on top of his head…

“Aren’t these your eyebrows?”

“This is the crown!”



“Well, you can’t get the eternal fire anyway…”

“No! Now Odin is not in Asgard, the throne is hanging… he is afraid… he is avoiding…”

“Odin is omnipotent!”.

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