Chapter 555

“He is the Almighty Father!”

Thor said loudly.

“No! He is not!” Surtel seemed to be very happy to see Thor like this. “He is not even the Almighty Father! He is just a usurper! A despicable…”

“Asgard will be destroyed, the son of Odin will use his own life to prevent this crisis… and now, Odin…”

“What do you mean?!”

“Nothing! I just think…”

Obviously, Sirtel now thinks killing is more fun.

He wanted to kill Thor.

A big battle…

Thor killed Surtel and took his skull…returned to Asgard.

But found…

The Nine Realms are in chaos, while Odin is enjoying the opera…

In the end, he knew clearly.

Odin has disappeared!

And now this person…


Thor is all bad!

Even suspect that Loki killed Odin!

Just when Thor was about to take a shot, Loki revealed Odin’s whereabouts.

The two came to Earth through the Rainbow Bridge.

An escort center under the tree.


The two stood at the door of the escort center with their hands in their hands, watching the entire escort center was lifted by a forklift.

Thor was about to riot.

“I swear… I left him here!” Rocky said quickly.

Waiting for his brother to make a move, he will definitely not end well!

When the two were talking, a light bulb-like light suddenly appeared under Loki’s feet.

“what is this?”


In an instant, Loki fell from the aperture.

The aperture disappeared and a business card appeared on the ground.

“Rocky?” Thor poked his business card with the umbrella in his hand.

There is no doubt that it was picked up.

【177A Queen’s Road】……

Thor came to the door of 177A Queen’s Road.

Go up the steps and knock on the door.

Boom! Boom! mouth……

The last winter did not come out, a punch was empty!

The whole person almost staggered, already standing inside the house.

Where is he? !

The lens rotated with his gaze, revealing a sign…


“This cock exploded!”

“It’s so handsome, isn’t it?!”

“Raytheon is stunned! Where is this place!? Who am I?!”

“Doctor Strange is really awesome!”

“Thunder God looks dumbfounded at this moment!”

“It’s cool!”

“This should be the Xiangjiang Temple, right?”

“Doctor Strange: God or something…but so!”

Seeing the appearance of this sign, everyone was excited!(Read more @

And Doctor Strange? !

“Thor 3” is simply a big welfare delivery!

Not only the captain, Iron Man, they all appear!

Dr. Strange appeared!

“Tor Odinson!”

A voice like a subwoofer sounded in the empty temple.

I don’t know when a person appeared over the window.

Suspended in midair…

The figure gradually approached, and everyone saw the handsome Jin Chengwu…

Thor also became vigilant.

this person……

It seems a bit powerful.

What is his purpose? !

Why is it here?

Why was I brought here by him?

“God of Thunder.” He glanced at the umbrella. “You can put it down.”

Thor put the umbrella on the shelf aside.

The moment it fell, the scene around him changed.

Already arrived at the exhibition hall…

“There are wizards on earth now?”

Thor pretended to be calm.

“Accurately, it is a occultist.”

“who are you?”

“I’m Doctor Jin. I have something to ask you. Sit down.”


Where to sit?

He looked down, and instantly, with a bend in his knees, he sat down directly…

Looking around, what’s going on?


“Drink tea?” asked Dr. King, who was sitting across from him.

Thor was surprised that he already had a cup of tea in his hand…

When did this happen? !

He looked at his hand, “I never drink tea.”

“Okay, then what do you drink?”

“As long as it’s not tea.” Thor stared at the teacup in his hand earnestly.

He meows…

I don’t believe that your inferior magic can escape the eyes of the gods!


In the next moment, the teacup in my hand no longer knew when it turned into a glass of beer…

“I have been monitoring people and things from other worlds.” Dr. Jin said slowly.

“Because they may be a potential threat to the world, the younger brother you adopted, Rocky. Is one of them.”

While Dr. King was talking, Thor took a sip of beer fiercely.

It’s delicious.

Killed half a cup in one breath, “He really deserves it!”

When he was talking, the wine glass in his hand was suddenly full? !

Someone pour me more wine? !

“Then why did you bring him here?!”

“Let’s find our father again.”

“If I tell you where Odin is, will everyone involved return to Asgard immediately?”

“of course!”

“Excellent, then I’ll help you!”

“If you know where he is, why don’t you call me?”

Thor obviously didn’t believe in this mysterious wizard!

Who knows what he does! ?

“Let me tell you first, your father is resolute in his unwillingness to be disturbed! He chose to be banished for a period of time. Moreover, you don’t have a phone call!”

Thor is driven crazy by Dr. King’s spells!

Almost fainted several times!


Halo teleportation? !

In the end, Dr. Jin opened a portal and pointed directly at the place where Odin was.

“Okay, can you return my brother to me now?”

Dr. King opened a downward portal.

Loki fell from the sky and fell to the ground.

“Do you believe it? I free fall for thirty minutes!”

Thor suddenly felt a lot of balance.

I was also confused!

Loki wanted revenge, but was sent away by Dr. Jin directly through a portal!



Haitian line.

Odin just stood on the edge of the cliff, looking out at the sea level.

“I’m waiting for you, my sons!”

Odin turned his back to the two of them,

The two hurriedly walked to him, and Thor said: “Father, we are here to pick you home!”

“Go home?” Odin said with a smile.

“Yes, go home!”

“My sons!” Odin looked far away, as if looking at the endless world, and in the distant sky, there seemed to be something attracting him.

“We are leaving…”

“Go? Where to go?” Thor asked.

“Leave here, leave the Nine Realms…”.

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