Chapter 565

The Falcon suddenly stood up.

“We stay!”

Captain China looked at him in shock.

Staying will face the attack of the serpent.


Falcon said: “Our team will retreat, establish a position, and evacuate the people from here. This will give them enough hope and confidence! As for you…”

He looked at Captain China, then at other people, and said, “You guys go and do your own thing!”

He stood in place.

“If I die, remember to take revenge for me! If I am not dead, I will definitely take revenge with you!”

“I will stay too!”

The Storm Girl, played by Wang Churan, also stood up.

“And I!”

“And I!”

Many people chose to stay.

These superpowers have no names for the time being.

Most of them are newcomers.

At this time, he chose to stay…

Staying means…

“Okay… we will definitely be back!” Captain China looked solemnly.

“Just as we will see you again!”

The Rainbow Bridge fell.

Captain China01, Hawkeye, Black Widow and others left the earth with Thor…

“Alright! The Avengers!” Falcon took over the command. “We are going to start evacuation! Leave our teammates alone, what they are doing…”


The whole Asgard was fighting hard, and armies were gathering.

Heimdall stood beside Odin.

“The World Destroying Legion has reached 10,000, and each of them is ready to accept your order and do their best to turn everything into ashes!”

Odin said calmly: “Heimdall, this is far from enough.”

“We still have two thousand bone-grinder tanks and five thousand hell cavalry!”

“Heimdall, it is far from enough to burn up a world, he needs a lot of…”

“Someone is coming! From the earth…”

Heimdall suddenly cast his gaze in one direction.

There, the colorful rays of light are condensing into a whirlpool.

In the whirlpool, a group of people came out.

“Odin! The guy who wreaks havoc on the earth just sent two powerful and incomparable men to severely wound your son! You must heal him!”

Captain China’s eyes were cold.

For Odin, who is about to give up and even destroy the world, the King of Gods has no good feelings.

“What are you talking about?!” Heimdall drew the long sword.

“I’m talking about Thor!” Captain China glared at each other, “Heal him immediately! If you don’t have Thor and fight with me, I don’t want to fight for you to the end! And, if you want to kill the snake, we We all know that only one person can do it!”

Odin’s face suddenly changed wildly!


He felt as if he had been seen through.

“How dare you talk to me like this?! I am the king of the gods, the Almighty Father!”

Captain China was particularly upset at this time, “Save the province! Aren’t these all your troops?!”

“Yes! These are my armies! They are about to descend on the earth where you are, and will connect you, the serpent, to ashes!”(Read more @

Captain China said angrily: “Then you need more people!”

“Get out! Get out of me!”

On Odin, the divine power suddenly broke out!

The infinite power instantly sent away all the superheroes who came together.

He walked to Thor, who was fainted on the ground, a little depressed. “My child… my lovely child…”

He murmured, “I will take you to the room for one last conversation…tonight, everything will come!”

Odin hugged Thor and walked away slowly.

The back looks a little rickety…

King of the gods…

In the cinema.

Someone sniffed suddenly.

“Although Odingcao Kan is dead, he should be a good father, right?”

“It’s all for Thor…”

“Either Thor will die, or the earth will die, if it’s me…I might be the same as Odin…”


A burst of light flashed.

Captain China and others returned to the earth.

Odin’s supernatural power sent them all back.

“Captain, you just…” Hawkeye couldn’t help asking.

The black widow also said worriedly: “Captain, are you okay? Your state…”

Captain China was a little lonely in applying.

The earth now belongs to the inside and outside flanking.

very dangerous!

“Not good…” Captain China’s back was a little lonely, “I haven’t even gotten over yet, we must start to evacuate…”

The black widow asked: “Evacuate? How to evacuate? Where to evacuate?!”

“China? New York? Or the Antarctic Arctic? Where can we evacuate?”

Hearing this sentence, Captain China gradually walked into the darkness alone.

His voice came.


“We want to evacuate the world, but… I don’t know what to do at all!”

Everyone is silent.

Yes it is!

No one knows what to do!

Now, the crisis of Orochi is flooding the world.

There is no safe place in the world!

All parts of the world are threatened by the serpent!

“The suicide rate has risen sharply!”

“Seventeen cities in North America have reported food riots tonight!”

“The damage and the level of casualties in Paris are all in official terms!”

“There have been many suicide attacks in densely populated places…”

“China has appeared on a large scale…”

The whole world is in crisis.

The big snake is like crazy.

The energy in the body is skyrocketing.

“Skati, do you feel it!”

“Their will is crumbling! Their souls are trembling!”

“The more fearful the world, the stronger I am! And now, they are about to be destroyed!”

“Finally, it’s over now! My energy is strong enough to slaughter Odin and his Human God Alliance!”

“Now, the winning ticket is in hand, the world tree is gathered! Kill all obstacles!”

“Odin, and his cursed family, the end is here!”

“It should be mine, everything will be mine!”


“May Parker!”

Spider-Man is floating in the air.

He has circled the entire New York neighborhood five times!

However, he still did not find his Aunt Mei!

This is his only family!

It’s been a long time.

Spider-Man almost ran out of the web in his hand!

He just found Aunt Mei in one place.

“Are you okay? Are you injured, you…”

Spider-Man asked nervously.

“Why did you come to me…”

“I am Parker’s friend…”

“Peter is he okay?”


Aunt May heard that Peter was okay, and grabbed Spider-Man’s hand, “You have a heavy responsibility. It’s not right. Let you leave your post for me…”.

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