Chapter 566

Among the spacious bedrooms.

Thor lay on the bed and Odin sat beside him.

Towels soaked in Shenshui, wring out gently.

“Some wounds cannot be healed, I know, this is what they did…”

Odin murmured and didn’t know if Thor could hear him, but it didn’t matter.

“It seems that this kind of thing has happened to you all the time, the child… was knocked to the ground and then dragged back to Asgard. This has all formed a pattern.”

Odin wiped Thor again and again.

Thor closed his eyes: “I always fall from Asgard. These don’t stop me. We in Asgar only have endless cycles and reincarnations…”

“Humph!” Odin snorted coldly, “There is still some time, you don’t need to fight, you don’t need to go to death, don’t do it because it should be my responsibility.”

Thor got up with difficulty, “I can’t accept sacrificing a whole world to save ourselves. Maybe you hope that is not the case. I learned from you, there is always something right, worthy of your death!”

Odin was silent…

It seems that the whole person has lost brilliance.

Just sit here.

Odin sat for a long, long time, lowered his head, and his voice gradually came: “If you are a father… if you can be a father one day… you may understand that compared to your own son… a world, It’s nothing at all!”

Thor sat up.

“Maybe in the afterlife…maybe in the next reincarnation…”

Odin supported his son.

While talking about the situation of the big snake, he took out a divine armor.

“My armor, when I razed Aschheim and burned all its remnants, leaving only the world,… When I slaughtered millions of lives disturbed by his pathology, when I was the first When I overthrew him and expelled him, I wore this armor, it protected me…”

Odin dresses Thor slowly.

“When he attacks you, you can still feel it, and the helmet can help you resist the scream, it can’t resist it completely, but… it’s better than nothing. 々.”

“You will still feel pain, boy, you have to be prepared!”

Odin is like an old woman looking at her son about to travel…

Thor nodded: “So you don’t discourage me anymore? Okay, I’m ready!”

He was a little excited.

“No! You are not ready yet!” Odin said, “Keep it in mind!”

Odin was a little solemn.

“So… is he the true father of the gods?” Thor asked after a while.

Odin lowered his head, “My boy, I told you many lies, as well as the whole Asgard, and all the Nine Realms! Just to escape this simple and cruel truth forever.”

“I tried to protect every one of my people from this beastly brother through forgetting. He is not my antithesis, Thor, he is the missing part of me.”

“He will die too. Knowing this is enough.”

Odin drew out a long sword, cold and cold.(Read more @

“This can kill him, Odin’s Excalibur. Its true name is Twilight of the Gods! The blade forged to end everything!”

“Materials are warnings and promises, surpassing everything in the world!”

“Child, there is still some time…before you rush towards your doomed demise, there is still some time, I can teleport you away, child, it’s not too late.”

Odin suddenly looked back, a little embarrassed, but with a wing of expectation, “I’m just asking you, the last time.”

“Which side are you on? Are you a man or a god?”

Odin lifted Thor’s face and looked at him pityingly, “I am a human, father, I am the person you brought up and I became!”

“I’m so touched!”

“How about slaughtering a world for my son?! Odin, domineering!”

“Odin really is the most favorite son in the world!”

“You can see it from “Thor 1″!”

“Odin is simply a darling demon!”

“Hey… I really envy you!”

“Odin is really awesome!”

“For Thor, planning to slaughter a world?!”

“It’s so awesome 1”

Watt Amher.

Stark stood on a high platform.

Around him are dwarves holding various hammers and forging utensils.

Yes it is.

In fact, he came to Asgard a long time ago.

He has been here to build weapons that can fight against the serpent.

Wiping the sweat from his head, Stark muttered to himself, “I guess, it’s about time everyone is calling my name to die, right?”

Suddenly, a voice sounded, “No more guessing.”

Odin came into the air, with Thor behind him.

“`. People of Wat Amher, present all the weapons you built to protect the earth!”

“Take my recoil energy as the node and a bunch of other Stark patented technologies as the core, and then use the enchanted Ulu as the shell, each of which is turned into an Avenger tailor-made.”

“The most powerful weapon on earth, for the most powerful superhero on earth!”

Odin suddenly asked: “Stark, what about yours? What is the weapon that a mortal man, at the risk of offending the gods, went to die generously and forged?”

Stark looked at his hands and squeezed a fist gently.

“I would rather be self-supporting!”

Odin suddenly laughed.

Asgard connection point.

In front of the world tree…

“The good news is that we know the destination of Orochi! Fan-shaped formation, be prepared.” Captain China stood on the ruins, “The task is to use all means to ensure that they stay away from the tree of the world! The longer the time, the better!”

After finishing the assignment, Captain China turned and left.

“Captain! Captain, you are… you can’t…”

Hawkeye hurriedly chased up, “Where are they? Where is Thor? Where is Tony? Are we just such a few people?”

Hawkeye crossed the ruins and overtook Captain China, “Zhou Kai, damn, where do you want to go?”

“They came back, Chen Ao, worry about yourself now, they will hook it!”

“how about you!”

Captain China resolutely walked away, “I will defend the line!”

The superheroes stood among the ruins behind him, watching the fading Captain China.

“Does it make sense for the captain to do this?” someone couldn’t help but ask.

Hawkeye sighed and said, “Captain, he represents the will of the general public. So…”

The black widow also nodded, “That’s why he will go back desperately. As long as they have hope, we can win!”.

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