Chapter 569

“You…” Da Snake suddenly widened his eyes and barely raised his head.

“You want to destroy Asgard?!”

Odin glanced at his own brother, “Yes.”

“You all have no home!” The snake can’t move at all now, “Odin wants to let Thor bury your home!”

All Asgardians fell silent.


“Odin… why did you do this?”

Sieve suddenly stood up and asked.

“In order to bring my son back to life… even if there is only a one-tenth chance, I want to try…” Odin said in a deep voice.

“Sorry, my people, I failed…”

Odin lowered his head, “Asgard was built together by us. But…”

Stark said to the side: “If you have this heart for the earth…”

“Stark!” Captain China pulled him.

“It just happens to be able to change to a new home!”

“I think I can move to the earth!”

“Just right, I think the earth is good!”

Suddenly, voices rang from the entire Asgard team.

Everyone doesn’t particularly care.

“How nice to change the environment! It just so happens that we are all tired from living in Asgard!”

“The earth is pretty good too!”

“Just take some time! Originally I wanted to redecorate my house…”

“Very good! Odin!”

No one cares, Asgard is ruined, then it is ruined!

It’s just a place, even if it’s a place of birth, old age, sickness, and death, does human life really matter?

“Your hometown is gone!”

The big snake mentality is about to collapse!

“So what? Thor, I watched it grow up!”

“we are brothers!”

“Everyone has been together for thousands of years!”

“Why is it not more important than Asgard?”

call out!

In the next instant, these brilliance approached in an instant, and all fell into the sphere in his hand.

“The meaning of life lies in continuation…” Odin slowly raised his head, his eyes were no longer full of energy.

The bead in his hand is now floating slowly in the air.


The next moment, it shot directly into Thor’s eyebrows.


“My son…” Odin reached out to Loki.

Loki stepped forward quickly, placing his hand in Odin’s.

“You have to kiss and love each other and work together! Asgard… depends on you…”


At this moment, Odin knelt on the ground, his expression disappeared, “Frija…”

I lost my breath…(Read more @


“Father!” Rocky didn’t expect it to end like this? !

Brother is dead…

Now, my father is also dead…

Mother has long…

what! ! ! !

Loki lost all his looks!

“Um…I…” Thor moved his lips. “Am I not dead?!”

Everyone is silent.

What should I say? !

Because you are dead…

Odin abolished Asgard and his life just to save you?


Everything seems so silent…

“Father… what I did is alright?” Thor opened his eyes, looking for his father.

But he found that Odin was just sitting on his knees and not far away, and Loki squatted in front of him and sobbed.

“Why, what’s the matter!?” He understood no matter how nervous he was.

I want to stand up quickly.

However, as soon as the body became soft, there was still no…

“Rocky! What’s wrong!? What’s wrong with father?!”


“Ah ah ah ah ah……”

At this point in the movie, the screen suddenly goes black…

In the entire movie theater, everyone was speechless.

I have always said that my father loves him like a mountain.

At this moment, it was vividly expressed in Odin’s body.

For Thor, he can destroy the entire world!

Similarly, for Thor, he is willing to give his life!

“It reminds me of my father.”

“Me too, I kind of miss my parents…”


From the beginning, they felt that Odin might be the villain.

Odin darkened.

But this reason…

It’s really hard to accept…

For my son…

Kind of great.

A bit…selfish…

The screen lights up.

On a certain coast in Norway, Thor kneels and sits in front of Odin’s tomb.

Mind is not.

“Tor, although Asgard is ruined, there are still many things on the way. We need to go and pick them up.” Sieff stood behind him.

“Um…I see…”

Next scene.


Captain China, Cao Yanbing, Yingyan, Wang Churan, Professor X are China’s superheroes.

Iron Man, Falcon, Black Widow, Banner, Aquaman and others have all arrived.

There are two cemeteries in front of all of them.

One is the corpse carver.

The other is…Lu Bu…

Everyone was dressed in black, watching this scene in silence.

The hero has fallen.

This is what everyone expected.

They will die…


In the universe.

A large number of Asgardians ride in a huge and unmatched spacecraft.

They are ready to migrate together.

Go to earth…

The movie ends.

“Wonderful! It’s really wonderful!”

“This is a movie about fatherly love!”

“It’s awesome!”


“Tor is so happy!”

“Odin is handsome! As a father, he is definitely the best father in the world!”

“The big snake is also awesome! It’s a pity…”

“I thought Thor was going to die too!”

“Hey…it’s a pity that the sword fairy didn’t come. If the sword fairy arrives, maybe Odin won’t have to die!”

“Doctor Strange can come! It’s a pity that Doctor Strange didn’t come either…”

“It’s really a pity! Doctor Strange is so awesome!”

“There are too many characters, right?”

“A lot of superheroes have been added this time, and it seems that we will have new movies to watch in the future!”

“Sit down!”

“Many superheroes!”

“It’s so cool!”

“Sit down! Sit down!”

“Easter egg! I don’t know what movie will be connected next! I am looking forward to it!”.

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