Chapter 570

“Hey! Another movie is over!”

“There are always not enough wonderful movies!”

“Looking forward to the next movie!”

“Easter eggs! Easter eggs!”

“Jianxian don’t know when it will be released?!”

“Wait for the little prince of the sword fairy to appear!”

“I really look forward to it!”

“Sword Fairy… I don’t know when I can go!”

“It must be coming soon. It is said that they are all filming, right?”

“According to the timeline, the sword fairy hasn’t appeared for almost a long time, which shows that his side is about to end!”

“I don’t know… who knows!”

“Hey… what’s the next movie?”

“”I Have a Date with Zombies” is about to end soon. Damn, Ma Xiaoling is so beautiful!”

“Who said no! But are zombies really so awesome?!”

“Should? The zombies must be awesome!”

“According to the settings in “I Have a Date with Zombies”, it seems that the heavenly gods are all zombies?”

“I don’t know… Let’s talk about Thor first!”

01   “I don’t know what easter eggs there will be today!”

“The little prince of the easter egg… Forget it, I don’t want to see him in the easter egg. I want to see him in the feature film!”

“looking forward to!”

Sure enough, in the process of many people’s expectations, the movie screen lights up again.

The vast universe…

A huge spaceship is moving slowly.

Without a reference, it is impossible to tell whether it is fast or slow at all.

Thor, as the new king of the gods, officially sat on the throne.

Behind him, Heimdall, Sif, Valkyrie, Loki and others were all listed.

“Well, let’s go!”


In the starry universe.

Behind is the ruined Asgard.

They are migrating.

“Oh! Thor, no, Thor, no… God King…” A strangely shaped person ran over in panic.

“Call me Thor!” Thor was speechless.

None of these people have adapted yet.

He didn’t even adapt to it.

“There’s a…big guy out there…”

“What big guy?”

The camera turned and came to the front of the cabin.

Everyone saw it, and a huge green guy was leaping on the glass window.

“Hulk?” Thor was speechless.

It’s meow…

Isn’t this being beaten to heaven by yourself?

Now it’s here again?

The easter egg ends.

Everyone was speechless.

“Is this a reincarnation of fate?”(Read more @

“Haha! The guy who was knocked off by himself rubbed his own spaceship?”

“Hahaha, I feel like Thor has a guilty conscience.”

“After all, Hulk is so strong… and he is bragging, and he wants to fight it again…”

“makes sense……”

“I don’t know if Thor will save Hulk! Hulk is now able to control his emotions, right?”

“It should be possible. It’s obvious from the part between Female Hulk and Hulk, and he also let Betty run away. This is more obvious.”

“Hulk is gathered here, there should be a new story line unfolding?”

“Maybe you will meet the Guardians of the Galaxy! After all, the Guardians of the Galaxy are also swaying in the galaxy.”

“I rely on… In this case, it would be interesting…”

“I rely on… Will there be a connection with the Guardians of the Galaxy?”

“In this case, it would be wonderful!”


“Come on with the next easter egg!”

“Let the easter eggs be more ferocious!”

The lengthy ending song gradually ended.

Everyone is a little nervous.

Isn’t there only one end credit egg? !

Hope there will be more…

At the end of the credits playback.

The big screen lights up again.

Just stayed for less than three seconds…

the end!

“What did I see just now?!”

“That should be an easter egg, right?!”

“I think it should be!”

“But… just three seconds of easter eggs?!”

“This is too short, right?!”

“Will Ye Shen feel a little powerless?!”

“Should it not happen?!”

“Who knows?”

The lights of the cinema came on.

Wu Ershan and the team have returned to the stage.

“Guide, what does the last egg mean?”

“Guide? Asgard’s migration plan went bankrupt?!”

“Will Thor and Guardians of the Galaxy have an intersection?”

“Why doesn’t Stark accept Odin’s blessing?”

“and also……”

Throwing over questions one by one, Wu Ershan shrugged helplessly and said, “I don’t know! You should ask Dao Ye about these things!”

“Little spider, you said before…”

“Donny, next…”

“Peng Yuyan…”

“When will the sword fairy played by Hu Ge…”

“Peng Yuyan, as a school friend and roommate, was Hu Ge kicked out of the Avengers?”

“It is said that Ye Li and Hu Ge had a great conflict, so they were kicked out of the Avengers team, is that right?”

These reporters are simply catching up and making up facts.

Do everything to extremes.

After all, Peng Yuyan was still young. When he heard that his two roommates were framed, he quickly said: “Old Hu and the third child have a very good relationship. The importance of the sword fairy in the Avengers is self-evident!”

“So, in your subsequent films, Hu Ge didn’t appear on the scene, right? Or there are very few scenes…”


Peng Yuyan stopped talking.


Get caught in by them!


In the latter two plays, Lao Hu did not have many roles!

However, these are all plot needs.

These reporters are simply…

However, Peng Yuyan was silent, and these reporters felt that they had really discovered something.

Damn it!

Did you really find it? !

Hu Ge and Ye Li are really tricky!

No wonder “Sword Fairy” has never been followed up! That’s it!

Big news!

This is super big news!

Haha, this is great!

It’s definitely a lot of money!


That’s great!

“Mr. Peng Yuyan, so, the movie “Sword Fairy” has been aborted, isn’t it?!”

“In the next scene, the sword fairy will withdraw from the Avengers?!”

“Did Ye Li and Hu Ge have a relationship problem…”

“you guys……”

Lin Gengxin sat aside and said silently: “Old Hu and Ye Zi have no problems at all. Don’t mislead the fourth child.”

“The filming of “Sword Fairy” is almost finished, and the plot will be linked to the follow-up of “Avengers”, so when it will be released is a matter for Ye Zi and the company.”

“As for the relationship, we were still driving black yesterday!”.

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