Chapter 571

the next day!

There was a heated discussion about the movie “Thor 3” across the Internet.

“The strongest single-player movie in history has appeared!”

“This is not “Thor 3” this is, “Avengers 5/2″!”

“But it’s super exciting, the Avengers have expanded!”

“Great! Odin is simply…”

“Too handsome! But also very touched!”

“There are joys and tears! It’s so cool!”

“It’s a popcorn movie, but please bring a napkin!”

“I can’t help crying as a big man!”

“This is simply…”


“Damn! Is it really so exciting?! It’s not a movie directed by Ye Shen himself, I’m not in a hurry to go!”

“I didn’t have time to buy a movie ticket! You told me that he didn’t have a ticket?!”

“It’s cool!”

“I can’t imagine how big this movie universe is!”

“So many superheroes, some don’t even know their names!”

“When the earth is really in crisis, a superhero going upstream!”

“I feel that Ye Shen doesn’t seem to be making a superhero movie, but to expand all those who are upstream…”


“Magnetic Wang Mingming is a villain…but I saw him fighting for the earth in this battle!”


“It’s cool!”

“It’s really a pity to chase the corpse carpenter…it’s hard to settle!”

“Wen Rui is dead! The corpsesmith is dead… Damn!”

“Mushishi is also very handsome!”

On the second day of the premiere, almost all of the net made such remarks.

Hot search is also all on Deng Deng Deng!

At the same time, the media has also begun to frantically rush into the heat.

[Ye Shenyi breaks with the actor of the sword fairy! 】

[Jianxian will withdraw from the superhero movie series! 】

[Love triangle! Hu Ge is out! 】

【Ye Li broke with Hu Ge and kicked him out of the Avengers! 】

[The release of the independent movie “Sword Fairy” is far away! 】

[Love exposure…][The story Hu Ge and Ye Li have to tell! 】

[Yeshen found Xinhuan and kicked away the old beloved sword fairy? 】


The media really do everything for the popularity!

Almost all such news is overwhelming!

People who eat melon go online one after another.

Even Hu Ge’s fans are crazy.

“Damn! My Hu came out?. 々!”

“Really?! This is too scary?!”

“This picture is so beautiful… I’m excited to think about it!”(Read more @

“Is it true that the independent movies of Jianxian are gone?!”

“No! Let Ling’er come back from the resurrection!”

“What about the ten-year appointment?! Looking forward to it!”

“There is also a vow to eat till you grow old and play till you grow old!”

“Wait for the sword fairy!”


“Yeshen, I want to watch an independent movie of Jianxian!”

“This is too unacceptable!”

“Isn’t the independent movie of “Sword Fairy” already being filmed?!”

“Why haven’t they?!”

“Go to Chengguo Pictures to petition!”

“I want to watch an independent movie of “Sword Fairy”!”

“Avengers without Sword Fairy is incomplete!”

“Let the sword fairy come back!”

“It’s been a long time since I saw the sword fairy!”

“Now there are no more Easter eggs!”

“Ahhhhh! Sword Fairy! I want Sword Fairy!”

“The next movie, I must see the sword fairy!”

“Without the sword fairy, I won’t watch it!”

“I read the report. It is said that the sword fairy died in the later “Avengers” series!”

“I guess so!”

“If not, I will stand upside down and eat shit!”


Woke up at once.

There was such news all over the world, Ye Li smiled and put the phone aside.

“Ye Dao, don’t you care at all?” Yang Gongru asked, leaning on Ye Li’s chest.

“Yeah, these paparazzi are really ugly! We still don’t know what kind of person Dao Ye is? How can this be possible?!”

“How is this possible…” Yang Gongru said with a smile.

What is Ye Li’s ability.

How could it come out…

Wan Yiwen also laughed contentedly.

There are sweet smiles all over his face.

Ye Li smiled and patted the two of them and said: “I can’t come out, how do you know? Even if I come out, you don’t know?”

“Ye Dao will definitely not be…”

The two women groaned.

Ye Li laughed,

“But is it really okay?” Wan Yiwen worried. “Everyone talks about gold, and the three of them become tigers. Let these people talk nonsense…”

Ye Li smiled and said, “What does it have to do? I naturally have my own arrangements for the independent film “Sword Fairy”.”

“Really?” Yang Gongru said quickly.

Ye Li nodded, “Of course, these are all small things. I just made movies…”

“Dao Ye is not just making movies!” Wan Yiwen smiled.

“`. Don’t talk about it, your second TV series will start shooting soon.” Ye Li said, “It will be more difficult later.”

“Is it so fast?!” Wan Yiwen’s eyes lit up.

The release of the TV series “I Have a Date with Zombies” brought her a great reputation!

She has become a representative figure of Xiangjiang actress!

And it’s the kind that is popular on both sides of the strait!

Even, it has a certain reputation overseas!

All the reasons are because she starred in the heroine of the Ye Li TV series!

That’s it!

This is enough to show Ye Li’s ability!

“Of course, there will be an outbreak period next.” Ye Li smiled, “The worldview is about to be laid out!”

“Still laying the world view now?!” Yang Gongru said in shock.

There are so many movies now!

And there are TV series!

And Ye Li actually said that this is just laying the world view? !

Damn it!

Isn’t it terrible? !

“Although it is laying the world view, (good for Li) is the content of the movie. In a world, different things are happening every day and every moment.” Ye Li is in a good mood today.

It doesn’t matter to say something.

“It’s really great…” Wan Yiwen was shocked and didn’t know what to say.

“Okay, while waiting for room service…fire”

Orange Fruit Pictures.

Sitting in Mr. Lu’s office, Hu Ge said helplessly: “Mr. Lu, do I really need to refute the rumors now?”

Mr. Lu immediately shook his head and said: “Why do you want to refute the rumors, although it is black, but black and red… is still possible?”

Hu Ge was speechless, “But my fans…”

“Okay, just kidding. The company will refute the rumors in a while, don’t worry, even if I don’t care about you, Ye Shen’s reputation, I dare not make a joke!”

“The third child is also true. I don’t know where I went recently.” Hu Ge shook his head, “I will graduate soon…”.

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