Chapter 573

When “Thor 3” was released, the movie “Spider-Man” was officially released.

Won an ultra-high box office of 2.4 billion dollars in the world!

It can be said that in terms of global commercial films, no one can surpass Ye Li!

He is the well-deserved king of commercial films!

On the global box office rankings in North America, Ye Li is already far ahead!

Global Directors Box Office Ranking!

First place: Ye Li!

The highest-grossing work: “Avengers 2”, $2.9999 billion!

Global gross box office: 14.919 billion US dollars~!

“China Ye already has a super-class box office of 14.9 billion US dollars!”

“Raised the second place, about 4.9 billion-the box office gap!”

“This is too scary?!”

“Who said no?!”

“It’s crazy!”

“It’s not such an algorithm! In fact, “Captain China 3″, which has not yet been offline, has not been counted yet!”

“With the current box office of “Captain China 3″, it has surpassed 15 billion U.S. dollars! Even surpassed 17 billion U.S. dollars!”


“This is just a movie directed by him! If you count the movies he participated in…”

“F*ck! Don’t say it, say it…”

“Forget it! It is estimated that he is also the world’s highest grossing actor…”

“Please remove the male character! The world’s No. 1 box office actor, well deserved, although he has never been a cameo!”

“There is probably a line in his cameo role! Novelist!”

“What the hell is a novelist?”

“As a Chinese, after consulting the information, I know that about 2,500 years ago, there have been many academic genres in China’s history, and one of them is a novelist!”

“Really?! What does the novelist mean?”

“Among the hundreds of families in China, novelists witness and record historical events. They are different from historians. They record everything. Streets and alleys…”

“Wow! It sounds amazing!”

“What else is there in the 100 schools of Chinese scholars? What other academic genres?”

“I went to check it out! I rely on China culture, is it amazing?!”

“How powerful is it?”

“More than two thousand five hundred years ago, various academic schools have appeared in the history of China…”

“Astronomy and geography!”

“Is it so awesome?!”

“Of course! It doesn’t stop there!”

“Awesome! If it weren’t for watching China Ye’s movie, I don’t know yet!”

“There are some genres and books and academic articles left, you can check it out if you are interested!”

“I’m going to check it out!”


“In other words, besides the world’s number one box office director and the number one box office actor, China Ye is still the number one box office screenwriter in the world, right?!”

“Counting this way, his screenwriter’s box office is even more terrifying!”(Read more @

“Yes! At least more than 30 billion, right?”



“I don’t know, how did China Ye do it? Does he have so many things in his mind that can be made into a movie!?”


The world is very curious about how Ye Li did it.

Shooting so much movie content.

Since there is demand, of course some people have seen the industry.

“Director Ye, North American Times would like to interview you. I will give you an exclusive interview.” When Mr. Lu called Ye Li.

Ye Li is working at a special effects company.

“Interview with Time Magazine?” Ye Li frowned.

He doesn’t have much desire to appear on the camera.

Participating in superhero movies only adds a little color to the plot.

“Yes. They are very interested this time.”

“Let’s go back for the time being!” Ye Li thought for a while, “Forget it, make an appointment, but I’m busy lately, wait until “Avengers 3″ is released!”

“Okay! Just in time, Dao Ye will be graduating by then. Before graduating, he was on the cover of Time Magazine…”

Lu always thinks about it very excited.

Your own boss is awesome, which means the company has a boundless future!

“The premiere of “Avengers 3″ and the publicity should keep up.”

“I know, our current movies, especially Ye Dao’s movies, even if they are not promoted…”

Listening to Mr. Lu’s words, Ye Li laughed, “Still pay more attention.”


After hanging up the phone, the boss of the special effects company immediately said: “Ye Dao is amazing! I didn’t expect Time Magazine to want to interview you!”

0 ·Look for flowers····

Ye Li waved his hand and said, “I’m just a filmmaker.”

“It is precisely because Ye Dao focused on doing one thing that he was able to achieve such an achievement! This is something we can’t even think of!”

Ye Li smiled when the other party said so.

This is just flattering.

Although it sounds cool!

“Dao Ye is going to graduate this year?” the boss asked.

Ye Li nodded, “Graduating in a few months. Time flies!”

“Hahaha! When you graduated, Director Ye was already waiting for your writings. When I graduated, I was still thinking whether a salary of 3,000 yuan is good or a salary of 300 billion yuan is better!”


At the end of March.

“Captain China 3” is officially offline.

The global box office was sold at billions of dollars.

Did not wait any longer.

If you squeeze, wait a minute, maybe you can break through 3 billion!

Become the number one box office in the world!

But even so, it still became the third largest box office in the world!

Now the top three in the global box office, two of the movies belong to Ye Li!

Although Lu always felt it was a pity, he was still ready to play “Avengers 3”!

The importance of this movie is very big!

He knows this.

Ye Li briefly told him some plans.

This is a farewell to this stage!

Superheroes are rising all over the world.

“Captain China 3” and “Thor 3” are equivalent to fully exposing the superhero to the public!

They have become the symbols of each era!

They are the spiritual symbol of the people!

But all this is not the end, but just the beginning!

In “Avengers 3”, they will usher in the most powerful enemy ever!

Moreover, the Avengers, as well as every superhero around the world, will usher in the biggest setback!

And the biggest challenge!

What is the final result in the end!

neither knows!

This one…

Is the beginning…

It’s the end too!

“Avengers 3”!

coming soon!

People all over the world know it! plant.

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