Chapter 574

“Damn! “Avengers 3″ will be released soon!”

“Immediately! Right now!”



“It’s so cool! It’s awesome!”

“So, we will become an era…”

“In other words, why doesn’t “Captain China 3″ stay for a few more days?!”

“Yeah, even if it takes a long time, it can break through three billion dollars! Another record-breaking super movie 1”

“In fact, the last “Avengers 2″, as long as you wait for a day or two, you won’t only win a little! But this is the arrogance of Ye Shen!”

“As expected of Ye Shen, that’s so awesome!”

“Anyway, I am not convinced by anyone, but I am… true to Ye Shen!”

“World’s No. 1 Box Office Director! World’s No. 1 Box Office Actor! World’s No. 1 Box Office Screenwriter! Awesome!”

“A lot of cows! But, I’m really looking forward to “Avengers 3″!”

“What’s more! “Captain China 3” almost broke the record! “Thor 3” I think has the hope of breaking through three billion dollars! “Avengers 3” will directly break the box office record of “Thor 3″!”

“look forward to!”

“I’m really looking forward to it!”

“Sit down!”

“I have grabbed the tickets for the premiere! Hahaha!”

“Finally there is another premiere!”

“Yeshen is simply too lazy! Except for the “Avengers” series, no other premiere will be held!”

“World premiere!”

“After “Avengers 3″, Ye Shen will officially break through to the position of the world’s first billion box office director!”

“Nubi! Except for Nubi, it is Nubi!”

“Cao Gouyan said it, awesome!”

“This will be a global war!”

“Purple Sweet Potato Extract is finally online! Isn’t it awesome?”

“Did Iron Man get down with just one punch?!”

“That’s really powerful! And the mountains and plains are full of enemies!”


Cao Rui and Song Qian were in the crowd holding hands.

“Husband, what’s the matter?” Song Qian asked while looking at Cao Rui.

Cao Rui shook his head and said, “It’s okay…If you want to take a group photo, we can go to Ye Dao later.”

“Do you think that you are very awesome when you play a role model?” Song Qian said silently, “What kind of character is Dao Ye? Today is the premiere. He must have a lot of entertainment…”

“It’s also…” Cao Rui chuckled, “I’m just bragging!”

“Don’t say you are bragging, you are floating!”

“Hey, but, how can I say that I was also the person who had dinner with Dao Ye, what’s wrong with me?”

“I don’t know when Dao Ye will come today?”

“It must be the first…”

The two of them stood in the crowd with their feet on their feet and craned their necks.

Waiting for Ye Li’s arrival.

Not only them, but many people are waiting for Ye Li.

The arrival of Ye Li will also be the beginning of the premiere of “Avengers 3”!

“Ahhhhh! Time is coming!”

“This is Ye Shen’s alma mater!”

“Look forward to the beginning of this movie!”

“The movie will be super awesome!”

“Look forward to it! “Thor 3″ just exploded!”

“Too burning! This time…”(Read more @

And this time.

In the hotel.

Mr. Lu panicked all over.

what’s going on? !

“Where is Dao Ye?! Why hasn’t Dao Ye come yet?”

Such an important moment!

Moreover, Ye Li also knows that this is his last graduation work 1

Although he is undoubtedly the hottest person in the world recently!

But in terms of school, he is still just a student.

This is his last performance in school.

Moreover, I have chosen the best stage.

Together with Liu Yuanliang, the dean of Mordu Film and Television University, they rebuilt the movie theater in the university!

It’s for Ye Li to be on stage, a perfect curtain call!

At this stage of the university, he will be perfect!

The number one university in the world? !


“I don’t know, Ye Dao’s phone can’t get through!” a staff member said.

Mr. Lu is speechless.

At such an important moment, why…

“Then went to Ye Dao’s house to find it?”

“Hu Ge, Lin Gengxin, and Peng Yuyan have already been there, but they haven’t found them, and they left a note!”


Mr. Lu is going crazy.

Liu Yuanliang stood aside and said, “President Lu, don’t worry, Dao Ye must have something.”

There is a fart thing!

Others don’t know, he doesn’t know how? !

Now only a little bit of special effects of “Avengers 4” are left.

In other respects, nothing happens at all!

Ready for the next movie? !

Certainly not!

Director Ye said it all himself, and he was about to slow down.

and so……

Where did Director Ye go? !

“Mr. Lu, time is almost up now! We…”

“Let Robert Downey Jr. come first!”

The time is almost up.

Fans and movie fans can’t be left there!

Since Ye Shen hasn’t arrived!

Just treat him late!


“Other people, find a way to find Dao Ye!”

“Or, go to the police station to adjust the monitoring?”


Hearing this, Lu almost squirted out.

Tuning monitoring! ?

Luckily you can figure it out!

Is this a big deal? !

Tune monitoring? !

It’s just that we can’t find Ye Dao for the time being, isn’t it really missing? !

Even if it is missing, there is no time!

“Don’t make bad ideas, if you want to go in…find your own way!” Mr. Lu was speechless.

At the entrance of Mordu Film and Television University.

There are so many people.

Students crowded in the school, wanting to find out!

This is a legend in the school!

Sophomore filming “Buried Alive”, popular all over the world!

The rest of life is like a dead end.

What fire what to shoot!

Now I have the world’s largest IP 1.3!

At this time, he just graduated…

This is the legend!


The glory of the school!

“When will Mr. Ye come?”

“If I can be liked by him, I will be hot!”

“That’s not it! Ye Xuechang’s movie, as long as it is on, there is basically no unpopularity!”

“I must leave the best impression on seniors!”

“Now the school has a lot more resources, and these are all brought to us by the seniors!”

“In addition to the TV series outside, there are also many movies and TV series under the support fund inside the school. If there is no Ye Xuechang, where do we have such an opportunity?”

“look forward to!”

“Come! Come! Look, the car is coming!”

“It should be Mr. Ye!”


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