Chapter 575

“F*ck! Where did you go?!” Lu always felt like he was going to explode!

When it’s so important, you actually disappeared from playing? !

Isn’t this teasing me? !

The surprise we worked so hard to prepare!

In order to give you enough surprises, specially moved to school to hold the premiere of “Avengers 3”!


You can’t meow anymore? !

He won’t find anything, right?


Even if you find it, you won’t escape? !

That’s it!

what happened?

“could not find it!”

“The phone still can’t get through!”


Li Bingbing came over in costume, although she had no role in “Avengers 3.”

However, this movie is of great significance to Ye Li, and he also attended.

“Mr. Lu, haven’t you found it yet?”

Mr. Lu shook his head helplessly, “No…”

“He should have something.” Li Bingbing nodded and didn’t say anything.

and so……

So shit!

Mr. Lu’s whole person is not good, “If Dao Ye can’t make it in time, then I’ll go up and give it a bit for the time being!”

01 can only make a bad decision for the first time!

There is no better way…

“Why not Ye Xuechang?!”

“Now Senior Peng and Senior Hu are on the stage! Cao Jun is on the stage, why hasn’t Senior Senior Ye appeared yet?”

“To be reasonable, Xuechang Ye is usually the first to appear!”

“Previously, Ye Xuechang was the first to appear!”

“and so……”

“Isn’t it the finale today?”

However, the host is gone.

I still haven’t seen Ye Li’s entrance!

Everyone was dumbfounded.

“Ye Dao is not coming, right?!”

“Bah! How is it possible?!”

“But now everyone is gone…”

It’s not just fans and movie fans who are confused.

Even the media are dumbfounded!

Why is the premiere held!

But Director Ye Li didn’t participate in the whole process? !

Although he knows, Ye Shen has never liked holding premieres.

But both the “Avengers” and “Avengers 2” movies have been held!

And it was his first appearance!

As a result, what is going on in “Avengers 3”? !

I rely on…

It feels a bit awkward.

Moreover, now that the red carpet for the premiere is over, the result is still not there? !

this is……(Read more @

What the hell is it? !

Is he already in early?


Come in…

In the field.

Everyone looked at Mr. Lu helplessly.

Mr. Lu is also as anxious as an ant on a hot pan.

“Could Ye Dao wait for us in the previous Magic City Cinema?” someone asked.

“Impossible! The premiere starts from the hotel! It is impossible for Ye Dao not to know!”

“Then why Ye Dao hasn’t appeared yet?!”

For the first time, the people at Orange Fruit Pictures were so anxious.

A little flustered.

“Don’t panic! Don’t mess! Ye Dao hasn’t come, maybe something is going on! Chengguo Pictures is a mature company!” Mr. Lu took a deep breath, “Next, I will play as a producer. ”

“Chu Liang, you are the deputy director, and Director Ye hasn’t been on it. You are with me!”

“Also, Zhao Wen! You are a producer, and you are together!”

Several people named were speechless.

He’s meow, we are all tool people…

Well, they are also the heads of the crew.

However, “Avengers 3” is directed by Ye Li himself, this is completely different!

They are even high-level.

It’s useless!


It’s not impossible.


The emotions here also affect the actors.

Peng Yuyan, Lin Gengxin, Hu Ge, Downey, Chris, Helland, Anne Hathaway, Uncle Mark, Deng Chao, Sun Li, etc.

They all have some…

“Ye Dao didn’t come?”

“How do we hold this press conference now?”

“This company will arrange it?”

“It doesn’t matter, we just work hard to do what we should do!”

“Heland, remember to close your mouth later!”

“Understood, sister Annie, but Dao Ye…”

“Ye Dao won’t have a car accident, right?” Chris said leisurely.

He was greeted by countless eyes!

“What I said is also possible…”

“Shut up if you can’t speak!” Uncle Mark was not tall enough, so he leaped directly on him and covered his mouth.

Besides, you might not be able to get out of this school today!

“I need to be calm for a while, leave Dao Ye’s affairs to the company, and film affairs, what should I say, what should not be said, are you clear?”

Downey rarely showed a serious expression.


“Welcome to the superheroes of our “Avengers” team!”

More than a dozen people played in turn.

The audience craned their heads.

“Wow! Captain! He’s so handsome!”

“Tony, I love you!”

“Sword Fairy! Sword Fairy!”

“Cao Yanbing! I want to protect you!”

“Black Widow! I want to drink your footwash!”

“Hulk, you are so big…”

The sound of the mountain whirring like a tsunami sounded.

The whole school was filled with cheers.

After a while.

Finally, it’s time for reporters to ask questions.

In the previous program flow, try not to mention Ye Li as much as possible.

But at this point, how could these people give up?

“Mr. Lu, why did Director Ye not attend the premiere this time?!”

“Is it because of the contradiction between Sword Immortal?!”

“I didn’t attend my own movies, is Orange Fruit Pictures ready to kick out Ye Dao?!”

“Excuse me, is this related to the adjustment of your company?”

“Excuse me…”

All kinds of sharp questions are directed at people’s hearts.

The scene was all silent…

Mr. Lu seemed to have not heard the old fried dough sticks at all, and said with a smile: “Everyone, this is Ye Dao’s alma mater. Do you know why I chose to be here for the premiere ceremony?”

He looked around the entire venue, “Because this is Ye Dao’s alma mater, the superhero movie is Ye Dao’s painstaking effort! And it will also be Ye Dao’s film before graduation from university!”

“This is of great significance to Ye Dao! As for why Ye Dao hasn’t come now…”

Mr. Lu smiled mysteriously, “Because of this extraordinary movie, Dao Ye will give everyone his own surprise!”

“As for some bad media who want to discredit Ye Dao and discredit our company’s artists, we will reserve the right to be held accountable by law!”

Many reporters were a little bit silly.


Do you want to be so rigid? !

Damn it!

What do you want?

However, everyone listened to Mr. Lu’s words, it is indeed true!

This meowing is very meaningful!

Director Ye might really be preparing for a surprise! .

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