Chapter 576

“Okay! Next, let’s enjoy the new work of director Ye Li!”

Lu always led people back.

After stepping down, this was a sigh of relief.


What rhythm is this? !

He meows…

It’s crazy!

Where did Ye Dao go? !

And this time.

The movie has already started.

The green dragon mark flew by.

[Works by Director Ye Li]!

This is already a golden sign!

This time, there was no direct start.

The silhouettes of superheroes appeared one by one.

The background sound appears.

“This is the Asgard migrating ship, Odin! We were attacked!”

“I repeat, we were attacked!”

“The engine stalled and the life support system was on the verge of collapse. Request the support of nearby spacecraft…”

“We are 22 jumping points from Asgard…”

“The members of the ship are all Asgardian families, and there are very few soldiers here.”

“This is not a battleship! I repeat, this is not a battleship!”

On the big screen, in the gloomy universe, a spaceship appeared.

A little light flew past and hit the spaceship!

The lens gradually moved.

A bigger spaceship appeared in front of it!

The camera turns.

In the raging flames, Heimdall was injured lying on the ground.

A voice said jokingly: “Listen to me, you should be happy.”

A pair of feet appeared on the screen and walked past the corpses lying on the ground, “You are fortunate to be saved by the great Titan.”

“You may feel tortured, no, this is salvation…”

“Because of your sacrifice, the balance of the universe has been balanced…”

The camera slowly moved upwards, revealing a person with wrinkled skin.

Lean…yin bird of prey…

“Smile, even if you die, you will become Thanos’ children…”

Under the big shot, their people are making up the knife, killing Asgar’s people with a single knife.

The camera turns to Loki’s face.

His face was solemn.

Following his gaze, a tall figure appeared.

He grabbed a person with one hand.

This person is struggling.

Walked in front of Loki.

Behind Loki, all the opponent’s men stood!

As Thanos spoke, he squeezed his fist.

A stone shimmering in purple is inlaid on his gloves.

Revealed his true colors!

Purple Sweet Potato…


Thanos!(Read more @

He clutched Thor’s head with one hand.

Thor was terrible at this time, and he had no power to fight back.

“Cosmic Cube, change your brother’s head…” Thanos looked at Loki with a chuckle.

The men next to him are already ready to do it.

“You should have a choice, right?”

Luo Jizhe said with a solemn expression, “Of course. Kill him!”

Thanos didn’t hesitate, and the gem hit Thor’s head directly.

“Ahhhhh…” The purple light flickered.

Thor let out a scream!

“Enough! Stop it!” Rocky still had no choice…

Watching his brother go to death…

Even if this brother has no blood relationship.

Thanos let go.

Thor gasped and said, “The Universe Rubik’s Cube is not with us! It has been destroyed with Asgard!”

Loki raised his head slightly and glanced at Thanos’ expression.

My heart sank.

Raising his right hand, the universe cube appeared in his hand.

“You really are the worst brother!” Thor panted, a little bit of hatred that iron can’t make steel.

Loki held the Cube of the Universe towards Thanos.

“I assure you, brother, we’ll work from time to time…”

“Your optimism is in the wrong place, people from Asgar,” Thanos said.

“First of all, I am not from Asgard.” Loki held the Cosmos Cube, looked at Thanos, and stepped back slightly. “In addition, we have Hulk!”

Thanos immediately felt wrong, and when he turned his head, a green figure instantly rushed toward him!


At this time, everyone could see it.

Thanos’ height is almost the same as Hulk!

Hulk went up with a set of combos, pressing Thanos to the ground for a beat.

As soon as he wanted to do it, he heard Ebony Maw say: “Let him play!”

Sure enough, Thanos who came back to his senses was not inferior to Hulk in terms of strength.

As for fighting skills.

It’s a win!

Will knock Hulk stunned in twos or twos!

Throw it on the ground.


Thor took the opportunity…

However, it is not Thanos’ opponent…

Was caught again.

Heimdall, who was seriously injured and dying, chanted in a low voice: “Father of the gods, please let dark magic flow through my body for the last time.”

A rainbow light appeared, covering Hulk in it.


Hulk disappeared instantly!

“That was a mistake…” Thanos looked at him.

Killed the gatekeeper of Asgard with a single blow…

“No! I will kill you and make you pay for your life…” Thor was furious.

However, he was instantly controlled by the ebony throat!

Ebony Maw picked up the cosmic cube on the ground and dedicated it to Thanos.

The Universe Rubik’s Cube was in Thanos’ hands, and it shattered with one pinch…

Exposing the blue gem inside, he put the gem on top of his glove.


Two gems appeared on the gloves!

“`. There are two more on earth, find them and bring them to me on Titan, children…”

“Father, we won’t let you down!”

Several subordinates said respectfully.

“Let me interrupt, if you are going to the earth, you may need a guide. I have some experience in this area.”

Loki reappeared.

“Do you think failure is also experience?” Thanos only found it funny.

“I think it is, it is.” Rocky said: “Almighty Thanos, I, Rocky, Prince Asgard, the legitimate king of Odinson Jotunheim, the god of mischief.”

Having said this, he paused and glanced at Thor.

Thor clearly saw a dagger appeared on the palm of his hand.

There was panic in the eyes, and some (Li Zhao) looked forward to…

“I swear an oath to you here, undead loyalty!”

The moment he bowed his head.

The dagger in his hand suddenly stabbed at Thanos!

When Thanos raised his hand, Loki was imprisoned.

Can’t move.

“I don’t die? I think you should pay attention to your own words…” Thanos easily grabbed Loki’s neck with one hand and lifted him up.

Thor’s eyes showed anxiety, but there was no way.

Anger flickered wildly in his eyes.

“You, never become… God…” Loki tried to say this sentence.

Thanos smiled slightly and put his hands hard,

The crunching sound…

Loki lost his look in his eyes…

“Woo……………………!!!” Thor struggled frantically.

But it didn’t work!

Thanos threw Loki in front of him…

“This time, don’t think about resurrection!”.

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