Chapter 577

“What?! Loki is dead!?”

“No?! This should still be his trick?!”

“How could Loki die?!”

“That’s right, although Rocky doesn’t fight hard, he can’t survive too much!”

“Yes! My Loki is the strongest survival king in the world!”

“It must be invisible again!”

“Absolutely invisible!”

“But have you heard? Thanos said that he will never be resurrected this time…”

“How can you believe Thanos’ words…”

Seeing Loki’s death, many people in the cinema couldn’t help it!

Although Rocky is a villain, but a charming villain!

He still has a large fan base!


Loki actually died? !

how can that be! ?

However, the movie will not wait for them.

Continue playing.

Thanos just gently squeezed his fist, and the entire spaceship was plunged into an explosion.

But they disappeared instantly.

Thor broke free and fell on Loki…

The spacecraft exploded…

The camera turned, and the power of the Rainbow Bridge flew through the universe.

Eventually fell on the earth…


Xiangjiang Temple.

Dr. Jin and Wang are talking.

“I have no money… Attachment to material life will create a spiritual world…”

“Then I will ask the boss to give you a bowl of spiritual wonton noodles…”

“I have a little more here…”

“How many?”

“Ten yuan!”

“Sweet knife?”

“Hong Kong dollars…”

“what is that……”

Seeing this scene, the whole movie theater laughed.

“Dr. King is so miserable! He used to be a rich man! Now…”

“Ten yuan…what can you do?”

“Hahaha, Xiangjiang’s prices are too high, right?!”

“Killing me!”

Two people came down the stairs.


A ray of light fell from the sky.

Fall directly onto the wooden stairs behind them.


The two were shocked, and each held their heads.

Reacted instantly.

The magic floating cloak took the initiative to come to Dr. Jin’s body.

Magic power has emerged in the king’s hands.

The two rushed to the gap.

Seeing that the green color was fading, Banner was lying on the bottom of the pit.

“The Tyrant is coming! He is coming!”

Banner said weakly.

The film officially begins…

Avengers 3: Infinity War!

After the title has passed.

The camera came to a certain park.

Stark is on an outing with Pepper.(Read more @

And discussed the two people about the future, children and so on.

By the way, the two argued about Iron Man.

Stark just got the upper hand, ready to kiss…

Suddenly a voice came from behind.

“Tony Stark, I’m Doctor King, I need you to follow me…”

The two turned their heads and saw a revolving portal that was shining with golden light.

The melancholic and handsome Dr. Jin stood in front of the portal. Behind it was an indoor location. I didn’t know where it was.

Seeing Stark and Pepper’s vigilance, Dr. King said embarrassedly, “Oh, congratulations, you are getting married!”

Stark was taken aback for a moment.

How did he know this?

Do i know this person? !

“Excuse me, have I sent you an invitation?”

“We need you.” Dr. Jin skipped the topic. “The fate of the entire universe is at stake. We have to buy time.”

“Who are we?” Stark frowned.

Little Chili is a little nervous.

“Hi, Tony.” A person walked out behind Dr. King.

Somewhat depressed.

“Bruce?” Stark exclaimed.

“Hi, Pepa!”

Stark hadn’t recovered yet, and Banner plunged into his arms.

Damn it!

Stark’s face turned green, and he quickly looked at Little Pepper.

Such a weak Banner…

“Damn! I laughed at that scene just now!”

“What’s so funny? Such a stressful moment?”

“Isn’t it funny? Tony looked at Little Pepper’s expression, completely saying, I have nothing to do with this guy!”

“Hahaha! I’m so ridiculous! Damn it!”

“They don’t really have a leg?”

A little joke in the theater for a while.

The movie has changed shots.

Stark sat on a sofa.

“At the beginning of the universe, the world was in chaos, and then…”

What is Dr. Jin explaining.

“After the big bang, six elemental crystals were produced.”

The king is by the side, through magic, simulating…


Artificial 3D?

“It disappears in the universe in a flash, and every infinite gem can control a necessary aspect of existence!”

In their vision, six gems of different colors appeared.







Each gem represents the power that must exist in this world!

Stark quickly understood the importance of things.

Thanos comes because of Infinite Gems!

It will even destroy the world!

“Now Vision is running around the world with soul gems…”

“So we need to find him!”


When Banner offered to find Vision.

Stark’s expression was a little embarrassed.

“what’s happenin?”

“The vision is gone…”

“You lost a supercomputer? Are you conflicted?!”

“No… Vision is not a robot! He has his own ideas, he is evolving!”

“Then who can find him?”

After hesitating for a while, Stark said, “Maybe one person can.”


“Zhou Kai…”

“Then call him!”

Banner thinks this is normal!



“There are too many things you don’t know, Banner, I and him… haven’t spoken for a long time.”

Banner was shocked, “No, didn’t you still fight together before? That time with Orochi!”

“Yes.” Stark reluctantly explained the reason.

It turned out that after the Orochi incident.

Asgard will set up its base on Earth.

This allowed the United Nations to once again introduce the Super-Powered Registration Act.

The big snake incident has too much influence!

And the scope is very wide!

All over the world!

How can the ruler come down with peace of mind?

This is equivalent to…

Of course, Stark still feels that this is beneficial, being able to control the movements of all superpowers.

The China captain still objected.

This time there was no fight.

Both parties are having a temper…

Heard this.

Banner is speechless

“Tony, call him! Thanos is coming, now is not the time to say no to anyone!” he begged.

Stark hesitated for a long time.

Take out a flip phone.

In a low voice: “I called first, and I lost…”.

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