Chapter 578


“This arrogant Stark!”

“My little Nini! Haha, I am so ridiculous!”

“I called first, and I lost… f*ck! This is just like a fight!~”

“And it was a couple quarrel…”

“I have reason to suspect that the agreement is an excuse. The captain is definitely because Stark is getting married-, so…”

“Damn! Your reasoning is absolutely okay!”

“Stunned! The little couple quarreled!”

Seeing Stark’s pretentious manner, everyone laughed happily.

Although the two people have a conflict or something.

Suddenly, Stark froze for a moment.

The camera turns to Dr. King.

He glanced at his hair.

Stark pointed at him and asked, “Doctor, is your hair moving?”

Wang also looked around very vigilantly.

“There is no…”

However, the four of them looked up at the hole that was smashed out by Hulk.

The noise gradually came.

The four opened the door and went out.

On the street, there was already a mess at this time.

People are running around everywhere.

A woman fell down in front of Stark.

Stark helped her up and a car crashed into a street light not far from them.

“what’s the situation?”

Dr. King asked.

Stark said as he walked: “I don’t know, I’m looking at it, right.”

As he said, he turned his head and looked at Dr. Jin, “You’d better put the gem of time in your back pocket, doctor!”

The two came to a crossroad.

The howling wind swarms from here.

The crowd ran away.

The two walked out of the intersection side by side.

In the sky, a huge spaceship is slowly landing.

It’s because of the endless wind caused by the landing of the spacecraft!

The camera turned slightly.

The shape of the spaceship falls into the big screen!

A wheel-shaped spaceship!


at this time.

Above a double-decker bus.

“Welcome to exchange students from North America. We today…”

A teacher is talking on the bus.

An arm appeared on the big screen.

A head is lying on it…


On the arm, all the hairs are completely erected at this moment!

Suddenly looked up!

Little spider!

He raised his head and looked out the car window.

Saw the huge wheel-shaped spaceship parked there!

“Oh! There is a spaceship over there!”(Read more @

He suddenly pointed out the window.

Everyone looked over.

Following the trend, he jumped out of the car window and put on a hood.

The battle is coming!

And he!

Be a superhero!

He jumped out of the car window and leaped across the Qingma Bridge. The spider web took him around and wrapped around him.

Quickly rush to the other side.

“Wow! Little Spider turned out to be an exchange student!”

“This is forced to be together!”

“Little spider is so handsome!”


“Wow! I don’t know what the result will be this time!”

“Little Spider! Hulk! Doctor Strange! Iron Man! It should be alright?”

“Moreover, there are other superheroes! Although it hasn’t arrived yet, how many superpowers have appeared in Thor 3?!”

“In “Avengers 2″, a whole new world has been opened! The world of superpowers!”

“X-Men are all of them!”

“By the way, when will “X-Men” come out!”

“Looking forward to the second one! They had a short cameo appearance in Thor 3!”

“I don’t know, it’s said to be filming!”

“I’m looking forward to it!”

“Friday, evacuate the crowd and notify the rescuers!”

Stark walked over.

Dr. Jin sent a magic, and didn’t know what it meant.

at this time.

A ray of light descended on the spaceship.

In the light.

Two strange-looking aliens appeared.

“I said, you should be happy.”

When the other side opened his mouth, the theater knew that this was an old ebony throat!

“You are about to die under Thanos’ children. Be grateful! Your meaningless lives will contribute…”

Ebony Maw is preaching the great time of Thanos.

Stark was speechless, and immediately interrupted: “Sorry, the earth is out of business today! You’d better pack up and go!”

A cold light flashed in the ebony throat, but he looked at Dr. Jin, “Guardian of the gem, this chattering animal, can you speak for you?!”

As soon as this was said, the whole movie theater burst into laughter!

“This chattering animal!”

0 ·Look for flowers····

“Ahahaha! This arrogant Iron Man is going crazy!”

“Haughty Stark!”

Dr. Jin took a step forward, “Of course not, I will say what I want to say.”

“You are not welcome in this city and this planet!”

“That’s what you mean to get out, stupid Brother Octopus!” Stark added.

The tall and thin ebony throat said: “He is so annoying, go get the rough stone!”

The black dwarf around me kept talking about alien language. At this time, the sharp blade in his hand fell directly to the ground, making a loud noise!

Seeing this tall figure, Stark asked: “Banna, do you want to make a move?”

“No! I don’t want to!” Banner said, “But, when did I get what I wanted!”

“now it’s right!”

. …… 0

He looked ahead.

The big guys are naturally treated by the big guys.


Ha ha!

“come out faster!”


“bring it on!”


No matter what, Banner didn’t change shape for a long time.

“Where’s the big guy?” Stark asked.

Banner: “I don’t know, we haven’t talked a little bit lately!”

“This is not a joke! This is not the time to not speak!” Stark said, “Hurry up and deal with him, hurry up!”


No matter how hard Banner tried, he didn’t turn into a success.

Dr. Jin gave Banna a strange look.

Stark felt ashamed. “I feel ashamed in front of the doctor.”

“Tony, sorry, it’s not that I don’t want to, but I…” Banner was helpless and apologetic.

“Okay, step back. It’s okay.” Stark pushed Banner behind and handed it to the king.

Stark officially faced.

Gently pull the two threads on the clothes with both hands.

The clothes suddenly became tight.

Gently tap the brand new Ark Reactor on the chest.

In the Ark reactor, countless nano bugs swarmed out to completely surround his body.

He greeted him step by step, and finally put on his own armor!

iron Man!

Come out!

The black dwarf came quickly.

The sharp axe in his hand smashed down.

When Stark raised his hand, a shield appeared in his hand.


The axe slashed, and Stark staggered.

The black dwarf retreats a few steps! plant.

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