Chapter 579

“Damn! Iron Man is so handsome!”

“Every new movie, Iron Man has a new look!”

“It’s so handsome!”

“Other superheroes never update their equipment, only Iron Man. They change their equipment in every episode!”

“No! A lot of equipment for one episode!”

“Grass! This is simply the ability to make money!”

“It’s awesome! It’s awesome!”


“Six, six, six!”


“The novelist has appeared again, driving this time!”

“Hahaha! His complaint is really interesting!”

“It’s so ridiculous! Haven’t you seen a spaceship?!”

“Do you think the whole world is a novelist? Hahaha!”

Then Iron Man used brand-new technology to directly blow the black dwarf into the air!

Just when he felt that he had some opportunities.

Ebony Throat moved slightly.

A long cloud of dirt rushed out of the ground!

Knock him into the air!

The battle ensued.

The magic of the ebony throat controls everything in the world for your own use!

With one enemy three, there is no wind at all!

Black dwarf rejoins the battle!


The powerful black dwarf instantly destroyed the building and the park!

Banner failed to summon Hulk again.

When the black dwarf’s weapon was about to fall, Stark was shocked.

Fortunately, a man in a red tights appeared and blocked the blow!

“How did you come?!”

Seeing the appearance of a superhero from a high school student, he was a little stunned.

“Oh, I’m here to exchange and learn…”


Two enemies and one.

Iron Man and Spider-Man turn the black dwarf around!

However on the other side.

After all, Dr. Jin just became the Supreme Mage not long ago.

Fighting with Ebony Maw finally fell into a disadvantage.

After being caught, the magic cloak automatically protects the lord and helps him escape.

Iron Man saw this scene and asked Little Spider to help.

The little spider went up to the ground, pulling Doctor Strange with its web, jumping around.

However, in the sky, a blue light fell.

Directly sucked Doctor Strange into the sky.

The little spider kept pulling him, and was sucked into the spaceship!

“Mr. Stark! I was sucked into the sky by a blue light!”

Hearing the voice of the little spider in the communicator, Stark was distracted and was caught by the weapon of the black dwarf.

Can’t move!

When the black dwarf is about to blast him.

A golden portal appeared.

The black dwarf jumped into the North Pole…

In the next instant, when he wanted to come back, his arm was cut off by the portal!

“Wang! You must come to my wedding!”

Stark left these words and soared into the sky.

The Supreme Master was taken away.

The little spider was also taken away…

At the same time, he let Friday activate another set of equipment.

The little spider was in the air, lack of oxygen, but fortunately he put on the new equipment made by Stark in time.

Iron Man dived into the spaceship.

The little spider was not sent back to Earth.

Doctor Strange was captured, and the two entered the spaceship…

The king needs to continue to guard the temple.(Read more @

And Banner picked up Tony’s phone number and found the only number in the address book.

Zhou Kai…

The camera turns.

Among the hot songs of the 80s and 90s.

A spaceship appeared.

“Wow! The Guardians of the Galaxy appeared!”

“Brother Chao, who is so angry, is about to appear!”



“Is this to gather the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy!?”

“A cool batch!”

“In this case……”

Through the wormhole.

When everyone was talking.

What suddenly appeared was…

A broken battlefield!

There are corpses everywhere, as well as the debris of the spacecraft.

Several people looked cold.


Used to be a battlefield!


A corpse appeared in the front section of the spacecraft.

Hit directly on the spacecraft.


Everyone has seen it!

He opened one eye!

In the end, Thor was rescued back.

The crowd compared Thor and Quill with each other.

Thor wakes up…

The fans were dumbfounded.

A dialogue between the two sides…

“I rely on! The amount of information is huge!”

“Quil found his father?!”

“Let me go! What Thor said, I know, is the plot of Thor 3!”

“What did Brother Chao say?”

“Did he kill Yongdu?”

“Yongdu is obviously a good person!”

In the end, the Guardians of the Galaxy split into two groups, and Thor took the little raccoon and Groot to find the Dwarf King to build weapons.

The Liquel four went to the void to prevent Thanos from obtaining the gems in the hands of collectors…

The lens turns 0.

Came to a small town.

Wanda and Vision are walking on the streets of the town.

The two had a pleasant two years. They lived together to see if they could get along.

Just when the two were about to make each other’s oath.

The latest news was shown on the TV on the roadside.

Stark disappeared!

The new super villain invades the earth!

“I have to go!” Seeing Stark disappear, Vision said.

“No!” Wanda still wanted to leave a vision.

Just before the two had started an argument.

A blade directly penetrated the body of Vision!

Thanos’ subordinates!

General Dead Blade!


Four people in a big battle.

Wanda is concerned about the vision in his hands, fearful of his head and tail.

The two were beaten back again and again.

When the two were about to be killed.

A black shadow appeared.

Attracted everyone’s attention!

The light shone on this dark shadow.

The other party showed a firm look.

Zhou Kai!

He is not wearing the uniform of Captain China!

But still handsome!

At the same time he appeared, the Falcon attacked in the air.

The black widow followed closely behind.

The three teamed up to kill General Blade.

Protected Vision and Wanda.

General Deadblade and Proxima could only leave.

A place of nothingness.

On the way to the land of nothingness, Kamora remembered the process of becoming a goddess.

He killed his mother!

And also killed most of the inhabitants of his planet!

Wait until they reach the land of nothingness.

Thanos has arrived early.

They attacked, and Kamora severely injured Thanos, just when she was distraught.

Found that everything around is phantom.

Thanos has already destroyed this planet!

The gem of reality has fallen into his hands!

Everything is just the reality he played around at will…

The two teammates instantly fell apart!

Avengers base.

A plane landed at the Avengers base.

Iron Man and Spiderman left with Ebony Maw.

Today, the Avengers base only has Colonel Rhodes.

He is having a meeting with General Rose, the secretary of state.

Wanda and Vision disappeared, and Iron Man disappeared.

At the same time, a stolen Quinn fighter jet.


Just when the two were arguing.

Zhou Kai came back with someone. .

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