Chapter 581

All superheroes gather in Wakanda!


Captain China!

Black Widow!



Cao Yanbing!


Etc., etc!

They rely on Wakanda’s protective shield to face the army led by black dwarfs and Proxima!

Among the huge buildings that fell, hordes of monsters rushed out frantically!

Banner is temporarily unable to transform, wearing Iron Man’s anti-Hulk armor.

The battle begins.

A large number of monsters broke through Wakanda’s protective shield with suicide attacks!

One eagle eye!

Falcon and Colonel Rhodes are supporting in the air.

Banner drove the anti-Hulk armor and began to attack!

There are seven guardian spirits standing behind Cao Yanbing!

Wakanda’s army is assembled!

After the breakthrough, the cold soldiers joined each other!

The war broke out!

Vision is trying to take out the gems. After taking out the gems, Wanda the Scarlet Witch will destroy the gems for the first time!

An endless stream of monsters!

A monster that is not afraid of death!

A small number of superheroes and Wakanda fighters.

It looks a little dwarfed…

Just when everyone is in crisis.

In the sky, a thunder and lightning as thick as a house crashed down.

The monster melted like chocolate.

Thor is here!

The battle escalates!

At the same time!

In Thanos’ spaceship.

Thanos traveled through space and returned directly here.

He saw Doctor Strange sitting on the throne that belonged to him.

The battle between the two sides is about to start!

Doctor Strange attracts the other’s attention!

Iron Man fell from the sky!

Countless portals appeared, and the flexible Spider-Man constantly attacked Thanos from various places!

However, Thanos’ combat level was very high, and Spider-Man was pushed to the ground in a few clicks.

Iron Man harassed in all directions.

Spider-Man’s web was on him and was easily torn apart.

Finally in a series of battles.

Doctor Strange uses magic to control a hand.

Spiderman’s web can control a hand!

Iron Man caught the opponent.

At this time, in the sky, a portal fell.

The praying mantis fell directly and controlled Thanos!

Hypnotize Thanos…

Li Kuier is on the guard at any time!

Although I knew that Kamora was probably dead.

Li Kuier gritted his teeth, controlling his emotions, for fear that he would wake up Thanos!

However, the power of Thanos is all-round.

All aspects are the world, no!

The top of the universe!(Read more @

Just when Iron Man and Spider-Man are about to take off his gloves, they wake up instantly!

Flew everyone with one punch.

Pull with one hand!

A planet in the universe was directly destroyed by him, turned into a meteor shower, and smashed towards this side.

The situation is critical!

But at this time.

The camera turns.

Back to… Wakanda!

The whole theater is going to boil.

“I rely on. 々!”

“F*ck! What do you want to do?!”

“Ye Dao is always doing things like this!”

“He’s meow…”

“Thanksgiving is too powerful, right?!”

“Damn it!”

“It’s also very exciting here!”

“Sit down!”

Wakanda is in crisis.

Countless monster mountains rushed over like a tsunami.

These superheroes are hard to beat with four hands.

No matter how powerful it is, it can’t be done at once.

The Scarlet Witch stood on the porch, watching everything below.

I was also anxious.

In the end, she left the Vision side and joined the battle group.

The powerful chaos magic changed the situation of the battle.


After seeing the Scarlet Witch joining the battle group, Proxima Centauri sent the message to the General Deadblade, who had not been seen.

General Dead Blade raided Vision Vision here.

The surgery for Vision Vision had to end.

The two sides entered a war.

Vision is not an opponent of General Deadblade.

Almost died, but fortunately, Captain China arrived.

The two teamed up to kill General Dead Blade!

Movie fans just breathed a sigh of relief, the camera has come to space!

just like……

When you are having a good meal, I suddenly feel like you are changing dishes…


“Vision’s crisis is over here, right?”

“Why suddenly changed again!”

“Two-line combat! This is a test of skill!”

“Is this card plot interesting?!”

“Yeshen, you and he just know that today, so you dare not show up?!”

“He’s meow… I knew you were such a person!”


However, the battlefield here is also very fierce.

Several people are not the opponents of Thanos at all.

Doctor Strange’s magic is useless no matter how powerful it is.

Thanos, with five gems, is extremely powerful.

He resorted to various means, but nothing could be done.

Even the incarnation was tens of millions, but he was directly drawn in front of him by the reality gem.

“`. This is your greatest weapon, but you don’t know how to use it!” Thanos sneered, grabbed his necklace and squeezed it!

The gem did not appear.

“Fake!?” He was furious and threw it away, then Doctor Strange tossed aside.

The moment he stretched out his hand, a mechanical object directly supported his hand.

Just about to kill him, Stark has already returned, “If you hit me with a satellite, I will lose control!”

Countless shells fired at Thanos!

However, it did no harm to Thanos.

With both feet together, the whole person becomes a one-and-one warhammer, kicking over Thanos!

At the same time, both hands turned into two small hammers and hammered again.

However, the power of Thanos is hard to understand.

Reaching out and grabbing, it burst Stark’s faceplate!

A beam of energy shoots out.

Stark turned a shield to block it.

The body shook, and he flew to Thanos’ side.

After a few punches, Thanos was hurt!

However, Thanos fought back instantly, pressing Stark to the ground in a few strokes.

Nano robots keep flying away.

There are fewer and fewer robots, making Stark not even a complete mecha enough.

“Little spider, has your teammate been like this all the time?!”

Seeing this scene, Doctor Strange didn’t even think about it, and directly used time magic.

“Damn! I…” Doctor Strange just wanted to say that he had forgotten that the gem was no longer on him.


The next moment, the magic of time was used instantly.

Thanos takes control!

Thanos enters the cage of time.

Just like Domam at the beginning.

“Unexpectedly at this time…” Doctor Strange looked at the chain on his chest, which contained the gem of time…

“Sword Fairy is back?”

I just wanted to stand up, but found a powerful force to use.

He didn’t do anything at all, he was directly suspended in the air, and the whole person turned into a phantom…


When the shock wave came, he instantly withdrew.

Thanos broke free from the shackles of the time cage!

Stabbed through Stark…

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