Chapter 582

“I respect you, Stark.”

Thanos pressed Iron Man’s head as if he were talking with a friend.

“After I succeed, half of the people will survive.” Thanos pushed Stark away, “I hope they will remember you!”

Stark felt the threat of death again…

When was the last time?

In the past few years, he has gone through a series of battles, he himself has forgotten!

But the closest time to death…

Before I became Iron Man, right?

that time……

Time seems to be flying, he saw himself at that time…

Thanos raised his hand, and the gems on his glove lit up.

As long as the energy bursts, Stark will become a cloud of dust, dissipating in the universe…

“Ah! Stark is dying?!”

“No! How could Tony die?!”

“Ah ah ah ah ah!”

“I like Tony the most!”

“Iron Man!”

“Stop.” A voice came, and everyone could hear it. It was the voice of Doctor Strange, and Thanos looked at Doctor Strange who collapsed on the ground.

He was also embarrassed at this time.

“Spare him,” said Doctor Strange. “I’ll give you the gem.”

Stark looked at Doctor Strange in surprise.

I don’t have a deep friendship with this person.

It didn’t even take long to know each other.


“No tricks!” Thanos also couldn’t believe it.

So simple?

They are desperately trying to stop themselves, now it’s so simple to give to themselves? !

“Don’t…” Stark said with difficulty.

Thanos aimed his fist at Doctor Strange.

Doctor Strange didn’t say anything, and he reached out and pinched.

A gem appeared between his fingers.

Fluorescent green gems…

The time gem that Thanos dreams of!

Stark’s heart is extremely painful!

Doctor Strange saved himself, which means that countless people will die!



Is he really not afraid? !


feel a little scared.

The gem of time fell into Thanos’ hands.


Fall into the glove.

“There is one piece left…”

At this moment, bullets came in one by one.

Thanos just squeezed his fist and disappeared into time and space.

Liquel, who was hit by the meteor shower, reappeared!

However, Thanos has disappeared…

“Where is he?!” Liquel asked angrily.

Stark looked sad, and his heart was full of guilt.

He looked back at Doctor Strange, “Why are you doing this?”

Doctor Strange said something difficult to understand, “This is the end…”

“There is only one piece left!”

“Thanksgiving is really invincible!”

“Dr. Strange is a bad pen?!”(Read more @

“how come……”

“How can it be handed over to him at this time!?”

“If you don’t give it to him, Tony will be dead!”


“Sacrifice one person, or sacrifice a group of people… It’s really hard to choose!”


“I do not know what to say……”

The battle on the earth continues.

Thor received the storm axe and was strong.

Destroy a barracks.

The Scarlet Witch found a very wounded vision.

Captain China looked up to the sky, frowning slightly.

Pressing the communication device in the ear, “Everyone gathers, I have a new enemy here!”

Not for a while.

Everyone gathers.

Hawkeye sorted out his arrow clusters.

The Scarlet Witch raised the Vision and stood together like a husband and wife.

The black widow’s eyes were deep.

Banner in a tattered anti-Hulk mech.

Cao Yanbing and the seven guardian spirits waited intently.

The falcon landed not far away.

Colonel Rod landed…

Not for a while.

The space was trembling, and a blue flame suddenly appeared in this world.

Thick smoke rose, and a tall purple figure was revealed!

Thanos is coming!

The decisive battle is here!

Everyone is ready!

“Captain, it’s him!” Banner was a little frightened.

In his heart, he still has a lot of fear of Thanos!

Everyone is eagerly waiting!

“Attention everyone, stay vigilant!”

Captain China led all the heroes to rush up!

Thanos came slowly.

The anti-hulk mech leaped high and smashed it down with a punch.

However, when it fell on Thanos, it seemed to penetrate a puff of smoke and directly hit the top of the mountain.

The body has slowly merged into the mountain!

The Falcon came to kill with two guns, but suddenly lost his motivation.

The Panther leaped forward, but was caught by Thanos and pressed it to the ground on the spot.

Hawkeye’s arrow flew in, turning around easily in mid-air…

The Scarlet Witch wanted to go forward and fight, but was asked by Vision to destroy her gem…

The two struggled with each other.

The Scarlet Witch finally made up his mind, for the earth and for all mankind!

Chaos magic burst…

Countless missiles of the war machine flew out, and the entire mech was crushed into a ball!

The black widow was hit by countless stone pillars arched from the ground, forming a cage and trapped in it.

The half-large Groot exploded, the branches entangled like a python, and Thanos broke free easily!

Cao Yanbing and the seven guardian spirits killed at the same time.

Eight people attacked together, Thanos was shocked, and everyone flew out backwards.

Captain China flew past and was not Thanos’ opponent.

He tried to take off his gloves, but was stunned.

Only Vision and Scarlet Witch are left.

The Scarlet Witch, who is destroying gems, has to separate magic to fight Thanos!

Thanos stared at the chaos magic and moved forward hard.

“I love you……”

Vision said this in a low voice.

The gem on the top of the head suddenly exploded.

The mood is difficult to determine.

“Child, I understand your mood, what I lost today is unimaginable for you.” Thanos pressed the Scarlet Witch’s head.

But she passed by, “Now, it is not the time to mourn. Now, time does not exist!”

He raised his hand.

A green light twined.

“Time magic?!”

Everyone in the theater exclaimed.

During the explosion, the gems slowly condense in time…

“No!” Seeing this scene, the Scarlet Witch wanted to rush forward.

But it was shot flying.

Thanos grabbed the Vision, squeezed his head with his right hand, and deducted the soul gem.

The gem fell on the glove.



Six infinite gems!


In the sky, a lightning bolt suddenly fell.



A powerful force erupted.

The green giant rose violently and grabbed Thanos.

Push forward.

Eyes are red.


Come on again!


Thunder and lightning fell violently.

The storm axe fell from the sky.

Cut directly into Thanos’ chest!

Thor quickly arrived, “I said, I will take revenge!”.

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