Chapter 587

What do I know? !

Just like you, I learned this news too!

This is not an artist of his own company!

If he weren’t the boss, he would definitely kill him!

Is it so sudden? !

Is it so hasty? !


Damn it!

what is the problem? !

Mr. Lu was stunned.

However, he soon calmed down.

No way!

Even if Ye Dao really retired, he would continue to operate Orange Fruit Pictures.

Director Ye also said that the film has a follow-up shooting plan!

They have sorted out the plans one by one.

Moreover, Dao Ye has prepared all the scripts!


He let out a long sigh, stood up and said, “Everyone, Dao Ye is temporarily retiring due to personal affairs. This is a loss for the film industry! However, we, Chengguo Pictures, will continue to make excellent movies for everyone. Together, we Waiting for the return of Ye Dao’s king!”

“Well, this time the premiere ends here!”

After Mr. Lu finished speaking, he turned around and left. He had a lot of questions to ask Ye Li!

right now……

“Mr. Lu! Mr. Lu!”

“Mr. Lu…”

The reporters swarmed in immediately.

But soon he was stopped by the security guards.

Downey and others were also shocked at this time.


Dao Ye is going to retire? !

He meows…

Didn’t it mean that I left the superhero team temporarily? !

Why did he suddenly become him…

He was full of questions.

Anne Hathaway is also ignorant and ignorant.

He wants to retire! ?


Hu Ge, Peng Yuyan and Lin Gengxin got together and discussed in a low voice.

“What’s the matter with the third child?”

“Nothing will happen, right?”

“Should not? Look at his appearance, he is quite energetic!”

“There must be something! Otherwise, I won’t retire suddenly!”

“For such a big thing, don’t notify us first…”

“Notify us to persuade him?”

After Mr. Lu left Mordu Film and Television University, he did not contact Ye Li.

Hu Ge did not contact them either.

No matter it was Li Bingbing, Wang Churan, Liu Shishi, Anne Hathaway and others, none of them contacted Ye Li.

He seems to have disappeared from this world…

…(Read more @

the next day.

Global uproar!

China’s hosting of “Avengers 3” has attracted worldwide attention.

Journalists from all over the world have also arrived, and they want to get first-hand information.


Regarding the news of the “Avengers 3” movie, there is no splash at all.

Instead, Ye Li, the world’s most popular commercial film director, retired and became popular all over the world!

On the Internet, the media are reporting this incident one after another.

[Superhero movie pioneer-Ye Li announced his retirement! 】

[For personal reasons, there is no superhero in the world! 】

[Why? Ye Li’s secret to retiring! 】

【Why did Ye Li suddenly announce his retirement? ! 】

Various titles have affected countless people.

The whole network exploded!

Netizens are going crazy!

“Damn! Ye Shen is going to retire?!”

“What retired?! Upstairs you are a fool, right?! Retired!”

“Why retire?!”

“Does it mean that you won’t see superhero movies anymore?!”

“Probably not, the head of Chengguo Pictures has already released the news, and there will be a lot of movie plans next!”

“These movie plans, Ye Shen has already prepared!”

“We can still see superhero movies in the future! Unfortunately, Ye Shen may not continue to make movies!”

“No! Ye Shen! Your movie… I still want to see the old!”

“Yes! Ye Shen! Please don’t leave us!”

“I want to love you again!”


“Don’t leave me! Ye Shen!”

“I like your movie so much…”

“People have already made enough money, who will take care of you!”

“That is, people made money that you can’t even imagine in this life! Why don’t you retire!?”

“Damn! It’s awesome! Retire after graduation! Isn’t it terrifying?!”

“Great! Great!”

“I can’t imagine…”


“President Lu, what shall we do next?”

The day when Ye Li was not contacted.

The air pressure at Chengguo Pictures was low.

Mr. Lu never expected that Ye Li would have such a great influence on the entire company!

He just announced his retirement, these people in the company…

He was also a little helpless…

“Since I haven’t contacted Dao Ye, we just need to do our own thing now. Dao Ye just announced his retirement, but did not announce the dissolution of the company!” Mr. Lu calmed people’s hearts.

“Understood! But without Ye Dao, we…”

“Yes, Mr. Lu, if Dao Ye does not direct, our profit…”

Mr. Lu couldn’t help laughing and cursing: “You can rest assured! Even if the company doesn’t shoot movies, it will be enough to support you!”

Although Lu always explained that, many people were still worried.

Ye Li is the core pillar of Chengguo Pictures!

He is a spiritual symbol!

His role is irreplaceable!

Mordu Film and Television University.

Liu Yuanliang looked at his old friend, who was also a colleague.

“Wen Yue! Tell me, why did Ye Li retire?! He hasn’t graduated yet! The great time has not come yet!” Liu Yuanliang couldn’t think of it.

Ye Li retires!


how can that be? !

Wang Wen smiled and said, “This is his own choice. Is this abnormal?”

“It’s not normal! He is now the hottest director in the world, why would he choose to retire at this time?! And the pits of his movie have not been filled out!” Liu Yuanliang said.

Wang Wenyue smiled and said, “What’s the matter? Didn’t he say it? Chengguo Pictures will continue to make movies, and superhero movies will not stop.”

“But, it’s also a pity…”

“He doesn’t feel a pity, and he won’t be out of the mountains again in a few years! He is only in his twenties!”


Several major film and television giants.

“Have you heard?! China Ye is going to retire! He has decided not to make a movie?!”

“When did this happen?!”

“It was when “Avengers 3″ premiered! He suddenly announced this!”

“Really!? Isn’t that our chance here?!”

“Hahahaha! Feng Shui takes turns!”

“Yes, he is only in his twenties after all!”

“No, he is only in his twenties, why did he suddenly retire?! This is unscientific!”

“We are not competitive with him at all now…”.

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