Chapter 588

“President Lu, haven’t you contacted Dao Ye?” Li Bingbing sat in Mr. Lu’s office.

Mr. Lu shook his head helplessly, facing his former boss, “Ye Dao doesn’t know what’s going on, the phone has been turned off recently, and no one knows where he is.”

A trace of disappointment appeared in Li Bingbing’s eyes.

She also has no news from Ye Li.

It’s been so long.

Ye Li has never contacted her~.

This makes her a little sad.

“Okay, if you have news about Ye Dao, please notify me as soon as possible.” Li Bingbing stood up.

“Okay, Sister Bingbing, I will notify you in time when the time comes!”-Mr. Lu said quickly.

Li Bingbing walked to the door. Just as he was about to open the door, the door had already been opened.

Seeing the person at the door, Li Bingbing was taken aback.

“Sister Bingbing, hello!” Wang Churan quickly gave way and let Li Bingbing go first.

“Hello, Chu Ran, are you still used to it recently?” Li Bingbing asked softly.

Wang Churan nodded and said, “Thank you Bingbing sister for your concern…”

After chatting a few words, Li Bingbing left.

When he left, Wang Churan looked at Mr. Lu.

“Mr. Lu, Dao Ye…”

Mr. Lu knew it at a glance!

This is not the first…

Do not!

It should be said that there are several!

Several female celebrities in the company have come to ask!

Liu Shishi!

Li Bingbing!

Wang Churan!

Even Anne Hathaway has been here!

They are all asking about Ye Dao’s news…


Forget it!

It has nothing to do with me!

Mr. Lu shook his head.

Wang Churan finally returned disappointed.

Ye Li’s villa was still empty at this time.

“Where did the youngest go?! Why can’t I get through the phone!”

“Who knows? This…”

“Really are……”

Hu Ge, Peng Yuyan, and Lin Gengxin got together in Hu Ge’s villa.

Ye Li has disappeared for several days!

Now there is no news at all!

The three of them are worried to death!

“The third child won’t be kidnapped, right?!” Lin Gengxin had to doubt…

Hu Ge glared at him, “Can you clear your mind?!”


The whole world is paying attention to this matter.

However, Ye Li has never appeared.

No one received his call…


“Thor 3” won a super high box office of billions of dollars!

Ranked No. 1 in global film history at the box office!

“Avengers 4” is officially released!(Read more @

There is no news from Ye Li.

Everyone gathered in the hotel, waiting for the ceremony to begin.

In the hotel.

The superheroes gathered together.

Every one of them was looking forward to it, but they didn’t see the familiar figure.

“Is Dao Ye really not coming?”

“I don’t know, should I come?”

“Hey… I don’t know what happened to Ye Dao.”

“I’m still looking forward to the next film directed by Director Ye!”

“With Ye Dao…”

In addition to the actors present, superhero actors, and directors of various film and television dramas.

Wu Jing, Guo Fan, Xu Zheng, Wu Ershan, Fei Zhenxiang, Liu Kai, Wen Ziren and others also gathered together.

They sit at a big table, smoking and drinking tea.

These are all domestic directors who have worked with Ye Li.

Each of them has made one or two superhero movies.

Now, they can all be regarded as the top figures of domestic commercial directors!

Because he directed a film written by Ye Li, he won a good box office.

“Is Dao Ye really ready to retire?!”

“It’s been a month, and I haven’t found him.”

“I also called him, but no one answered.”

“Hey, maybe something really happened!”


“Almost all follow-up movie plans have arrived.”

“Old Fei, you still shoot the “Ghost Blowing Lantern” series, right?”

“Of course, I can shoot this series smoothly now!”

“What do you think of the worldview of the whole superhero movie of Director Ye?”

“In the “Ghost Blowing Lantern” series, most of the tombs opened should be where the seal is located?”

“This is a sealed world?”

“Except for superhero movies and the “Ghost Blowing Lantern” series, what are the related settings of super behemoth movies?”

“The setting of the movie “King Kong” is the clearest. King Kong is the guardian of the seal!”

“This is very interesting!”

“”Ghost Blowing Lantern” is the seal destroyer here?”

“King Kong is the guardian of the seal!”

0 ·Look for flowers····

“And the superhero is the earth’s counterattack…”

“At that time, there will definitely be a super drama…”

Several people couldn’t help but float the topic out.

“Hey! Mr. Lu is here!”

As soon as Mr. Lu entered the door, everyone immediately stood up.

They are looking forward to it.

But I found that there was only Mr. Lu!

Everyone gathered around.

“Mr. Lu!”

“Mr. Lu, Dao Ye…”

Mr. Lu shook his head and said, “It’s okay, this time we will hold it by ourselves! This is the perfect curtain call for Ye Dao!”

Everyone looked straight.

Yes it is!

In the short term, fans may still be able to see superhero movies!

But… it’s hard to see the works directed by Ye Dao himself!

. …… …….

Today’s premiere is super lively.

Countless movie fans have gathered!

It’s really crowded.

Everyone is full of expectations.

“Will Dao Ye come today?!”

“For such an important occasion, Dao Ye will definitely be there!

“I look forward to it! I hope I can convince Dao Ye that I don’t need to…”

“Hey! Why is this news so hasty?!”

“”Avengers 4″ will be the last movie of Dao Ye?!”

“Probably not, after all, Ye Dao is only in his twenties! Isn’t it time to struggle now?”

“Struggle? Think about it, Ye Shen has already made all the money in this life!”

“However, life always needs some goals…”

“Bah! He can totally enjoy life!”

“And we still need hard work!”

“This is also something that can’t be helped, people are talented!”

“Look! The car is coming! I don’t know if it is Ye Shen!”

“hurry up!”

Countless people squeezed forward.

A car came slowly.

Two directors got off the bus!

This time it was not a match between men and women.

Not Ye Dao!

“There is no Ye Dao!”



The premiere is proceeding fast, until the end, no Ye Li appeared!

“Avengers 4”!

The premiere begins!

Everyone’s concerns were finally brought back to this movie slowly!

Movies are the top priority! plant.

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