Chapter 589

“Yeshen is the best!”

“That’s right! The third film is obviously not finished, and now I’m connected to the fourth one! It’s so cool!”

“Just don’t wait!”

“of course!”

“Unfortunately, Ye Shen doesn’t know when he will be able to come back!”

“Who knows this? Wait for Ye Shen to come back!”

“Hey…I don’t know how many things Ye Shen will do. Can you quickly get it out of the mountain?”

“Ahhhhh! The thought of Ye Shen going to retreat makes me feel unhappy immediately!”

“Hey… “Thor 3″ almost broke three billion dollars, in fact, it can be offline two days later!”

“Who said no, but Ye Shen, never did such a thing, it’s boring to stand firm!”

“This is where I admire Ye Shen! Other movies are simply not compromised when they have the opportunity to get honor in order to break through the limits, but Ye Shen never did this!”

“Unfortunately, Ye Shen hasn’t won any awards for several years since his debut!”

“Yes! Although Ye Shen is now waiting for honor, but the award has always been zero.”

“This is the most pity! In my opinion, “Buried Alive” actually has a chance to win an award!”

“It’s a pity! There is a movie that has a chance to win an award on a global scale, as the opening! Ye Shen is hanging!”

“Who said no! Ye Shen should get more honor!”

“I feel blinded in all major awards, right?!”

“With the special effects of the Yeshen superhero movie, let alone anything else, the special effects sweep a lot, right?!”

“Sweep a piece?! Please use the world!”

“Ye Shen should be the biggest award winner!”

“Hey…now I’m done talking about everything!”

“Maybe, Ye Shen retired because of this!”


“Who said it’s impossible? Ye Shen is full of disappointment in the current market…”

“I changed too!”

“That’s right! Ye Shen deserves something better!”

Everyone was talking in a low voice.

Even the interview about the premiere was not of much interest.

After all, Ye Shen didn’t make an official appearance!

No one knows where Ye Li went.

What is he doing!

He doesn’t even have fish in the sea…

The people who were interviewed also had very little interest.

It is really……

It feels like there is no Yeshen, there is nothing missing.

After a while, the premiere was over.

The film officially begins.

The golden dragon mark on the green background flew by.

[Works by Director Ye Li]!

When these words came out, everyone was a little excited and a little bit embarrassed.

after all……


Ye Shen, it’s gone forever!

This may be the last Yeshen movie this year!

You won’t even see Ye Shen’s movies in the next few years!

See it once, one less time…(Read more @

The film officially begins.

Professor X is giving lessons to the super-powered teenagers.

He was sitting in a wheelchair with his head bare.

Explain all kinds of knowledge to them.

Suddenly, the pen on the table fell to the ground for unknown reasons.

He went down to pick up a pen.

When he picked up the pen, as soon as he looked up, he saw…

The superpower teenagers in front of them dissipated in a strange way…




Someone is horrified!

Someone is scared!

Someone screamed!

They watched the people around them dissipate in smoke and dust.

It seems that there has never been this person in the world!

Fans will know at a glance!

this is……

The next “Avengers 3”!

Thanos snapped his fingers, making the entire universe disappear in half!


“Connected! Great!”

“This is so handsome, isn’t it?!”

“at this point……”


“This is a big deal! Thanos, do you know that you provoke someone you can’t provoke?!”

“Professor X is not so powerful, is he?”

“Of course, but the Avengers should increase?!”


“Ye Shen…”

“Avengers 4: Endgame”!

As soon as the opening of the film came out, the movie title appeared.

Stark and Nebula are sitting on either side of a table, playing boring games.

The helmet of the broken Iron Man’s battle armor was placed aside.

After a while, Tony stretched his arm over and opened the helmet.

He is very thin now.

“Hey, Miss Poz…Pepa.” The skinny Tony was left, leaning in front of the pair of machines, and said weakly.

“If you find this video, don’t post it online, it will be very sad.”

Even at this time, Tony is still…

“I don’t know if you can see this paragraph, I don’t even know if you still…oh! God, I hope you are okay…”

“Today is the 21st…No, it should be the 22nd day.”

In the vast universe, under a dark environment, the spacecraft of the Galaxy Guards hovered in place.

There is only a little light.

It seems to have lost motivation.

“The vast universe makes people unable to raise a trace of hope. I am doing well today. My injury is much better. Thanks to the blue sister who has been taking care of me, you will like her and she is very capable!”

“It’s good everywhere, but it’s a bit heavy.”

Follow him to speak.

The picture moves.

It seems to be a memory.

Recalling everything he experienced in the stars of the universe.

The wound pierced by Thanos was repaired, and the two men repaired the spaceship…

“During the battle, the fuel tank was destroyed, so we thought of a way to use anti-particle charging to gain 48 hours of flight time.”

“Now I can’t help it at all, I guess there are still thousands of light-years away from the earth!”

“Oxygen can last until tomorrow morning, who knows!”

“There is…”

The camera came to the moment when Tony and Nebula humbly gave up water.

“Peppa, I said that I won’t make you feel scared anymore, but I really want to understand things. Now it seems that I’m going to break my promise.”

“I know you may blame yourself, and you may not be able to get out for a few weeks, but please try to live, and I should lie down and rest for a while.”

“You know, I just closed my eyes to sleep as usual, don’t worry about me, it’s really fine. I will dream of you.”

“Only you in my dream!”

Stark turned off his visor.

this is……

His suicide note!

The heavy atmosphere immediately gathered.

This has always been a strong human being on Earth, and it is impossible to accomplish the possibility.

Now, he has no move.

The bones on his body seem to pierce the skin at any time…


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