Chapter 590

He put on his coat and lay on the ground, trying to find a comfortable way for himself to lie down.

Then adjusted his sleeping position again.

Want a better sleeping position…

all of a sudden.

Sobbing came from the cinema immediately.

Even if you already know it.

“This is Tony’s suicide note!”

“The swinger looks back! He loves Pepa so deeply!”

“The prodigal son will not change his head! Tony…”

“He is waiting for death! Even if he knows he can’t live anymore, he will die in a handsome posture!”

“This is Tony!”

“Tony! Don’t die!”

“Ahhhhhhh! I’m going crazy! Tony is so powerful, he is waiting to die?!”

“This is unbelievable!”

“It shouldn’t be! Tony has been my spiritual support since the beginning of “Iron Man”!”

“Is there any chance?!”

“I think Tony won’t die, right?!”

“How is it possible?! Do you know how high Robert Downey Jr’s pay is now?! Iron Man is not dead, is there anyone else? 01!”

“This is also a reason, but… the script is killed because of this, it’s too…”

“Tony! Don’t die!”

“There must be a way! You were able to escape from the hands of terrorists back then! There are so many machines now!”

“There is no way! The oxygen is gone! Even in the shot just now, maybe the water is gone!”

“Unless someone comes to rescue him!”

“Is it impossible?! In the universe, there are no coordinates, you can’t find it at all?!”

“With the technology of the earth, it can’t be achieved!”

“If the Guardians of the Galaxy are still alive, there may be a chance!”

“But they are all dead now, only the little raccoons are left!”

“Little raccoon…should…”

“Little raccoon doesn’t know the coordinates!”


“It looks like this, isn’t it dead?”

On the big screen, Tony smiled peacefully.

Lying in front of the porthole, in front of him is the visor of Iron Man, and in the glass windows behind him, the endless universe is displayed…

The picture at this moment is frozen here…

Then, a long leg appeared, and Nebula turned Tony over.

He had completely lost consciousness at this time.

There is no meat or two on his body.

Nebula put him in a driving position and fastened his seat belt.

The dark and gloomy universe…

The lonely spaceship.

Stark sat on the cockpit with his eyes closed.

The lens is on his thin face…

But it makes people feel endlessly distressed.

“Is Tony leaving us too?!”

“This is really heartbreaking!”

“This shouldn’t be!”

“Tony! Don’t!”

“Ye Shen…”

The camera keeps shooting his face.


On his face, a warm light came on.

He was awakened when he was in a coma.

…(Read more @

“Damn! Are they floating where they are?!”

“Is it saved?!”

“I knew that Ye Shen would never give up Tony!”

“Tony is one of the founders after all!”

“Ah ah ah ah ah!”

“It’s really great!”

Tony blinked, covering his eyes with his hands, looking…

With blood-red eyes, he looked outside in shock.

A mass of infinite golden light is approaching.

Gradually, a figure appeared!

This person radiated clearly.

Blue tights, red cloak.

There is a big [S] on the chest!

Floating in the air.


“Is a flying man?!”

“It’s not a flying man, right? It’s not a human being!? It’s actually possible to live in the universe?!”


“It’s so awesome! This person is not an earthly person, right?!”

“Could it be a superhero?!”

“Is it the last person Zheng Xian contacted?! There is also an S sign!?”


“This is too awesome!”

The camera turns.

A razor was rinsed under the faucet.

The lens is zoomed out.

Zhou Kai is looking in the mirror.

Suddenly heard a rumbling sound.

One looked up.

The lens shifted outside.

Avengers headquarters!

China-the magic capital!

After Stark’s disappearance, the Stark Group has established a brand new Avengers base in China!

In the dark night, a huge spaceship slowly descended.

After turning a corner, everyone saw it, the one glowing golden light below!

Holding the entire spaceship, it descended slowly.

The serving avengers rushed out.

Captain China-Zhou Kai!

Black Widow!

At the top, there is…Pepa! Little pepper!

The spaceship was slowly and gently placed on the ground.

The camera turns.

Zhou Kai ran over quickly.

The hatch opened.

Nebula helped the incredibly weak Stark to disembark.

Zhou Kai quickly supported Stark.

“I couldn’t stop him.” Stark blamed himself.

“Neither can I.” Zhou Kai said quickly.

Stark gradually turned around and looked at Zhou Kai, “The kid died.”

Spider-Man’s sacrifice filled his heart with guilt.

It was him who brought Peter Parker into the Avengers!


He eventually died in his arms.

The emotion that Stark had been forbearing finally broke out, and tears slipped from his sunken eye sockets.

Zhou Kaisheng was afraid of what would happen to him when he was weak, “Tony, we all lost.”


“Oh! My God!” Little Pepper ran to Stark’s side.

Tears couldn’t stop rolling down.

The two embraced each other.

“never mind……”

The little raccoon sat alone by the lonely nebula.

The two were speechless…

Just sit there.

Guardians of the Galaxy, only them are left…

“F*ck! Tears can’t stop at all!”

“Tony is really miserable!”

“The captain is a warm man!”

“The captain is really warm!”

“Two people…”


“Whether it is the Avengers or the Guardians of the Galaxy, they are all abandoned!”

“Who said no! They…”

“It’s really uncomfortable.”

“Thanksgiving has left the earth for 23 days! The governments of the world are falling apart.”

As the discussion opens again.

The few remaining avengers, including Colonel Rod and Zhou Kai, gathered together.

Virtual projection above.

Photos of superheroes such as Doctor Strange, Vision, Scarlet Witch, Falcon, Ant-Man, etc. flashed by.

When the screen of Spider-Man appears.

Tony was sitting in a wheelchair with saline, and reluctantly covered his eyes.

“The functioning department is doing demographic statistics, and the result seems to be just like what he… said, Thanos has wiped out half of the life in the universe!”.

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