Chapter 591

Every superhero who survived, bowed his head.

Thor, Captain China, Black Widow…

“Where is he now?” Stark asked.

The captain lowered his head and said weakly: “I don’t know, he made a portal and left.”

“What’s wrong with him?” Stark pointed to Thor, who had been sitting silent.

He wringed his fingers.

“He is very annoyed,” said the little raccoon. “He feels like he has failed. Indeed, but who is not!”

Stark watched the little raccoon talk curiously.

“Seriously, if you don’t speak, I thought you were a plush toy!”

Everyone in the theater couldn’t help but smile.

This is Stark.

This is Tony!

That…is back again!

“You say yes!” The little raccoon is in a low mood now, and doesn’t want to argue with him or quarrel with him.

“We have been searching for Thanos’ whereabouts for the past three weeks.” Zhou Kai said, “Space, satellite scanning, but nothing! Tony, you fought him.”

Stark asked: “Who told you!? I didn’t count against him at all. He hit me in the face with a whole planet. The wizard handed over the time gem.

Speaking of this, he still felt disappointed.

Disappointment in myself.

If you…


“That’s how it is, we can only say that we were beaten by him!”

“Okay!” Zhou Kai lowered his head.

“I can’t beat him at all!”

This makes him quite, the scene he once saw in the illusion of the Scarlet Witch in Sokovia!

All superheroes are gone!

“Did he leave any clues, coordinates, or anything else?” Zhou Kai asked.

“Haha.” Stark waved his hand. “I knew this would happen years ago. I saw it, but I don’t want to believe it! I thought it was a dream!”

“Tony, I need you to concentrate now. 々!”

“I need you before!” Stark looked at Zhou Kai, “I needed you in the past, more urgently than what you need me to do now! And everything is too late!”

“Sorry,” Zhou Kai whispered.

“What do I need to do now? I need to shave!” Stark waved off what was in front of him and stretched out his hand to unplug the needle.

“And, I remember I told you all.”

Colonel Rod wanted to stop him, “Tony, stop talking.”

Stark pulled out the needle, “You and those who are no longer there, I said we need the Armored Corps to protect the world, remember? Whether this affects our precious freedom, that is what we really need! ”

“That method won’t work. Doesn’t it?” Zhou Kai said.

“I said we would lose! You said that even then we have to face it together! But what was the result?! Captain, we lost! And you were not there at the time!”

Stark became more and more excited.

He has great expectations of Zhou Kai.


The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.(Read more @

“When are we here? Slow forever?! Can we only be the Avengers? Only revenge, can’t we prevent?!”

He seemed to want to go up and give Zhou Kai a punch.

Colonel Rod hugged him.

He was as thin as wood.

“Okay, you said too much, sit down, okay?” Rod soft said.

“No! I have something to say! He is very good! And…” Tony pointed to Superman.

“Tony, sit down.”

Stark struggled, “We need you, you are a new force!” Stark struggled out, and his finger was almost directly pricked on Zhou Kai’s face, “You old trash, I have nothing to give you, Captain , I have no coordinates! No clues! No strategy! No plans!”

“Nothing! I don’t believe you either, you liar!”

Stark was so angry that he reached out and took off the small nuclear reactor from his chest.

Tucked it into his hand fiercely, “Take this, and put this on when you find him! Then hide!”

As soon as the voice fell, his feet softened.

Sit directly on the ground.

Everyone quickly wanted to help, “I’m fine…”

As soon as he breathed a sigh of relief, he fainted to the ground.

Because of anger, because of weakness…

Stark is extremely weak, he needs to recuperate.

Superman left, ready to kill Thanos.

Everyone wants to go together.

Nebula provided them with clues.

“Thanksgiving always wanted me to be perfect. Whenever he reformed me, he would talk about his grand plan…”

“After it’s done, where does he go? There is only one answer!”

“where is it?”

“In that garden!”

“He has a back garden?”

Nebula gives the location.

Superman is ready to kill Thanos and take back the original stone.

Then bring everyone back!

All, those who died in Thanos’ snap fingers…

However, everyone has some doubts about Superman’s ability…

He is confident…

Everyone set off…

The spaceship is off!

The little raccoon driving the spaceship turned back suddenly, “`. None of you have been to the universe?”

Captain China, Black Widow, and Colonel Rod raised their hands in embarrassment.

In comparison, everyone else has been to the universe.

“Well, don’t you vomit on my spaceship!” The little raccoon was still joking.

“Arriving at the jumping point…” Nebula has pressed the button for space transition!


They shuttled through space and arrived in front of a planet.

Superman went down to investigate in advance.

Many heroes watched all this intently,

There is nothing in this planet.

No satellites, military, ships!

Only Thanos himself…

The camera turns.

In a small ruined house, Thanos’ tabard was erected on the field as a dummy to drive away birds.

It seemed that when it was the harvest season, Thanos limped and harvested some fruits.

In this small room, Thanos was like a reclusive hermit.

Live quietly.

He suddenly looked up.

A ray of energy blasted but allowed.

As he blocked it, Superman had already shot in. For a moment, he flew, locked his throat, and blocked his gloved hand with one leg.

At the same time, underground of the wooden house, the anti-Hulk mech burst out, controlling one of his hands.

Colonel Rod also controlled the other hand.

Thor flew in and cut off his left hand with an axe!

Captain China and Black Widow appear.

The little raccoon saw that the infinite gem was empty on the glove.

“Do not!”

“Where are the gems?!” Captain China asked.

Thanos said indifferently: “This universe needs to be corrected. After that, these rough stones are useless except to cause trouble!”.

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