Chapter 592

“You killed countless lives!!!”

Banner got angry first!

All of a sudden, Thanos was overthrown to the ground.

“You should be grateful!” Thanos sneered.

But the next moment, Banner went up and beat him in the face.

“Where is the rough stone?!”

“It’s all destroyed!” Thanos fell to the ground, half of his body covered in scars of horror.

“Turn into dust!”

“You just used them two days ago!”

“I used the power of the original stone to destroy the original stone, which almost killed me!” Everyone saw it.

The scars on his body are as if they have been eroded by molten lava!

“But my mission has been completed, it is destined to be so! Because I am destiny!”

“We have to look everywhere, he may be lying.”

Nebula stepped forward, “My father can do everything, but he can’t lie.”

“Thank you, my daughter… I may have been too harsh on you before…”

The furious Thor couldn’t help but chopped off Thanos’ head with an axe!

“This time, I am hacking at your head…”


“Thanksgiving is so dead!”

“These people just died like this?!”

“It shouldn’t be?!”

“Why is this?!”

“It shouldn’t be!”

“F*ck! What about those who died?!”

“I rely on…”

“what to do?!”

“Spiderman has no future?”

“My favorite Spider-Man!”

“And, what about the others?!”


“Is it over like this?! How do you feel like it’s not finished!”

The next moment, the screen went blank.

【Five years later……】

Magic capital.

Zhou Kai chatted with a group of people.

Whether it’s a superhero or not.

They talked about the changes during this time.

There are half fewer people on the planet!

There are also half of the people in the universe!

In the course of these five years, order was re-established.

They are the rest of their lives!

“I met the love of my life, but… when I wake up, it has been 70 years later, I don’t know, in fact, she is still alive…”

Yes it is.

In the era of that year.

Dr. Wen Rui and Zhou Kai finally formed two parallel lines!

One frozen for seventy years!

The other is…

Life experience is wonderful.

at this time.

His phone rang.

After answering the phone, “I need to go, something is wrong.”(Read more @

The camera turns.

The Avengers.

A sword glow flickered.

Instantly arrived.

“Sword Fairy!” Zhou Kai couldn’t recognize the person in front of him.

His hair was knotted and his face was bloody.

It’s gone for a long time.

“Captain, where’s Doctor Strange?! Where did he go?!” Jian Xian saw Zhou Kai, suddenly raised his head, the sword light all over his body flickered.

“he died……”

Everyone fell silent.

Jian Xian lost his power in general, and then asked, “Where is the gem of time?”


At this moment, he was as if he had been taken away, and his whole person was depressed.


“He… succeeded.” Colonel Rod said helplessly.

In an instant, Zhou Kai understood.

“Damn! The sword fairy really appeared!”

“He succeeded!? Why did he succeed…”

“Obviously, he succeeded in everything, but it is a pity that Thanos wiped out half of the entire universe!”

“F*ck! Isn’t that the sword fairy…”

“Finally, after going through all kinds of dangers, I resurrected the love of my life. As a result…”

“Thank you really damn it!”

“What a stop!”


“My poor sword fairy 1”

“My Hu…”

“Obviously I found such a good opportunity…”


“He actually succeeded, and as a result…”

The camera turns.

In a scrap car yard in Hong Kong.

Inside a van, a light flashed suddenly.

call out!

I don’t know what electrical appliances are activated.

A figure suddenly flew out from inside.

Hit a car directly.

Wu Jing!


He looked at all this in shock.

Leave the junkyard.

There are abandoned cars and houses everywhere!

The posts are full of missing persons notices.

The whole city seems to have lost a lot of anger!

It’s like… the post-apocalyptic city.

It happened that a little child was riding a bicycle passing by.

“Hey, kid, what happened?”

The kid stopped and looked back.

Look at him.

Then ride away.

Not for a while.

He saw huge stone tablets in a certain park.

On the stone stele, it is engraved: [The Disappeared Person]!

“no no!”

He searched quickly.

Please do not!

“Please do not……”

While looking for his daughter’s name, I saw her own name after dinner!

“what happened?!”

He desperately ran to his ex-wife’s house.

I saw my daughter who had grown up.

Although he has grown up, but vaguely…


After understanding the whole situation, he realized that he had disappeared for five years!

The Avengers continue.

Natasha became the central conductor.

The shadow of Thanos still casts a shadow on their hearts!

Even if everything is over.

But in this world, too many things have been lost.

Ant-Man arrived when Natasha was chatting with Captain China.

Ant-Man disappeared for five years…

“Do you know quantum physics?” Ant-Man said after a long time and sorted out his emotions.

“If you want to chat, I can chat with you for two or three hours, although I don’t understand.” Natasha said.

Ant-Man: “…well, just five years ago, before Thanos snapped his fingers, I was in a place called quantum space. This quantum space is like our miniature universe. You need to be very small to get in. My girlfriend…”

“She should have pulled me out, but after Thanos snapped his fingers, I was trapped inside.”

Natasha said sympathetically: “These five years must be very long, right?”

“This is exactly what I want to say, it’s actually not long, for me, it’s only five hours!” Ant-Man continued to explain, “That means the principles in quantum space are different from this world! Everything It’s all uncertain!”

“Can I eat this? I’m starving to death!” Ant-Man saw the sandwich.

Captain China was speechless, “What do you want to say?”

I dont understand!

I’m not a schoolmaster!

“I mean.” Ant-Man swallowed a sandwich. “What I want to say is that the time mechanism of quantum space is different! The only problem is that we can’t control it! What if we can?!”

“I mean, we can control the time difference between the two spaces!”.

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