Chapter 596

There are three locations.

new York.

It happened to be the time of the New York War. At this time, New York City happened to have three gems.

Space gem!

Heart gem!

Time gem!


They inferred that the guardian of the New York Temple should be Dr. King.

The reality gem of Asgard!

And the soul gems and power gems in the universe.

The power gem is on the magic star.

The soul gem is on Vomer Star…

For them, this is a battle!

This time, they assembled again!

To win!

“Five years ago we lost, we lost completely. We lost friends, family, and even ourselves!”

“Today, we have a chance to find ourselves! We trust each other and know our mission!”

“Retake the original stone, rescue them!”

“Everyone has only one chance, you can’t make a mistake, and you can’t do it again!”

“The places we go are all familiar places, but it doesn’t mean that everything is exactly the same as in memory!”

“We can’t let our guard down, be careful in everything, and take care of each other!”

“This is a battle for us to change our destiny, and we have to win!”

“at all costs!”

Stark and the captain smiled at each other.

“all the best……”

“See you in a minute…”

The space-time shuttle starts.

Everyone formed a circle.

Battle of Destiny!

Turn it on!

Everyone enters the quantum realm!

Everything now, everything in the future!

All in one fell swoop!

“Wow! It’s finally this moment!”

“Thanks! Go to hell!”

“The Tyrant is dead!”

“I want him to die once!”

“I don’t know how the final battle will be fought?”

“Is this the only way to win that Doctor Strange deduced?”

“This may be the only opportunity for Doctor Strange to hand over the gems!”

“Excited! It’s finally here. 々!”

“This battle is so exciting!”

“Come on! Let’s fight!”

The people in the whole theater were excited.

With endless expectations.

If we say that the previous movies are a kind of tension.

The tense words about whether the earth will be destroyed.

So this time, just look forward to it!

Looking forward to everyone’s resurrection again!

Those ones……

Have fought!(Read more @

Those who have died under Thanos’ snapped fingers.

Able to return to his hometown!

Can let them have a life again…

This is the greatness of heroes!

Heroes are not only protection, but also salvation!

Next scene.

Over New York.

A spatial wormhole hangs in the sky.

A chain of transmission light fell from the sky.

In the long-range shooting, you can also see the scene of a huge and unparalleled suspended behemoth falling from the sky!

New York battle!

The Cherita army is here!

The scene of the year reappeared!


Captain China!

iron Man!


Black Widow!

Sword Fairy!


The rotating lens makes people so familiar.

In an instant, it seemed to bring all the fans back to that moment.

Just not far from the battlefield, a burst of light flashed.

Several light spots appeared.

Several people from the future appeared.

As soon as they appeared, the nano travel through time and space protective clothing disappeared, revealing their existing attire.

“Okay, everyone will act separately. Two are in the suburbs and one is in the city. Pay attention to the time and keep a low profile!”

Captain China started to arrange work as soon as he showed up.

At this moment, there was a sudden bang, and everyone was attracted.


I saw that the Hulk in the past was in a rage mode, waving the car in his hand and smashing a Cherita soldier all at once.

After smashing, he was still not suffocated, and even jumped into the car and stomped a few feet. It seemed that this was enough to vent his breath.

Seeing this scene, Dr. Green from the future was a little shy.

Everyone looked at him.

The appearance of him wearing a bullet vest is completely two people.

“Would you like to try a few times along the way?” Captain China said.

Dr. Green tore off his vest and walked over, feeling disappointed, “I don’t think it is necessary, but it doesn’t matter.”

He who can control his anger is now completely two people.

Pretend to be angry…

It’s a little second!

He smashed the car and lost a motorcycle…

“Jianxian, you have the strongest mobility, pay attention to collaboration!”

The camera turns.

New York Temple.

On the top floor of the temple, Gu Yi wearing a yellow robe was fighting.

Cherita soldiers are like ants under his hands.

Kill it easily.

The fan formed by the energy in the hand either flies out for long-range attacks or acts as a weapon in the hand.

A simple wave can take away a life.

As soon as Dr. Green took off, he jumped to the top floor of the New York Temple.

Seeing a small window, I looked in the mirror and prepared to enter.

“`. I advise you to be more careful, we just waxed the floor.” Gu Yi’s voice sounded from behind.

“I’m here to find Dr. Jin!” Dr. Green said.

According to their speculation, the guardian of the New York Temple at this time was Dr. King.

“You have been here about five years earlier.” Gu Yi said calmly.

The current guardian of the gems of time, Gu Yi, she also has the ability to see through the future!

“The current Dr. Jin is undergoing surgery. It’s about twenty blocks away. You are lucky. He was invited to participate in a medical seminar. It happens to be in New York. Otherwise, you have to cross the Pacific Ocean to find him!” Gu Yi was enthusiastic. The ground gave Dr. Green a direction.

“Why are you looking for him?”

Dr. Green saw the necklace hanging on Gu Yi’s chest, “For that!”

“Oh, I’m afraid this won’t work!” Gu Yi said lightly.

“Sorry, I have no plans to discuss with you. (Well Zhao is good)” Dr. Green said as he approached.

“Do you want to do something to me? You will regret it.” Gu Yi was not nervous at all.

He is the guardian of the earth!

Is a powerful supreme mage!

His ability is at the same level as Odin!

“You are right, I might regret it! But I need rough stones now, and I don’t have time to discuss with you!” Dr. Green looked at Gu Yi’s flimsy expression.

How could it be your opponent? !

He is close to Gu Yi.

Gu Yi took the lead and knocked Dr. Green to the ground with one palm.

At the same time, a soul flew out of his body!

Separation of spirit and flesh!

It’s like being with Dr. Jin in the first place!

“You better explain it.” Gu Yi looked at the shocked Banner indifferently!

The soul of Dr. Green is Banner!

And the flesh is indeed Hulk!

This is the best state he thinks!

Now he was easily shot out!

Shock! .

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