Chapter 597

“Gu Yi is still so awesome!”

“Hulk is like a kid in front of him!”

“After transforming into Doctor Green, Hulk is a funny comparison!”

“Killing me!”


“It’s so speechless!”

“The Battle of New York, this is the plot in “Avengers 1″, right? They were so immature at the time!”

“So many years have passed!”

“It feels like this movie is a farewell!”

“The plot of “Avengers 4″ brought us back to the previous plot, and suddenly discovered that it was not the superhero who was absent, he was just standing in a place you can’t see and working hard!”

“Yes, at that time, Gu Yi was also a guardian, and he thought he was escaping. Only now I know that he just didn’t show up!”

“It’s really a great design!”

“As expected of Ye Shen, only Ye Shen can be seen by people, wow! Such a feeling!”

“That’s great! Ye Shen’s design is too delicate!”

“I look forward to! Doctor Green will definitely not be able to beat Gu Yi, and I don’t know if Sword Immortal will do it!”

“I don’t know, look at it!”

However, in the next scene, the plot suddenly shifted to Asgard.

At this time, Asgard is in the plot of “Thor 2”.

Obviously, it is no longer the same time and space.

Thor and the little raccoon sneak into Asgard.

Thor, who has returned to the old place, is not in good shape.

The little raccoon is going to steal the ether particles, and Thor wants to have a drink…

The little raccoon was almost stunned.

However, they saw Friga.

Thor’s wife, Thor’s mother!

She will be killed today…

“Oh, no, I can’t do it!” Thor’s heart is full of struggle, he wants to save his mother, even if he changes the timeline…

“I knew I didn’t choose here! I shouldn’t have come here, this idea is not good at all!”

When Thor couldn’t bear it, the little raccoon gave him a slap.

“Do you think you alone have lost a loved one? What are we here for?!”

“I have lost my only family, Quill, Groot, Drax, Kamora and Praying Mantis, they are all gone!”

In the future world.

Everyone has lost their relatives and friends.

“I know you miss your mother, but she has passed away! Passed away forever! But the relatives of many people have only temporarily disappeared. They can be rescued… Now you can save them…”

There was helplessness in Thor’s eyes…

But he was still persuaded by the little raccoon.

Seduce Jane’s plan…

Let Fei Zhai Thor feel a little lack of self-confidence…

As a result, he still fled.

The little raccoon can only perform tasks by himself.


The spacecraft arrived, and the War Machine and Nebula landed here.

The Black Widow and Hawkeye went to Vormir.(Read more @

Gears of War and Nebula are ready to ambush Quill here.

They must be careful.

Because at this time, it is not just them who want to get the rough stone.

There is Thanos! Kamora!

And… Nebula himself…

Go back to Thanos’ spaceship.

However, when Thanos wants to send them to Ronan’s spacecraft.

The nebula in this time and space, called Nebula 2, suddenly felt…

Another stream of data.

She can synchronize to the data stream of Nebula 1!

“Damn! I ran into difficulties as soon as I came here!”

“No more! Look, Nebula and War Machine have been discovered! Doctor Green has been defeated, Thor flees…”

“This is a lot of trouble!”

“Yeshen’s design is simply too subtle! Everyone has encountered difficulties, I don’t know what kind of difficulties Yingyan will encounter!”

“It’s not through time and space, you can know everything!”

“Traveling back to the past is not so simple!”

“Those novels are all deceptive, and they can skyrocket through traversal. In fact, where is it so simple?!”

“Passing through will cause other irreversible changes!”

“Think carefully!”

Iron Man sneaked into the Stark Tower quietly.

At this time, the New York war had come to an end.

A group of superheroes caught Loki.

Stark also secretly complained about Captain China’s butt.

Next, the people of the Aegis commando took over Loki’s scepter, which is the soul gem.

Stark 2 took the Rubik’s Cube.

Ant-Man took the opportunity to fall on him.

Just as Stark 1 was preparing to act, Jarvis’s voice sounded.


There was doubt in his voice.

Hearing this voice, Stark 1 stopped, “Jarvis…”

“It’s me, sir, there are two of you in the building at this time…”

“I know.” Stark’s mood is a bit complicated.

“Both… are real you…”

“Yes it is……”

“This…” Rao is a supercomputer! Super artificial intelligence, at this time Jarvis feels a bit stunned.

“In order to save the universe, I came through time and space.”

“you’re old……”

“Jarvis…thank you…”

“no need thank me?”

At this time, Stark 1 has jumped out of the window.

Thank you for your contribution…

Because the Aegis Commando and the superhero team carry Loki Scepter and Cosmic Cube respectively.

Captain China 1 went to the Aegis assault team first.

Enter the elevator.

The Aegis commando team was dumbfounded.

Didn’t you just see it above?

Why suddenly…appeared here? !

“Captain, didn’t you go to command the search and rescue?”

“The plan has changed…”

Everyone greeted him.

The Aegis Commando is the team that has cooperated with him the most.

Although the opponent is a Hydra!

At this time, in the entire elevator, except for the captain, are all Hydras!

Captain China 1 knows.

“I just received a call from the secretary general, now I’m here to take over the scepter.” The captain saw the movements of several people.

Obviously I want to do something.

“Captain, I don’t understand.”

“There is intelligence that someone might steal the scepter.”

Captain China 1 lied and didn’t change his face.

Bald and Rumrow obviously didn’t believe it.

The bald head said, “I need to call the director.”

“There is no problem at all.” Captain China 1 was as calm as usual, and he clung to the bald ear and whispered: “Long live the Hydra…”

Although the sound is quite soft.

But everyone heard it.

Rumrow showed a suddenly realized expression.

I was full of shock.

Captain China is ours!

The elevator doors opened.

Captain China walked out carrying the box of Loki’s scepter. .

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