Chapter 598

“Fuck me! Fuck me!”

“I thought the elevator war would break out again!”

“It’s blinding my dog’s eyes! Is the captain so awesome!?”

“I’m not afraid of the captain’s armed forces, I’m afraid the captain is literate!~”

“One sentence is the world!”

“It’s cowhide!”

“Jarvis… Tony is really…”

“Tony has a soft heart, and Jarvis has done everything for the earth!”

“Yes, Jarvis was originally the number one artificial intelligence on earth! It turned out to be a phantom, protecting the earth, but in the end…”

“This is a hero!”

“I think the number one artificial intelligence on earth should be Dr. Zola!”

“I think it’s Jarvis, from the point of view of contribution…”

“Artificial intelligence is of course smarter than intelligence!”

The lens shifts to the next scene.

Thor 2 and Stark 2 are responsible for escorting Loki.

Stark, disguised as a security officer, had already been waiting for them at the front desk.

“Thumelina, get ready to act, I have seen the goal!”

Ant-Man hides in Stark 2’s hair and enters him.

It just so happened that the secretary-general was waiting.

There was a little conflict between the two sides.

Just in time, Ant-Man unplugged the energy link in Stark 2.

Suddenly pulled out and fell to the ground…

Stark calmly seemed to be not himself…

Ant-Man kicked the Rubik’s Cube to Stark 1, when Stark 1 was ready to leave.

Suddenly a giant rushed out of the stairs and knocked him directly into the air.

“I never want to take the stairs anymore!” Hulk was furious!

The Rubik’s Cube fell to Loki’s feet!

Taking advantage of the chaos, Loki took the Rubik’s Cube and opened the space door and ran away!

Thor 2 is treating Stark 2…

However, they found that both the box and Loki had disappeared…

mission failed……

And Captain China 1 who was carrying Rocky’s scepter just asked them about their situation, and he saw a very familiar person in front of him…

Wearing the same clothes as yourself…

Captain China 2!

“Oh my god, is this too ridiculous?”

The other party saw him and said to the communicator, “I found Loki, he is on the 14th floor!”

“I’m not Loki.” Captain China 1 put down the box in his hand.

This battle is inevitable!(Read more @

“I don’t want to hurt you either.”

However, Captain China 2 didn’t want to talk nonsense with him at all, as he came up to attack!


The shield meets the shield!

Beat yourself!

Both are melee masters.

“I can play with you all day!” Captain China 2 said.

Captain China, who was knocked to the ground, said helplessly, “I know, I know.”

The two scuffled together.

A pocket watch fell on Captain China 1.

The photo of Dr. Wen Rui is above.

“Why do you have this?!” Captain China 2 was taken aback.

Is Rocky so good now? !

The two sides scuffled, and Captain China 1 was locked in his throat.

“Wen Rui…Doctor, still…alive…” he said with difficulty.

Captain China 2 slowly released his hand, “What did you say?!”

However, Captain China 1 took the opportunity to counterattack.

Controlled the opponent with Loki’s scepter, and then took the thing and left.

Seeing the way I fell on the ground in the past…

Taking a look, “It’s really… buttock…”

The camera returns to the New York Temple.

Dr. Green slept on the side, as if he was really just asleep.

The out-of-body Banner was aside, “Please. Really, I beg you.”

“I’m sorry, I can’t help you, Professor Bruce.” Gu Yi is determined and will not be moved easily.

“If I give you the gem of time to save the reality on your side, I will suffer an extinction here!”

Banner in the state of soul ran at small steps on the ground, “Please forgive me for taking the liberty, scientific theory should not support your statement!”

Gu Yi shook lightly, and a golden thread appeared in front of the two of them.

“The infinite rough stone creates the flow of time you feel, and one missing one means a diversion. This may benefit the reality on your side, but the situation on my side is not necessarily true.”

He flicked the gem of time, and a black stream of time split out.

“In this new branch of reality, the main weapon against the dark forces is lost.”

“Our world will be at stake, and life will be overwhelmed. So you tell me now, Doctor, can your theory stop this?”

0 ·Look for flowers····

Banner deserves to be the title of seven doctors, and said: “No, but we can eliminate it. Once we run out of these rough stones, we can return them to the original owner at the initial point in time!”

“So, from the perspective of time and space, in this original world, gems have never left.”

A gem was returned to the stream of time by Banner, and the black branch disappeared.

“Yes, but you missed one of the most important questions. You must survive if you want things to return to their original owners.”

Banner quickly promised: “We will! We will, I promise!”

“I can’t take the risk with one guarantee. The duty of the Supreme Mage is to guard the original stone of time.”

“Dr. Banner?” At this moment, the sword fairy leaped into the air, stepping on the flying sword under his feet.

. ……. …….

Gu Yi looked up at him.

“Long time no see, Master.”

Jian Xian greeted him.

“In the future, you will also come to borrow gems?” Gu Yi frowned.

A smile appeared on Jian Xian’s face, “Thank you Master for your accomplishment!”

“I gave you gems?” The Supreme Mage frowned and looked at the sword fairy.

“Yes, I…success!” Jian Xian said with a smile, “However, I failed in the end.”

“So you didn’t complete your task.” Gu Yi looked at him.

Jian Xian was awe-inspiring, bowed his head and said, “Sorry…”

“However, it was Dr. Jin who handed the Time Gem to Thanos!” Banner said.

“What did you say?” Gu Yi obviously didn’t see this layer.

“Dr. King, he handed over the time gem!”

“Voluntary?” Gu Yi asked.

“Yes it is.”


“How do I know?” Banner, who has been unable to get it, was a little anxious at this time, “Maybe he was wrong!”

“No…maybe I was wrong…” Gu Yi opened the eyes of Agomoto and handed over the gem of time.

“Dr. King is the best wizard among us.”

“So there must be a reason for him to do this!”

“I’m afraid you are right!”

“Thank you!”

Gu Yi looked at the two sword immortals, snapped his fingers, Dr. Green’s body flew over, and reintegrated with Banner, “Don’t let me down again, it’s up to you!” Factory.

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