Chapter 599

“In fact, I think Gu Yi is so powerful, how could he die?!”

“He should be affected too much by Domam, knowing that he can no longer perform this duty!”

“I feel that he deliberately gave the position of Supreme Mage to Dr. Jin!”

“His trust in Dr. King is so strong!”

“This kind of feeling, if someone trusts me so much, that would be great!”

“Official Tucao is really deadly!”

“Killing me!”

“Captain China’s hip…hahahaha!”

“Tucao twice in a row!”

“Haha, I even complain about myself!”

Because of the particularity of the nebula, the two nebulae have been synchronized in memory network.

Thanos has discovered the existence of another nebula through the Ebony Maw!

And know where she is!


They read the memory of Nebula.

Knowing all the plans is also understood by the Thanos of this universe!

“This is over!”

“It’s horrible!?”

“It’s exposed! They will face one again…”

There was a commotion in the theater.


Tor, who was secretly following his mother, was discovered by Friga.

Thor, who saw his mother again, felt a little at a loss.

However, a mother’s intuition quickly discovered that this was a Xibei goods.

“Have you suffered a lot in the future?” Friga saw the difference in Thor’s state.

“I never said that I came from the future.”

Thor forced his composure.

“I was brought up by a witch, child. I can see more than the surface…”

Thor, exhausted, could no longer pretend that nothing happened.

Tears of collapse slipped down.

“I, I am Thor from the future!”

He choked.

“I’m right.” Frigga looked at the future son distressedly.

“I really want to talk to you…” Thor was like a kid.

She hugged her son, knowing that he must have endured a lot to become like this.

“I cut off his head, the head is here, the body is over there. What’s the use of the single? I still failed, and I just stood there like a fool with an axe.”

“You are not stupid.” Frigga comforted him. “Didn’t you come here? Ask the wisest person in Asgard for help.”


“You are not stupid, but you did fail. It means you are like everyone else.”

“I shouldn’t be like everyone else, am I?”

“Everyone will experience failure in the process of finding themselves, Thor. The measure of a person, or a hero, is whether they can succeed in achieving themselves!”

“I miss you so much, mom!”


“I have something to tell you, mother!”

“No! You don’t need to tell me! Son, what you want to save is your own future, not mine!”

“But it has to do with your future.”

“none of my business!”(Read more @

Friga is like a wise woman.

Do not!

She is a wise woman.

A person who is willing to accept all destiny.

At this time, the successful little raccoon has arrived.

When I saw Friga, I recognized it at a glance.

“Hey, you must be Thor’s mother.” He said immediately after saying hello, “I got it, let’s go!”

Thor was a little bit reluctant. “I wish we had more time.”

“That’s enough! Go ahead and complete the mission you are destined to accomplish!” Frigga sorted his clothes like an ordinary mother.

“I love you, mother.”

“I love you too!”

“Remember to eat more vegetables…” Frigga said.

Before leaving, he took the Quake from this world.

After he got it, he was overjoyed, “I still deserve this!”

“Goodbye, mom…”

Realistic gems succeed!

“This section is really touching!”

“Everyone will experience failure…”

“What a wise woman!”

“Yes, such a woman is worthy of Odin, right?!”

“I am also very touched, she should know everything!”

“If she wants to, she can completely change her own destiny!”

“It will also change the timeline…”

“It’s so touching!”

Magic star.

The place where Xingjue Quill played for the first time.

Brother Chao walked in here briskly.

This is where the Guardians of the Galaxy begins!

This time, it was completely different.

The difference lies in.

Hidden here are two people waiting for him!

Those who ambush him!

“Is he a fool?!” War Machine was speechless.

“Yes.” Nebula also nodded.

In desperation, the War Machine stunned Quill, and Nebula took the key.

In the end, even though the war machine felt that there might be traps in such a temple, it got the power gem without any danger.

The power gem succeeded!

However, in the process of transmission,

Nebula suddenly had a problem.

She was not sent back!

And everything that happened here was known to Thanos in this time and space.

Everything I experienced!

Completed his destiny!

But also lost his life…

Ebony Maw tried to kill Nebula, but was stopped by Thanos.

Nebula 1 also knows the situation here.

She rushed back to the spaceship, trying to inform everyone who lost.

Thanos has taken the lead.

new York.

Captain China, who had succeeded, returned to the agreed place.

Saw Stark and Ant-Man in a car covered with gravel.

They both failed!

More than that, they changed the timeline.

Loki took the Cosmos Cube and escaped…

This has undoubtedly changed history and created a new timeline at the same time!

this means……

The universe they are in now is not the past, but another parallel universe!

“Something went wrong…”

Because everyone has only one chance.

Because there are not many Pim particles.

Therefore, this failure means that they will never have a chance again…

Moreover, there is a universe Rubik’s Cube!

The Cosmic Cube in this world has been taken away by Loki!

Unless they can find Loki and snatch it back from him!

However, no one knows where Loki has gone now!

This is where the problem is most serious!

In the theater, everyone was very anxious.

Although they know, this problem may eventually be solved.

But this process…

This is too tormenting, right? !

“What to do?! Now the universe cube is lost! And Thanos knows, they will definitely fight over!”

“Does it mean that the plot of “Avengers 3″ will be advanced?”

“so horrible……”.

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