Chapter 600

Everyone thought of the fear of being dominated by Thanos!

Such a frightening scene is still fresh in the memory!

Half of the population of the universe has disappeared!

Even, no one is an opponent of Thanos!

So many superheroes died!

So many people died!

And now…

He has found it!

The Stark mission failed, causing great danger!

Even, a new timeline has been born…

And without the space gems in the Cosmos Rubik’s Cube, it is even more desperate.

They don’t even have weapons to fight Thanos!

While Ant-Man and Captain China were discussing, Stark suddenly thought of something.

He suddenly said: “I thought of another way, which can not only rebuild the Rubik’s Cube, but also add new Pim particles!”

“Let’s take a few more steps on the way of memory, military base, back to New Jersey!”

Captain China frowned, “What is the specific time when the two things were there?”

that era.

Stark has risen, and S.H.I.E.L.D. has been established.

Moreover, Dr. Pim also happened to be from that era!

He also joined SHIELD.

01  even one of the founders!

“It was there for a while! I have this vague impression.”

“How vague is it?!” Captain China asked.

He is a Chinese and does not know about this SHIELD.

Ant-Man looked dumbfounded, “What are you talking about? Where are we going?”

“I know, they must be there!” Stark is categorical.

“Who are they?” Ant-Man asked.

But no one ignored him.

“What are we going to do now?”

“And I know why I know…”

“Hey, brothers, what are you talking about?” Ant-Man was confused.

The two talked like a riddle.

I don’t understand at all.

“Well, it seems we are going to improvise this time!” Captain China nodded.

“What do you improvise?” Ant-Man still didn’t understand, Captain China had already handed him Loki’s scepter, “You take it back.”

“ready to go……”

“What’s in New Jersey?”

The two are already at the right time.

Ant-Man also kept asking questions.

“Captain, listen to me, if you fail to do this, you will never come back!”

Ant-Man warned them cautiously.

“Thank you for your encouragement, Little Ant.” Stark was also a little nervous and looked at the captain, “Do you believe me?”

“I believe!”

“Order it!”

“set off!”

Ant-Man is dumbfounded…

They just left?

And with the Loki Scepter, he obviously couldn’t be willful.

New Jersey.

In 1970.

Stark and Captain China walked into the military base in such a big way.(Read more @

Has a super high technology Stark far beyond this era.

Easily entered the secret base.

Stark called Zhou Kai a doctor.

A Chinese doctor…

That era was normal.

After entering the secret base, he easily got the Cosmos Rubik’s Cube.

But it happened to meet Howard Stark who came to find someone…

The two even chatted for a while.

Seeing his father, Stark was a little lost.

The two talked whatever they wanted.

And Zhou Kai also sneaked into Dr. Pim’s laboratory.

As Pim, who is also a Chinese, his infiltration is also very smooth.

And found the Pim particle smoothly…

And there are quite a few.

The two Stark who were chatting easily walked out of the laboratory.

Secret base…

The two even discussed how to be a father.

However, they were still exposed.

When I heard Howard said, “Although my child has not been born yet, I am willing to do everything for him.”

Stark’s inner defense was defeated.

But he still didn’t say anything sensibly.

Even if…

He knew that one day his father and mother would…

“Thank you…for your contribution to this country…” Stark embraced his father.

Finally left…

Thanos’ spaceship.

Nebula 1 has been exposed and was severely beaten by Nebula 2, taking away different marks from her body.

Nebula 2 took away the Pim particles from Nebula 1.

Things gradually became clear…


Black Widow and Hawkeye come together.

There will be the last soul gem here.

The red skull guarding here showed them the way.

Exchange your favorite thing for the soul stone…

This is a setting already known in “Avengers 3”.

All the fans became nervous.

Give up the love…

Soul stone, or, beloved…

This is an eternal transaction.

“at all costs……”

“at all costs……”

The two said this sentence at the same time.

The thought of sacrifice surged in both people’s hearts.


Not necessarily lovers…

Also, the most important partner…

The two rushed to death.

Use every means.

Hawkeye let the Black Widow go first, and then brought her down.

However, the Black Widow knocked him down with a weapon.

Hawkeye blew up the black widow with an arrow, but when she jumped out of the cliff, she was caught by the black widow and fastened the safety rope.

Hawkeye caught the black widow.

He tried hard to pull her up.

The black widow smiled and looked up, “Let go…”

Hawkeye almost collapsed, “No, please, don’t…”

“You still have family… it’s okay!” The black widow stomped on the wall and jumped into the abyss…

The soul gem appeared from the mountain…

Soul gem…at hand…

When the moment of crossing comes, everyone travels through quantum space together…

Among the huge space-time machines.

“Have you got the rough?!” Stark asked.

“We succeeded!” War Machine is very excited!

Only Hawkeye, kneeled down.

Everyone saw his anomaly.

Also saw…

Natasha disappeared.

“Hawkeye, where is Natasha?” Dr. Green said nervously.

Hawkeye was silent for a while, but everyone knew the answer!

The joy of getting the original stone disappeared.

Artificial lake.

All the superheroes gather together.

They were mourning for Natasha.

“Does she have a family?” Stark asked.

“Yes, we are.”

“What?!” Thor came over, “Don’t look like she is dead! We are the Avengers! We have infinite gems now! As long as there are gems, we can bring her back!”

Everyone is silent…

“Really? Captain, we are the Avengers, cheer up!”

“She can’t come back…” Hawkeye whispered, “Irreversible…”.

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