Chapter 601

“You are just a mortal!”

Thor was furious. “We are talking about cosmic magic!”

“I know! I don’t know anything! The red-faced floating man said that this process is irreversible. You take your hammer to find him!”

Chen Ao was very excited all over.

“The one going to die should be me…”

“She died for a broken stone, and she changed it back…”

Dr. Green’s emotions could not be controlled.

The blood is boiling.

The figure has soared a lot, and he threw a stone stool directly into the artificial lake.

The stone stool shattered in midair.

He jumped into the lake, and after a while, he became Dr. Green wet all over.

“She can’t come back… we can’t live up to all this…”

“We won’t…”

For six gems.

The little raccoon, Stark, and Dr. Green teamed up and only survived one glove.

“The gloves are ready, but who will snap this finger?”

Thor stood up, “Let me come!”

I had a big belly and my belly was shaking when I walked over.

“No no no no!”

“and many more!”

“what did you say?!”


Everyone joined forces to stop him.

“Tor, don’t worry, we are still discussing.” Captain China said quickly.

“Aren’t we just watching? Just watching can’t bring everyone back.” Thor said.

“I am the strongest avenger, this is my responsibility.” Thor said seriously, “and also my duty!”

“Let me do it, let me have a chance to do something right…” Thor blamed himself in his heart.

If he cut off Thanos’ head with the last cut, things wouldn’t be like this…

He almost begged.

“This glove brings together the earth-shattering energy of the six infinite rough stones born in the universe, and your current physical condition is very poor.”

Stark said.

“Do you know what is running in my blood?” Thor said.

“Cheese sauce?” War Machine spit out.

“It’s lightning! Lightning. 々!”

“Lightning can’t help you either…”

Dr. Green said: “I still have to come. You see Thanos end, he almost died. You can’t hold it.”

“Are you sure you can resist?”

Dr. Green took up his gloves. “I’m not sure, but the main release of the rough stone is gamma rays, just like I was destined to do it…”

at this time.

Nebula came to the space-time shuttle.

She untied the bandage on her hand.

She is not Nebula 1!

It’s Nebula 2!

“let’s start!”

It has been decided here, and it will be carried out by Dr. Green.

“You only need to bring back the people who disappeared five years ago… Don’t change anything five years ago…”


Everyone became nervous.


Fully guarded!

“Friday, start the protection system!”

The entire Avengers base has opened its defenses!

“Everyone, come back!”

Dr. Green put on his gloves.

The moment he just put it on, all kinds of energies converged and began to flow on his arm.


Dr. Green suddenly fell to his knees!(Read more @

And this time.

The Hulk’s entire arm has been scalded like magma!


He struggled and snapped his fingers.


The whole person fell to the ground…

The arm completely lost consciousness!

Hawkeye kicked away the fallen glove.

Stark quickly cooled him down.

“Did you succeed?” Dr. Green asked nervously.

“I don’t know, not sure yet!”

The defense system opens.

Ant-Man walked out of this room.

The birds are flying above the trees.

Hawkeye’s phone lit up.

It’s my sister…


Everything is successful!

“Everyone, I think we succeeded!”

Ant-Man has not had time to be happy.

Dr. Green, lying on the ground, has seen a huge spaceship in the sky…

Countless missiles flew in.

Destroy the Avengers base instantly!


The entire base was destroyed!

All the superheroes are buried underground.

“Damn! Thanos is really here!”

“F*ck! This is too…”

“Thanksgiving is so cruel! This is to destroy the entire Avengers Alliance!”

“Damn! This Thanos is a bit different from the previous one!”

“This is even more ruthless!”

“Now the earth will suffer again!”

“The Avengers will not have been destroyed?!”

“Isn’t it? They are so fierce…”

“It shouldn’t be!”

“Come on! This time, we must win!”

“This time, I have a chance to win! Because the Infinite Glove is on our side!”

“`. With a snap of your fingers, Thanos will be finished!”

Everyone rescued themselves.

Hawkeye found the Infinite Gloves.

But saw the Cherita star people killed.

Turn around and run.

Among the spaceships in the sky, a blue light descended, and Thanos was here!

Among the ruins.

Nebula 2 came to Thanos.

“If this is the future, very good!”

“They didn’t doubt it at all.”

“The arrogant person will never doubt!”

“Go, find the rough stone and bring it to me…”

“What are you going to do?”


Nebula 2 led the way.

Camora watched the tragic scene in the sky.

Turn around and return to the cabin.

Nebula 1 is imprisoned here.

“Tell me, in the future, what’s going on between us?” Camora asked.

“I tried to kill you, but in the end, we became friends and real sisters…” Kamo stretched out.

“Come on, we can stop him!”

(Get Zhao Zhao)…

Among the ruins.

Iron Man took Captain China’s shield and found the Captain.

“If you lose it again, this shield will belong to me in the future!”

“what’s the situation?”

“This is the consequence of our traveling through time and space, there is no way to escape!”

The two stood up.

Out of the ruins.

Thor stood on the ruins, looking at Thanos in the distance.

“What is he doing?”

“did nothing!”

Thanos just sat in place.

Around him are his weapons and helmets.

“Where is the original stone now?”

“Somewhere below.”

“I know, they haven’t got it yet.”

“Then let him never get it!”

“You know it’s a trap, right?”

“I know! But I don’t care!”

“Well, as long as we all work together.”

The Big Three of Avengers watch Thanos…

The thunder and lightning flickered, the dark cloud was overwhelming, and the war was about to start…

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