“Master, our army is already eager to try, whether to immediately dispatch to suppress these ants.”

Luo Tian said murderously.

Hundreds of thousands of plane invasions?

So what!

Neither anyone present thought that they would lose, only how long it would take to solve the battle.

You must know that they have six detached people here, including strong people at the peak of detached people, and they also have many dimensional warriors, as well as an invincible master (Daozun, brother), hundreds of thousands of plane invasions?

Easy to solve!

Don’t say that hundreds of thousands of faces, even if it is the enemy of the entire heavens and realms, Li Xiu’s apprentices and servants do not have any fear, as long as Li Xiu is there, they have the confidence to face any enemy!

This is not their confidence in their own strength, but their confidence in Li Xiu, their confidence in their master (brother, Daozun), they believe that as long as there is a master (brother, Daozun), any so-called crisis can only be easily broken!

“No need, our people don’t need to come out first, let the earth race go to war first, they have been cultivating for so long, I believe that they have been eager for war for a long time, temper and temper them first, and then let our people quickly solve the battle when needed.”

Li Xiu said lightly.

The final reckoning time is getting closer and closer, as long as Hongjun and them leave from the Heavenly Peaks, I believe that the Armageddon will almost begin, so it is also time for the power of the Earth Terrans to leap again.

There is no doubt that war is always the place where progress is the most, so the best way to improve the strength of the Earth Terrans is to bask in the flames of war!

In this way, you can also make another huge leap forward for your exchange point, and have more cards and power for Armageddon, so why not have the best of both worlds.

“Yes, Master.”

List the heavens in response.

“The earth cannot be used as a battlefield, Dao Venerable, you go and move the plane passage to the depths of the universe, and use the depths of the universe as the battlefield of the great war.”

Li Xiu knocked on the table.

Although the earth’s current space level is stable, it is not stable to the extent that the heavens will not be destroyed, God knows if the earth is broken, it will not affect Meng’er’s sleep, in order to transfer the battlefield to the universe just in case, the crystal wall of the origin universe plane is indestructible, and there is no need to worry about breaking the universe.

“Yes, Daozun.”

Dao Zun said respectfully.

With the strength of the peak of the Dao Venerable Transcendent, it was naturally just a breeze to transfer the plane channel, and it could be done easily without any difficulty.


A ripple swept by, and Dao Zun stepped out and left from the garden.

In the next second, a loud noise sounded from the earth, the whole earth began to shake, and the fierce and domineering knife intent swept the entire earth.

“What’s going on?”

“Has the enemy arrived?”

“What a terrifying coercion, hiss…”

“It seems that I can’t beat it.”

The face of the Earth Terran changed, and everyone began to drums in their hearts when they felt the supreme sword intent.

Suddenly, with just a few efforts, everyone found that the plane passage that originally shrouded the earth had disappeared, and there was no trace of where it went.


Black question mark face.

What is this situation?

The Earth Terrans looked confused.

Isn’t it invading?

How the plane channel disappeared.

“Yang Jian.”

In the garden, I saw that the plane passage had been transferred Li Xiu’s voice channel.


Yang Jian knelt on one knee.

“Go and inform the world, tell the Terran war is coming, and the battlefield Buddha-figures have helped them transfer to the universe, so that they don’t have to worry about the earth, let them speak if they want to fight, and you move those who want to participate in the war to the side of the plane passage deep in the universe.”

Li Xiudao.

“Yes, Master.”

Yang Jian led the order to leave.



Before everyone in the world could recover from the disappearance of the plane passage, suddenly, the golden lotus surged from the sky, endless auspicious rui filled the entire universe, a purple qi covered the entire earth, fairy music and music ups and downs, fairy flowers flew all over the sky, and one after another god-like figures walked out across the river of time, as if singing praises for a certain great shore-like existence.


The sky shook, the thunder was dense, the power of the rule dimension was extremely sublimated, and a huge phantom that covered the sky appeared above the earth.

“It’s Yang Jian God of War!”

“Erlang God!”

“It’s Jiro God!”

The identity of the phantom was immediately recognized by everyone on the earth, the peerless combat power of Yang Jian in that war was deeply reflected in everyone’s minds, although more than ten years have passed, but how can everyone in the world forget Yang Jian, for Yang Jian’s sudden appearance and remembering the plane passage that disappeared just now, everyone has a faint guess in their hearts.

“I am Yang Jian, I came to inform me on the order of my master Daozun, the enemy from the heavens and realms is about to invade the earth, the master feels that the earth will be destroyed, and he can’t bear that the earth becomes a battlefield has sent people to move the plane passage to the depths of the universe, this war will be launched in the depths of the universe, all living beings will meet the enemy, the Terrans, who will fight?”

The sound is like thunder, and like the sound of heaven and earth, deafening, straight into the heart, one after another golden lotus spilled heaven and earth, Dao incense flowed everywhere in heaven and earth, as Yang Jian’s voice fell, its phantom shadow gradually turned into nothingness and disappeared.

Blood boil!

The fighting spirit is awe-inspiring!

Everyone in the world was shocked, and their eyes were almost bloodshot.

Why are they cultivating so hard?

Why are they cultivating so crazy?

Isn’t it for today?

Isn’t it to protect the home and defend the country?

Isn’t it to protect their Terrans?

Now that the war begins, do you still need to choose, do you still need to hesitate?

Of course it is…




One after another roars resounded all over the earth, and the sounds made by all the races were enough to shake the clouds and shake the entire earth, the sound was like a drum roaring, and the whole earth began to shake.

Everyone in the world, all of them!

No one chose to back down!

It’s that both young and old choose to fight!

But now the earth does not have any real old people and young children, in the era of national cultivation, the strength of the old people is not weak, one by one they have a long life expectancy to die, just retain their appearance before cultivation, young children are the same, although young children, but now the heaven and earth are full of spiritual energy, and the children born to cultivators are generally more talented, which leads to many young children’s strength is higher than adults.

On the earth now, everyone can fight, everyone is like a dragon!


That’s a fight!

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